Random Update
got a good bonus last week, $625 after they hacked almost 50% in taxes. Got an iPod and been dumping music onto it. got all my mp3’s from the computer on it now putting cd’s on. got an adapter to play it in my car tonight but the sound quality isn’t that good so I may bring it back.
Something good came out of me blowing my transformer in my furnace. The electrician didn’t charge me, lives less than a mile from me, and I went and met his wife, 60 cats, 2 pot belly pigs, rabbit, horse,donkey parrot and duck on saturday which was my birthday. I agreed to come on saturdays for an hour or two and if nothing else spend time with the cats. I don’t mind helping to feed or a little cleaning but don’t want to do much messy stuff like cleaning up diareah from cats. They have a beautiful house and property with a lake and blue herrings, foxes and deer come around at night. I’m looking forward to saturdays now with my new friends and so glad I can do something to help animals. The animals she has are all rescued animals.
Thinking about Turkey boy a lot, wish he was gay. We have so much in common and I really enjoy his company. He is now talking about going back to Turkey in 2 months because he is sick of trying to find a job here, I hope he doesn’t go back, I will miss him.
got a wireless router hoooked up at home now, now I can use my laptop in the living room and it is awesome. laying on the couch now typing this.
got my plane ticket a couple weeks ago for Ft. Lauderdale. I leave on Jan 14th will spend a couple nights there then take a ferry to the bahama’s and stay with my cousin a few days and then either back to ft lauderdale or down to the keys for a few days, either way spending a day on south beach.
got the living room painted and rearranged, looks awesome. next is the bathroom. almost done reorganizing everything.
birds have been sitting on thier eggs, it has been two weeks today since I saw the first egg, should be a week or so before they hatch, I am so excited! three eggs in there last I looked.