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September 29, 2010

Hell, I’m behind the curve – I don’t even know what ‘plurk’ is. And I f’king hate twitters. The clue is in the name as far as I’m concerned. xx

September 29, 2010

oversharing. right. who cares?

September 29, 2010

haha, easy enough to avoid if you don’t want to participate though!

September 29, 2010

I kind of like it. I’m not an oversharer either. I rarely post more than once a week. But since all of my friends and family are on the opposite side of the country, I find some comfort in knowing the silly, little things they do throughout the day. It helps me miss them less.

September 29, 2010

Ahh … Sophe, ya got me!

September 29, 2010

love this. i actually ate a ball of wasabi saturday trying to get it to clear things up. didn’t budge a thing.

September 29, 2010

Yep, why somebody thinks their baby throwing up on the carpet is worthy news is beyond me

September 29, 2010

I’m with Sophe on this… but I see your point as well lol and I completely rocked my turkey and cheese, ice tea and rice krispie treat lunch.

September 29, 2010

ah, Sophe. ‘Tis true. It does help me miss them less, too. personally, I like sharing 🙂 I don’t care about sharing my lunch menu.. but i like to share bits of kid wisdom. or a beautiful thing I just saw (last week I saw the moon beaming over the sun in the morning fog. it was unbelievable!).. It is not the same thing as stepping out into your neighborhood with a megaphone. People on FB or Twitter CHOOSE to inform themselves on that sort of thing. The neighbors do not.

September 29, 2010

🙂 /curtsy I will add that there are a lot of really obnoxious people on my friends list but Facebook has thought of this so instead of having to remove them from my friends list (because they are actually friends) I can just hide their ridiculous onslaught of farm game notifications or all their posts altogether. Therefore, I love Facebook. It connects me to people that I may not have time to stay in touch with through other means. This includes my mother. She and I have talked more since she opened a FB account than we have since I moved out at 18.

September 29, 2010

that’s funny. BTW- We rocked grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner.

September 29, 2010

I like Facebook, but like Sophie, I hide those “friends” whose inaneness irritates me.FB has been very useful in promoting the wildlife center.

September 29, 2010

So ah Nunz, is that you dude?

September 29, 2010

That guy in the picture above? Nope! Hell, I’m a hunert an ten! Dat youngster is only 25 – 30! 😉

September 29, 2010

Facebook and Twitter…GAG. I don’t like all that many people all that much and sure as hell don’t care to share my personal life with the world.

September 30, 2010

Still shaking my head. And how funny that you made an entry about the very postings that annoy, etc, to remind us of how annoying they can be. 😉

September 30, 2010

How exciting.

September 30, 2010

I think it depends on what you are sharing. When people are starting to tell me they are sitting in front of the TV picking their nose, THAT’S where I draw the line LOL.

September 30, 2010

I have to agree with Sophe. I like text messages and facebook status updates because it’s like my loved ones are near me and can glimpse one tiny little bit of my day. It helps us all stay in touch. And much like OD, sometimes it helps us find folks with whom we have things in common. So… boo to you, Nunzio. Boo, I say. LOL.

September 30, 2010

Plus that guy in the pic is hot!!!

September 30, 2010

*laughs at Sheet Music*

September 30, 2010

Man, I was totally rocking fiesta chicken tonight, but since I only socially network on the diary I couldn’t keep you up to speed! Sorry!

October 1, 2010

ugh. i agree! i have a facebook that i rarely ever look at because there are so many updates that are pretty much, “i’m going to the toilet now,” then “i’m back!” and i quit twitter two years ago.

October 1, 2010

ryn: On my way, in a virtual way! The white queen, I call the 21yo stripper the white queen.

October 6, 2010

RYN: Thanks, Nunzio. 🙂

October 9, 2010

RYN: Haha! Thanks. 🙂

October 15, 2010

It’s all fodder with tidbits of fun/information/life thrown in for good measure. When we stop trying ot be witty, poetic, ‘deeeeeep’ we get to see the real people, their real lives, their real existence and this, I think, is where we shrink the world and become less autonomous and less alone. While I may not care what you had for lunch, I may want the recipe someday, and though it maynot matter to the world at large my day sucks because my pet passed away, it will matter to someone, and I won’t be alone in my sorrow. Sometimes that’s all we really need or want from life – recognition that we aren’t alone even if we are sitting alone in a room.

October 21, 2010


October 22, 2010

RYN: Thanks. I am almost positive Bruce will not take any of those notes to heart, choosing instead to stick to the sycophants who crowd like puppies at his virtual teat. Still, a guy can hope that he’ll get his shit together, right?

October 22, 2010

RYN: Thanks for your note about my note on the DMÂ’s entry. There have been outages and everyone up in the air many times before and it hasnÂ’t opened his eyes yet. I doubt anything will change and just donÂ’t expect it to. Like I said, there has never been customer service on OD and I donÂ’t expect it to start! Cold day in hell ya know?

October 22, 2010

Hey, I know this is an old entry but this brings back some funny childhood memories of the retarded kid that lived down the block. He didn’t have a megaphone but he DID announce everything he did – including number two! Haha!

October 25, 2010

ryn: I apologize for the delay in responding to your note, I was out of town for a long weekend. I’ve read the entry you linked me to a few times before, during other moments of inadequacy from our illustrious Master, and it still boggles my mind why something so simple is so difficult to grasp. You have to love all the notes that call us babies for caring, though… that’s just effing awesome.

October 27, 2010

r: Thank you

November 4, 2010

Well I have to announce..I am a Facebook Whore! 🙂 End of status message! 🙂

November 5, 2010

haha I love that site.

November 7, 2010

Thank you

November 14, 2010

Hey there. Thanks for the note. I have been searching Google like crazy this weekend. I think its nasty. I mean I maybe a slob but not a dirty slob yano? I do do my laundry and clean up just not like a normal person lolol Anyway thanks for the note. I’ll check the links out have a good day 🙂

November 14, 2010

ryn: mmmmm baby you say the sweetest things to me… lol yeah she is way too young to be sproting those major league yabbos and yet – the hooter fairy showed up early and with an extra helping.her mom was annoyed bc she left the house in a turtleneck. we all tell her to cover up and why, at 16, it is important that she does but she only giggles and trots out the v-necks

November 15, 2010

ryn:Thanks. Had a bit of “note regret” after I left it, but by that time it was too late.

November 15, 2010

ryn: You know it brothah.

November 16, 2010

I love Facebook. Twitter I tried twice, but I never could get into it. Facebook helped my offline social life again and for that I am grateful.

November 16, 2010

Your notes make me smile 🙂

November 16, 2010

You should see the nest lol Its gross.

November 17, 2010

r. why thank you 🙂 i’m glad you like!

November 20, 2010

Yet, here you are on the “open” diary showing your salad.

November 23, 2010

My face hurts from smiling so hard, and I had to pick up my laptop and show it to the people around me so they could know why I was laughing/attempting (and failing) to talk in the absurdly-high squeaky pitch that my voice reaches when I’m really happy about something. …I heart this picture. It agrees with me. Thank you for sharing 🙂

November 28, 2010

ryn: LOL TOTALLY would do it for the troops!! lol oh hell I’d just totally DO IT ; ) *kiss*

December 1, 2010

oh yum. grilled cheese and soup!;)

December 4, 2010

Interesting. I’ve had accounts on all the “in” sites – My Space, Facebook, Twitter (because that was the only way I could input to Kvetch), Live Journal, Diaryland and some I’m sure you’ve never heard of, deleted them and ended up back here – – – again. I’ve even had my own web sites and deleted them. Random (again, I think)