“My life would be worthless without music”

The world I live in;
·         where we rip each other apart for our differences in politics;
·         where it’s ok to demean our President, and others, with racist commentary;
·         where it’s still ok to attempt to suppress women in the workplace and fight them over the control of their vagina;
·         where social programs to assist the elderly, the uninsured, the less fortunate, come under attack every four years;
·         where politicians make decisions to further their professional careers rather than the welfare of our country;
·         where children are killed and we fight over the politics of it;
·         where it’s ok to have a hate-filled Open Diary, declaring the right of “free-speech,” while showing intent on furthering the hate and divisiveness between individuals and political parties …
What am I doing to increase the love and healing in this world I live in?
Whatever it is, it is not enough.

The Orchestra of Instruments Recycled From Cateura

To view on YouTube click here  
God bless,


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December 15, 2012

Pelican – Thanks for your previous notes. I’d love to answer you directly but you are “friends only.”

December 15, 2012

People have gotten upset because I’m bringing up gun control now, but I’m doing it for the same reason I did several months ago when that theatre in Colorado was shot up, or when the Sikh Temple was shot up in Milwaukee, or when Virgina Tech was the site of the rampage. If we sit on our hands and do nothing, it will happen again. I don’t want it to happen again. I’m signing petitions, writing letters and attending rallies to fight for gun control everywhere and have been for years. People call me political, hateful and mean for posting gun control lectures less than 12 hours after the shooting, but it’s been 2072 days since the Virginia Tech shooting… how much longer should we wait to address the issue? Gun control is needed badly in the US, and everyone needs to shout their outrage now or nothing will happen. Okay?

December 15, 2012

Love and healing… definitely not enough of that going around.

December 15, 2012

NOW IS the time!

December 16, 2012

That’s pretty cool. Thanks for posting. I hate to throw things away. I’m always thinking someone else somewhere could have a use for it…. As for you other comments, well, I have nothing to add. It’s a sad state of affairs.

December 16, 2012

Saw this video posted on Facebook. So awesome that musical instruments are created from trash and sound pretty damn good.

December 16, 2012

Thanks for posting the video of the LandFillharmonic Orchestre!

December 17, 2012
December 23, 2012

ryn: hahahaha!! Nunzio!! You are the awesome. That made me giggle and thank you for sharing. I seriously I had no idea anal sex would make me want to squirt as well. I dunno why. I’ve just not reached that point which is so very strange for me since I always considered myself relatively free… Guess not? Well, there are some things to work on. 😀 You are so lovely. hahahaha!

December 23, 2012

ryn: thanks! but…uh…sorry, i can’t share those pics. if i regift those pics they’ll stop coming in and i’d be sad.

December 25, 2012

To quote a cliche: “Every little bit helps.” We all have the choice, each day, to be loving or fearful, to be hurting or healing – and our society is built on those choices. RYN: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Yes, more attention to mental health I’m sure would help in both your country and mine (Australia has a mental health system – or lack of system – very similar to that of the US.) I do wonder what percentage of those who kill in the US are mentally ill – but what is mentally ill? Is it a permanent or a sometime condition? Where is the line between mentally ill and just “odd”? (*Tom* has a post I found interesting about brothers in his neighbourhood who have many guns. How would those men be classified?) The basic differences I see between Australia and the US regarding guns are the density of gun ownership (mandated by law in Australia) and the belief/lack of belief that owning a gun gives protection. Oh, and the rate of homicide by gun.

December 29, 2012

“What am I doing to increase the love and healing in this world I live in?” <– I feel like that’s the most beautiful way to approach the world right now. ryn;; That’s my husband! ♥ & you know, his Epic Beard, which is like its own entity at this point.

December 31, 2012

RYN – I do appreciate all of your notes. I appreciate the time and thought you put into them, and sometimes it isn’t what I want to hear, but I think always what I need to hear, or at least a very honest perspective. ~I’ll be

December 31, 2012

Though we don’t pay even rent, him paying rent at all helps me out because he moved in to my place. So I am saving $200 bucks a month that I wasn’t before. The problem is that I don’t NEED that help because I was doing fine on my own, so it’s easy for me to let it slide when I know that he’s strapped for cash. ~I’ll be

December 31, 2012

When he moved in he didn’t have a car payment. His car began acting up right after he moved in and he either needed to pay somewhere around $1000 or more to get it fixed, and he decided to just get a new car that got better gas mileage. So now he also has a $300 car payment that he didn’t have a year ago. And he’s making less money. It’s just tricky. But I do thank you, keep ’em coming! ~I’ll be

January 9, 2013

Mid december your last post. I hope you write again soon. Yeah, they have plenty of sheltered areas to pup, and I would like to see small kids playing there again. I don’t think they will tho.

January 9, 2013

That film is magic….thanks so much for posting it.

January 11, 2013

It’ll never be enough if others don’t join you.

January 13, 2013

this is a very beautiful and poignant entry, Nunzio… i, too, don’t think i’m doing enough, and i’m not quite sure anymore what i can do.

January 17, 2013

ryn: Somewhere out there is a video of a low flyby between an aircraft carrier and a small boy – I think the F-14 was dragging an F/A-18 at flight deck level. We set our altimeters to make the flight deck read 60 feet. At five bills 60 feet doesn’t feel very high – you go into lizard vision with one eye glued on the radalt.

