
Prompt:  A song that "pumps" you up.  I was thinking of either posting Sandstorm by DaRude, but in the end I found that was less applicable than pretty much the entire album, "Damaged" by Razed in Black.  Ever since getting into the Industrial Scene years ago I heard RiB on an Industrial tribute to Metallica.  Until about ’05 Damaged was the only album I owned by them, and while it has more of a trance edge to it it still managed to have a very high BPM with a hard edge with the guitars and harshness of the dub.  Almost every weightlifting session I ever had was to that Album.  Though "Blush" is a "love" song, most of the album is about love and relationships (hence the warning of the title).




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February 7, 2010

Industrial music. <3

February 7, 2010

RYN: I doubt that the aromatic punks are still around. Also, that word may have been geographically-limited to the part of New York City where I grew up.

February 7, 2010

A song that pumps me up would include almost any quick-paced bluegrass number.

February 7, 2010

RYN: what with Captain Compost Heap and the Enchanted Upchucks, how could you NOT have gotten into it? HA! It’s awesome. 😛 Pretty cool song! ~♥~