Terry Schiavo
Since this news story hit a few months ago I have been inspired to write a living will. I’ve downloaded a living will and need to fill it out to state my last wishes in case something like this happens to me. I have actually been hoping they remove the feeding tube and just let this person who obviously has no hope of recovery die. Now, 11 days later I’m thinking, what an inhumane way to allow someone to die. Starve them to death and dehydrate them for 2 weeks or more. I hope this case brings some attention to something that obviously needs to be addressed, assisted suicide. I wouldn’t want to be starved to death, but if I am in a persistant vegitative state such as Terry Shiavo, I would want to be put out of my misery. The family and friends of Terry are saying she is being “so verbal” now trying to say “save me” or “help me”. This woman is obviously in a persistant vegitative state and has no clue or control over her emotions or actions, although I do think it is inhumane to starve someone to death. I would like to stress, as I will in my will, that if assisted suicide is not legal in the event this situation happens to me, take my food and water away and let me starve to death. do not pray or protest for me, it means nothing to me.
http://www.terrisfight.org That site will correct the myth that she is in a vegetative state. Didn’t you hear about the young lady who was in a “vegetative” state for 20 years and woke up one morning to say hello to her mother?!? Her husband is the one to blame here, not Terri or her family. Please visit the site to get more familiar with her story, or visit my diary where I have an entry on this!
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Its funny that only family members are seeing her in this supposed state of movement and action. You’d think if this was really going on, her husband who has been there more than anyone else would have noticed this. It’s obvious they’re lying, and all the bleeding hearts are eating it up without question. Gullable fools… Later,
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I agree with you. People should be allowed to die when incapacitated if they had previously expressed a wish to do so. Withdrawal of treatment is inhumane, and I believe assisted suicide ought to be legal in such a situation.. I watched my aunt die of cancer, and let me tell you–had she asked for that, I’d have done it myself rather than let her suffer, and damn the legalities.
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