Getting in shape with Advocare
I’ve never been big, and I was blessed with pretty decent physical features, but like every female on this earth I have my insecurities. I’m still single so I want to feel and look my best in order to attract a mate. Wow, I just made it sound like I’m on a nature show.🙄
Anyway, since I’ve started my career it’s been harder to stay fit. Being a flight attendant is hard on the body and sleep patterns are, well… there are no sleep patterns. You just sleep when you can and usually feel exhausted. I don’t have time or energy to work out diligently 5 times a week anymore, so my body is no longer at its best. It’s not unnatractive by any means, I still think I have a nice body, but I want the slammin body that I used to have.
So I set out looking for a personal trainer/ nutritionists. They are EXPENSIVE. Eventually I found out through Facebook that an acquaintance of mine from high school IS a personal trainer/ health coach and her services through a company called Advocare costs way less. Advocare has health products made by doctors with all natural and non synthetic ingredients. They have even been mentioned on the Dr. Oz show and are used by many athletes.
I made the commitment to an 80 day program , and just finished the first step, which was a 10 day cleanse. 🙌🏻 I already feel great and notice some improvement in my mid section! It’s easy and hard at the same time. I feel more motivated because I spent the money and she keeps tabs on me, however, there are those times I have a crazy bad craving for chocolate or bread. BREAD. But I’m staying strong! I know that by this summer I’m going to be very pleased with my results. 😁 Alrighty Goodnight.