been pretty quiet

My life has been fairly quiet which is certainly a nice change.  It’s been busy as crap but fairly drama free.  Amazing what happens when you stop trying.  LOL  Hunter and I are pretty quietly settling into being just friends.  We’re ok for now.  We’re behaving and just testing the waters.

Things with rugby boy (aka Tucker) are actually progressing…maybe.  Little and one of my guy friends have been talking to him for me and today I actually took some initiative and sent him a message.  Very brave or very stupid, we’ll see I guess.

Last night was ball and it was so much fun!!!  I’m going to see about editing some of the pics and putting them up here.  In the meanwhile.  I really am only writing so that people know I’m still alive and kicking if not very freaking tired.  

And apparently I’m popular.  I have 2 different party invites tonight.  I was invited to a party at a Sister’s but then I also got invited to a frat party here in my complex by one of my friends, Quinn.  It’s supposed to be a rave party so that should be fun.  Not sure what I’m doing exactly yet but I will probably end up at the frat since I can walk to and from it.

Ok, little wants to have a TWILIGHT date tonight so I have to go and pick her up. : )

~*~*~Blessed Be~*~*~





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