And the randomness ensues.

After much "deliberation" I’ve determined that I’ve come to the right decision in my romantic interests.  The one young woman that I was persuing that was thinking of leaving her current BF for me, that was all a rather large mistake, she’s an infant in most regards, after feeling rather used for sex and unwanted and being told that she wasn’t the woman of her BFs dreams, she’s still with him.  That in no way impacts me, but it’s rather funny how infintile she is in regards to things, or seemingly shallow, or something like that.  So, I’m glad that I’m not with her.

A part of me may always wonder what it might have been like to be with her, but a larger and more rational part of me thinks it best that I never find out.  Otherwise I’m quite happy with the way things are going with current situations.

Can’t wait until I get paid Friday.  Sure, bills are due, rent is due, and I’ve got things that must be paid, but I need dice, The Real Ghostbusters show, glasses, and numerous other things, but I can’t wait to actually have food.  Nacho dogs, super spaghetti, etc.  It will be amazing.

 I need a new larger HD, the 130 gig that was in the computer isn’t large enough for the mp3s I’ve been accumulating.  But, that’s another paycheck away.

Everything is always another paycheck away.  I’m covering an extra shift this week, it’ll be nice. 

Hmm…what else is there?  Not much really, I’m tired of waking up at the ass crack of dawn every day, I know that much.  Which is odd considering I was told I was hired for second shift and this guy waltzes in and takes second shift right out from under me.  Balls to that.

That’s all I have to say about that, maybe one time when I have energy and am not strapped for time, etc, I’ll post a proper entry.


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April 29, 2009

just wanted to say that your picture is AWESOME. haha. women are horrible creatures (myself included). well maybe i just do not like most women. ugh. anywhoot. nacho dogs? that sounds interesting 🙂 take care. ~♥~