January 18, 2013

I don’t know what enough is, but I do spend a great portion of my digital reach discussing the evolution of love and the slow extinction of hate. I do believe that as the evolutionary gap between those who love and those who fight is growing. The fear that creates for those who cling to prejudices and hates only serves to widen the gap. And just like all evolutionary happenings, eventually those who cannot evolve, become extinct. The polarization we are seeing out there, and the peaceful global movement under several names (OWS, Idle No More, Unify, etc) for social and environmental care over profit, prejudice and control continues to grow are strong indicators it is happening. And it’s happening right now. I hope more and more people let go of their fears and evolve. For those who won’t, so long. Say hello to the dinosaurs and the dodo birds.

January 23, 2013

Ive been asking myself the same thing. M.

January 24, 2013

“I learned from your page on FetLife that he’s 13 years older, mid 30’s, and he still acts like a frat boy?” Wait, what? ~I’ll be

January 25, 2013

ryn: At 5’9″ she is no spinner! I think the official cutoff is 5’0″ tops – but I would have to consult my copy of the CVW-17 “Arachnids at Play”, of which I have the very last printed copy!

January 25, 2013

RYN – No I understood what you meant without all the extra words, but I don’t have a page on FetLife…He’s not 13 years older than me and in his mid 30’s. ~I’ll be

January 28, 2013

ryn: you bought that copper teapot thing for $76?! lol. that thing must hold a lot of olive oil. I only vaguely remember the owner using it to put olive oil on the pizzas.

February 9, 2013

You increase the love and healing in the world in your notes, sugar = )

February 12, 2013

ryn: yeah.. “interesting” indeed. That advice is definitely for the *minority* of rape–the kind that society accepts. I saw that going around on FB too and every time I add information to it. More *accurate* information. It’s not that the advice is bad. It’s good for general safety like not being robbed, too. But the problem is that it doesn’t address most rape situations like “hey if you feel

February 12, 2013

uncomfortable around someone you trust? Listen to your gut.” that is the BIGGEST one. ALWAYS remember the people you love and trust COULD harm you. It’s not to be paranoid but to be honest. Or to remember, other people’s intentions are not always the same as yours. or, don’t excuse behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if you can’t explain it. THAT would be WAY more beneficial to

February 12, 2013

protecting oneself from being raped than the info on the front page. *sigh*

February 13, 2013

(April ^ is commenting about this diarist’s entry: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D944587&entry=10104 )

February 18, 2013

🙂 Thank you Nunzio. Oddly enough, I was thinking of you a few days back and wondering how you are doing and remembering some of the fantastic notes you have previously left me. Somehow you always hit the mark. And there you go an do it again. Still…I might have to wait a while until I’ve got over the embarassment of that last bit. 😉

February 23, 2013

.RYN: Thanks for the note. Nope he was out of town at a convention, he said when he finally returned our call. We just wanted to rent one for two conventions….we don’t care who made it. Now we can roll through Comic Con in comfort. 🙂

March 3, 2013

This is beautiful. Beyond amazing!

March 7, 2013

ryn~mmmm, don’t know. I made a few edits but the title is the same…anxious for the next segment? What do you think happens next?

March 10, 2013

This music and those people are a piece of heaven on earth. Wow wow wow!

March 10, 2013

RYN: Thanks for your note. Your reply was very understanding and well-said. Take care.

March 17, 2013

I miss your writing entries. just fyi. and I always delight in your notes. just fyi too.

April 7, 2013

ryn: There was a segment in that show with a guy with all manner of illegal exotic animals. My uncle had a stuffed baby croc when I was a kid – the thing scared the crap out of me!

April 30, 2013

RYN – The funny thing is, before I posted that entry I had a line in there about how his argument would be something like, “Well you didn’t text me either…” and turn it around on me, but I took it out for some reason. I guess I didn’t want to put words in his mouth, but apparently we all know what he would be thinking… ~I’ll be

May 25, 2013
May 25, 2013

RYN: So absolutely true. That’s why I didn’t attack her personally, really; just used her note as an example to show what I’m unwilling to put up with. I’m not even terribly stressed about it; just enforcing diary decorum. 🙂 Thank you for insight, as always.

May 29, 2013

RYN: How the hell were you not on my friends list? Rectified. There’s another entry that explains a little bit more, but no. It did not go well.

June 2, 2013

RYN: I did! [colder] admonished me, too. ::sheepish::

June 3, 2013

RYN: Oh, I have no intention on going a year. I know I won’t last that long. But I will last until I’m ready. How did you know about my penchant for lumberjacks? 😉

June 3, 2013

RYN: Yes. Hallefuckinlujah, yes.

June 3, 2013

RYN: That gives me a lot to think about. I’ll sleep on it. Goodnight. <3

June 6, 2013

Just love you.

June 6, 2013

RYN: You *are* on my friend’s list. Your name is familiar. I may have read you/exchanged a note or two a while back? Either way, lucky you! 🙂

August 8, 2013

ryn: i saw you when i went through the list of names and added you when i first joined. people keep saying “It’s not the site, it’s the community that I’m loyal to!” but I want to shake them until they realize this is a chance to pick the community up and move it someplace that isn’t always under water.

August 11, 2013

RYN: You are relentless. :p Nope, those are just pics I like.

August 25, 2013

Thank you for the link. You are awesome.

August 27, 2013

RYN: No, sir. You are appreciated. Thank you, sincerely.

September 6, 2013

ryn: Hah! One of the characters asked MLP (Nancy) “Who you looking at with those crazy eyes?”

September 20, 2013

ryn: It’s a great book. I think King has gotten to the point where it doesn’t matter if he gets paid or not.

September 8, 2020

Weird. Your diary is here, but you aren’t.