…the hearts all over the world tonight…
So I’ve been rocking that Chris Brown song "With You". The roomie got me into it before break because she and her beau are oh so in love, it’s nauseating. ;p I do like the guy though, he’s a rare find in this day and age, a genuinely good guy with his head on his shoulders straight and dreams of his own. He’s got flaws like everyone else but who doesn’t? They go well together. : )
So I went out last night…didn’t plan on it since we didn’t get out of the store til 1am…I hate closing at midnight because it always ends up taking another hour to close the store. : So we were leaving a little before 1am and my phone buzzes with a text message from my friend Joyce asking if I want to hang out. She actually sent me the message at 6:30pm when I was at work and there are only two spots in the back room where anyone gets service and neither of them are easy to find. I just happened to stand in one of those spots while waiting on th manager and the others. So I texted her back saying sorry I was just getting off work. She was like that’s ok, do you want to come down to the bar for a little while? I haven’t seen Joyce in almost a year, since she moved to NC then moved back. We’ve talked constantly in that time but haven’t been able to actually see each other. So I debated for a little while and she messaged me saying that we could go to Ihop afterwards and split something. I was hooked. So I changed really quickly then headed to the bar which is only about 10 minutes away from my folk’s house anyway.
I got there and my friend Jeff was drunk…as usual for him. Joyce and I danced for the short time I was there before the bar closed. We ended up hanging out for another hour talking to the two really sexy looking bartenders and in that span it came out (to me at least) that Jeff thinks he might have gotten a girl pregnant!! Apparently he had sex with this woman and didn’t use a condom and she already has 4 kids so he’s panicking thinking he’ll be her next baby-daddy. The bartenders were giving him a hard time for and so was Joyce. I was just sitting there laughing basically. I can’t make fun of him for that. I can make fun of him for any other reason, but not something as potentially serious and life-changing as that. Nooooo. Just no.
But yeah. We ended up going out to Ihop and we were there until 4am. It was kind of worth it because I got to laugh my effing @ss off last night. And I mean really, gut-wrenching, my stomach and lungs and face were hurting I was laughing so much, laughs. It was great. And poor Jeff is just such a mess right now. He’s all depressed because he’s 28, still trying to get his teaching stuff straight and all, and now this. And I was talking about the bartenders and how one of them was really sexy. Then I was like "Jeff is cute, not sexy, he just doesn’t have that one quality that makes a guy full-out hot for me" He looked so hurt. I had to keep talking of course because I wasn’t done with my statement anyways. So I was like "Does that mean I’d sleep with the bartender? Eh. Would I sleep with Jeff? Eh. So you see hot or not doesn’t determine who I go to bed with. There’s a lot more to it than that. Plus the guys I think are hot tend to be a-holes anyway so really Jeff you just got a compliment. I said you were good-looking but you’re not an a-hole." We started laughing and Jeff was like Ok, I feel a little better.
Oh well. I guess I need to go and get dressed for work. I’m sitting here half-dressed. I only made it into my undies before deciding I needed to OD a little bit to let everyone know I was alive…For the moment at least. I will be off about 7-ish tonight so I might be online then but I still have Christmas presents to wrap as well as more cookies to make… I haven’t done a single peanut-butter kiss cookie and they’ve already almost completely demolished the chocolate chip and the sugar and snickerdoodle cookies….plus my mom wants me to make cookie-cutter cookies. I don’t think that one is going to happen tonight. Maybe tomorrow though. We close at 6 so I should get out at 7pm tomorrow (I’m 1:30-Close tomorrow afternoon). Then again we have a huge list of things that are supposed to be done before we open Wednesday after Christmas…hanging new window dressings, some hard-marking and some new promo merch. ;p It better be Monday that’s all I can say because I want to be able to get out of there fairly early. I’m not too worried about finishing these cookies since really, who am I trying to impress with them? Only my family ever sees them. We didn’t have any Christmas parties this year and so far I don’t think we’ll have a New Year’s one. Still don’t know what we’re doing for New Year’s haha. Although I think I have an idea of who I want to kiss at midnight….O: )
*luv ya bunches*