Mr. King, Mr. Obama, a word with you? – Revisited

(I just wanted to bring this to the top again, in view of last night’s State of the Union address, to elicit any comments. Do you have any?)


(Edit 01/20/2009 @ 12:03 PM Eastern.)

It is DONE!

At this moment in history, noon Eastern US time on January 20, 2009, One Hundred and Forty years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, a black man, a good man, is President of the United States of America!
A dream finally realized! A leader delivered to the helm or our redirection.
Thank you God and congratulations to us!

First – Thank you Mr. King!
… and all those who came before you, and since you, who made it possible for this man to appear now. Your work, your contribution was not in vain.

Second – Welcome Mr. Obama.
It may be that your presence means we’re done with our long troubled past, or maybe, we’re just at the begining of the end. However, I’ve lived long enough to be cynical of politics and politicians. I’ve heard the promises and seen the cosmetic beauty of your predecessors, most of them believable in their giddy zeal, but soon, the dark side of our humanness breaks the surface of my little pond.
However, you sir, you seem different, somehow … someway.

On a personal level, I like the way you look at your wife, the way you reach for her hand. When walking, the gentle placement of your palm to the small of her back.

I like the kindness I see in your eyes and your demeanor of respect and quiet power when speaking to others. When interviewed, allowing the last syllable of the last word in the last sentence to fall away to silence before you start your response.

In what little I’ve seen of
your daughters, the adoration in their eyes as you fill their frame.
Classy, kind, confident, are descriptors that come to my mind.

Powerful? Yes, I think so. There seems to be a resoluteness about you, and an expectation that whoever is in front of you will do the right thing. A steady gaze, a demeanor of confidence, the absence of distracting body language; all these things lead me to interpret your essence as honest, genuine, and “powerful.”

You have managed to ignite hope, belief, and trust, and returned to us the confidence that the future will be better and I, like the rest of our country and the world, am heady with hope and enthusiasm.
We are hungry for honorable, capable leadership to fill the vacuum of the last several years; hungry to carry our heads high again without having to apologize to our International brethren for the errors and clumsiness of our recent past.

Yes, you look like the real deal to me …the right person at the right time in the right place …

but all love affairs begin that way.
And, I’ve had my heart broken before.
So, though I know you’ll never read these, my little comments, I wanted to say them to you anyway … and make this request.
Please sir …

Please don’t let me down.
In the name of your wife … your daughters and … us … we need you to be the honest man that leads us from the darkness, we need Diogenes to be wrong, we need to believe in you, to be proud of you … please don’t disappoint us.

Make us proud again …

make us proud.

God bless you and keep you safe, sir.

"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair
but manifestations of strength and resolution.” ~ Kahlil Gibran.



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January 18, 2009

This is a phenomenal entry.

January 18, 2009

Wonderful, and very well said 🙂

January 18, 2009

What a great entry! I believe you said it all, what we are all thinking and hoping. Thank you.

January 18, 2009

Hear, hear!

January 18, 2009

I hope for him. and I fear for him.

January 18, 2009


January 18, 2009

FABULOUS Entry. I think this is the beginning of an amazing 4 year run. 🙂

January 18, 2009

Thank you for feeling this way too, Nunz. It’s exactly what I was referring to in my OD survey. I feel precisely the same way about him. About “this.” I’m afraid to hope, but I do. I am. God bless him and keep him safe. God guide him in truth, justice and the “do unto others” way. He’s DIFFERENT. He’s SOOO different. Dare to dream. I am.

He does have a “calmness” about him doesn’t he? He has this way of making one feel safe…almost at peace. Reassuring. He’s a powerful man.

January 18, 2009

I feel the same way. He’s the man for the job. May God send him special guardian angels for him and his family.

January 18, 2009

i adore this entry. this is how i feel about him as well, but so much more well written than i could have ever came up with.

January 18, 2009

That’s my new Commander in Chief! I’m psyched.

January 18, 2009

And this I could not agree with you more. You have articulated ever single thing I have ever felt about this man. I hope I’m not disappointed in this presidents performance, I don’t want to regret voting for him.

January 18, 2009

I fear for this man. Because he just seems so very special. I read his autobiography and was inspired by it. What a wonderful change he will bring. I just hope to god(ess) that he survives his time in power.

January 18, 2009

Thank you for writing this. It says everything I would like to say too. And please God, please keep this man safe.

January 18, 2009

ps. I wanted to nominate this for reader’s choice….but I was beaten by Prinipassa Pollyana. It seems we all agree. This is an amazing entry.

