I was going to write more yesterday when I got home from work but I was in a mood. The mood has continued today and people have not been helping. I hate feeling like I am the only person doing my job. I feel like that lot at the store. I understand things get busy/boring/whatever but seriously? Do your effing job!!! Better yet, do your job and do it in a timely fashion. Don’t dawdle, don’t mosey, be there and do your job. ARGH!!!! It’s not hard.
I may end up leaving the store in the next few months anyway so I’m not sure if I want to bother trying at this point. Why? I love my job right? Wrong, I actually hate my job, I love most of the people I work with and I’d put up with a lot of shit to get to see those people. I love my technician job, I just dislike most of those people. But some of the management has come under fire recently and is under investigation (bullsh!t is all it is but it’s stuff they may lose their jobs over) and if they don’t come back soon (we find out Monday) then pretty much half of the store is going to be giving their 2 weeks. I’m being nice and staying through the season regardless because I like the discount and the holidays are coming up. But once the season is over I may end up leaving. I was contemplating it anyway but if we go through a managerial overhaul, than it is for certain that I’ll leave the store in February/March and go to the pharmacy 7 days. We’ll have to wait and see I guess.
I haven’t talked to Kale much in the last few days. I asked him how some of the house stuff was going yesterday but haven’t talked to him today. I don’t really miss him though so it’s okay I guess. So, I mentioned in my last entry that there are things he does (and doesn’t do) that really get on my nerves.
- He doesn’t ask how my day is. Seems simple right? You do it for complete strangers. I can’t think of one time when he has shown an interest in my day.
- He doesn’t ask me questions. Again, seems simple. But when I say this I mean the kinds of questions that might come up normally in information exchange like "Do you like this color? Oh, well what’s your favorite color? What would you like for dinner? Is that your favorite restaurant/type of food? Oh is that your favorite store to shop in? Is that the kind of car you’d like to have?" He doesn’t bother to get to know me! I feel like a piece of meat or something.
- He teases me. On purpose! He will do stuff that he knows can and will turn me on and do it knowing he isn’t going to finish. It has happened a few times now. That’s just mean!
- He doesn’t text/call regularly. He will respond readily if I contact him but rarely, if ever, does he initiate conversations. Half the time he does it’s to share news about the house. Which leads to…
- We only ever seem to talk about the house! I’m glad he got the house, it’s a big deal, I understand. But really? Is that all you can talk about? How about books or movies or other stuff? When we first started hanging out he almost gave me his life story, talking about his military career, high school, what brought him to our state (he is originally from Michigan). Now, all he ever wants to talk about is the house and if I try to initiate conversation, guess what I end up starting with? The house. I have NOTHING else to talk to him about! We don’t talk!
- I am not a priority. I understand we aren’t dating. But even so, this goes back to numbers 1, 2, and 4. Individually, not so bad, still something you could put up with just one or maybe 2 at a time. But all together? It’s basically like I’m an afterthought, which is not good even for friends! I have complete strangers who show more interest in me than he does. And sadly I am dead serious when I say that. o_O;;
So there we have it. A few of the reasons why I am so irked half the time over Kale.
In other news!
Dos’s older brother started working with us at the store. It’s CRAZY how similar they are. I don’t know if I mentioned Isaac before but he actually came and hung out with some of us one night. He’s a cool guy. Now that makes 3 of those brothers working at our store and it’s so funny to me because 2 of them are like copies of each other; they sound alike and act alike and look really similar too. But the third one looks, talks, and acts NOTHING like the other 2. But apparently he and their youngest brother are really alike that way too. (I’ve met their dad before and he’s who told me that.)
I mentioned confronting Doug a few entries back. I sent him a text today. I shouldn’t have, but I did. It basically said "I still want to make out with you. That’s all I ever wanted. I don’t want to date, I don’t want sex. I wanted to be your friend and that was it. Then you became a total jerk." Haven’t heard back from him. Don’t expect to in all honesty.
Contemplating going out tonight. I might still. I haven’t decided it. I don’t really have the money for it but I have a little over $100 in my one bank account right now, on top of the $40 I’ve continued to have squirreled away in my savings account. I don’t know what I’m going to do about the 2 different bank accounts now that one is going to get far more money on a regular basis. Maybe in a month or 2 (depending on the balance at my first bank) I’ll start splitting the paychecks between the two banks. I’m only concerned because my savings account is at the one where my store paycheck deposits and the pharmacy one is just a checking account. Like I said, we’ll see in a few months what the accounts are looking like and then make a decision.
Quinn may end up coming up next weekend. We kicked the idea around because I’m off next Saturday and I’d like to go to the Ren Fair again and he enjoys those kinds of things too. Kay can’t go. I really want to go and I won’t have a bill due that week, plus I’ve been good about not spending money and I’ll get my bonus 2 weeks after that PLUS I’ll have been full-time for that week at the pharmacy which means my paycheck the week after will be pretty sweet so I don’t have to worry so much about my bill that’s due on the 12th. Overall, it’s a pretty good time to go. But! We’ll see. I doubt very much that that’s what’s going to end up happening and if it does…well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. If it happens, it will be the longest amount of time we’ll have spent together since Valentine’s day. I don’t know. Guess we’ll see. Like I said, doubt it will happen.
I still have some other things I could talk about but I don’t much feel like it, plus I have some stuff I need to go and take care off tonight so I don’t forget or have to worry about it tomorrow (stupid Sunday hours, everyone closes early so I can’t get stuff done!) or Monday.