January 18, 2009

How fitting is it that Obama will be inaugurated a day after MLK day, I am sure he is so proud of how far this country has come. It was not that long ago that a black person could not use the same facilities as a white person. When I was a child there were racial riots in the city I grew up in during the 60s. I remember them well. Makes me even prouder to be an American, hopefully soon there willbe a woman in the White House too!

January 19, 2009

Excellently said. You have written much of what I’ve been thinking.

January 19, 2009

Great entry. I feel the same way about him and hope he’s the real deal, too.

January 19, 2009

:::::crowd deafening applause:::::standing ovation:::: Here! Here! Yes Nunzio!!!

January 19, 2009

Beautifully written

January 19, 2009

Wow, this is a phenomenal entry. I couldn’t agree more.

January 19, 2009

Beautifully said.

January 19, 2009

Wow I couldn’t agree more. Great entry. 🙂

January 19, 2009

I like this entry….I didn’t vote for the man….But i hope and pray that He stays safe and is the right man for the President of the United States of America…. I am bound to stay behind the man….because he is the President ….I want to like him and feel that the best man got the job. I just didn’t feel that way about either man this time … So here is HOPING the every best for thenext 4 years…. and praying he does leader us out of this problems we are having …. Huggs…

January 19, 2009

This is beautiful. I hope you’re right.

January 19, 2009

Don’t worry, he’s going to do a fine job.

January 19, 2009

I LOVE this entry! Thank you for it!

January 19, 2009

Perfectly said darlin – perfect!

January 19, 2009

He looks like the right deal to many of us in other parts of the planet, too. Thank you for saying so eloquently what many of us worldwide feel.

I hope with you .. I hope its real … I hope the world might have one decent person in power, somewhere … just one IS hope. Where I live, what you fear is still unthinkable. Your fear, where your is national, sits so uncomfortably. What a tragic world where that fear was reported as fast as the election results. Lovely entry. ***HUGS***

January 20, 2009

The best entry from you, ever. Loevly and touching. Thank you.

January 20, 2009

Is that what you’re calling it these days? LOL.

January 20, 2009

Wow. Just wow. And Amen.

Excellent entry sir.

January 20, 2009

Well said!

January 20, 2009

far beyond the colour of his skin, although that is also something to celebrate, but far beyond this there seems to me to be something very very important in what you said: a GOOD man is finally President.

January 20, 2009

So well written. You captured all the feelings that I couldn’t quite express myself.

January 20, 2009

Yay!!!! *waves mini American flag* I’m wearing red, white and blue today!!!!

January 20, 2009

With his success comes our country’s success.

January 20, 2009

God bless President Obama!!!

“please don’t disappoint us” I think this might be his biggest challenge – the level of expectation on him must feel crushing.

January 20, 2009

Very good! =;p

January 20, 2009

I’m not even sure how I ended up on this page, but I’m very thankful I did. You did a wonderful job with this entry and you were able to put into words what so many of us are feeling. Thank you.

January 20, 2009

I hate to bore daddy but from the waist down I am not patriotic — black skirt and boots. But the top half is all decked out in double layer tank tops in red and blue and red necklace and blue earrings and a white blazer. And I smell WONDERFUL.

January 20, 2009

Yee Hah!!! 😉

January 20, 2009

this was an amazing entry.

January 20, 2009


January 20, 2009

Awesome entry! Thank you for so eloquently expressing my feelings that I have such difficulty putting into words.

January 20, 2009

Beautiful, heartfelt words.

January 20, 2009

Once only a dream; now a reality. What a very beautiful day this has been.

January 20, 2009

ahh.. i am teary.. it means SO .. MUCH that this man, this seemingly good man is president.. i.. am.. so excited.. 🙂 *wink*

January 20, 2009

Wow. Just…wow. Thank you.

January 20, 2009

hello. this is a great entry. thanks for keeping the hope up!! i am excited about our new president as well

January 20, 2009

Yes, I think this is how a lot of people see your new president – there is an air of goodness and capability about him. I was asking a friend’s six year old about Obama yesterday – had he heard what was special about the USA yesterday? His reply? ‘Yes, America has got a president with brown skin like me, and he’s going to save the world’ xx

January 20, 2009

This gave me chills. Thank you.

January 21, 2009


January 21, 2009

I have no words- because you said it all!

January 21, 2009

You are so lucky that made me smile. LOL.

January 22, 2009

I love this! Thank you! And thank you for the Youtube link. 🙂

January 22, 2009

I like his quiet, yet assertive personality.

January 23, 2009

ryn: damn, too late!!! i just got back.

January 24, 2009

RYN – Thank you… she was well-loved by him, I don’t one gets two of those men in a lifetime. This is a wonderful entry…. amen… amen.. .amen!

January 25, 2009

Thank You for this – it’s beautifully written, and if I may be so bold, says what is in my heart, as well. Bravo!

January 25, 2009

To: Mr. G.F. Your diary, a diary where no responses are allowed, is the cause your note here was made private. (“To read is all I ask. Therefore, no notes are welcomed here.”) Out of almost 10,000 notes, yours is the ONLY one I’ve ever privatized. A stage where ideas are presented without allowing responses is a bit too authoritarian for my taste. Talk about propaganda! What is itabout responses that you fear … a debate, God forbid?

January 26, 2009

And besides which…he ought not to be such a f*cking coward that he “won’t” say that to me if he feels that way! Why do I always have to be the GD brave one!? That’s all I’m sayin’ about your theory. Big effing rip if he’s too afraid to make himself vulnerable by saying it. He needs to BUCK THE F*CK UP.

January 26, 2009

Yeah, one note didn’t take. I said that I hadn’t considered that he was afraid to say it due to his fear of vulnerability (which I find just stupid) and I said that I’d think on that. That never even occurred to me! So I appreciate your pointing that out to me. Seems odd to me though, if that’s his reason for not saying it. 17 years and he’s still afraid of that with me? DUMB DUMB DUMB.

January 26, 2009

Stupid effing coward of a little boy… afraid of ME, who loves him more than anyone but his own mother! Boys are dumb, Nunz. If any men read this note, BE BRAVE! TELL HER HOW YOU REALLY FEEL!!! GOOD LORD, MAN — WHERE ARE YOUR TESTICLES?!!!!

January 26, 2009

Re your other note: plop it up here!!

January 26, 2009

amen. i couldn’t have said it any better myself!

January 28, 2009

Ryn: Yep, scallywags. Drunk, nasty scallywags they are.

January 30, 2009

Ryn: If I’d come over last night, you’d have listened to my bitchy mouth for three minutes before sending me off in a cab.

January 30, 2009

Well. That too.

January 31, 2009

Amen. Just…AMEN.

February 2, 2009

Did you read about how funny President Obama was at the Washington dinner recently? I love that he’s got a sense of humor and can laugh at himself. Love that about him. RYN: thank you! And you forgot to mention how cute I am and how much you enjoy looking at me being silly in the driveway. Come on!

February 3, 2009

Thank you for making that part of the note private. *rolls eyes* Great note! We’ll see what it generates…. *rubs hands together*

February 3, 2009

ryn: LOL!!! that’s what I’M sayin’..!!!

February 5, 2009

That’s what the entry is about! That I have learned NOT to let it hurt me. That I have chosen NOT to feel the pain. Exactly! And no, I won’t “kill you” for that. If you don’t gimme some of that M O N E Y, I may do you some damage though. HA HA HA HA! I marked you in a public note. *slaps knee*

February 5, 2009

ryn: grrrr!!! YEAH!!! *laughs* Yeah, how bout we work on my “daddy issues” *laughs* that link was HOT! why did you send it? Seemed random *laughs*

February 6, 2009

This brought tears to my eyes. It’s all true. Millions of us see hope for ourselves in this man. That’s a big challenge for anyone. ryn: The disgusting/odd questions I’m posing in my entries is from a “game” I found. It prompted hours and hours of fun.Kids and adults alike!

February 7, 2009

Added you to my Favs. Thanks for the visit, Nunzio. On CNN yesterday, John McCain said a few words about the trade deficit. That’s the only time I’ve heard the problem mentioned, and to me, that’s the main reason we’re in this economic mess. It has to be solved or most of those stimulus billions will wind up in Japan & China, leaving us with the jobless problem again and an even more enormous debt. It’s like another kind of cold war and we’re losing it…Willy,of

February 7, 2009

You need to write, mofo! That’s how this diary collective works! Don’t worry, if I get miss stripes I’ll find a way to get pictures.

February 8, 2009

You are amazing!!! WOOT WOOT FOR THIS ENTRY!

February 9, 2009

P.S. I tried to Reader’s Choice this but you’re already there. Great entry.

February 9, 2009
February 10, 2009

How many times do you need to hear about it? Doesn’t it get boring? Same old thing, every time. LOL.

February 11, 2009

ryn: Thank you for the flicker recommend. I used to use Snapfish, but it no longer works. Will try flicker. 🙂

February 11, 2009

ryn: most definitely. i think you’re right. i’d rather suffer heartbreak than deal with true commitment, which is much more terrifying…

February 11, 2009

ryn: it IS, isn’t it? i can’t commit. i just can’t.

February 11, 2009

RYN: LOL sounds perfect!

February 11, 2009

This is a beautiful entry. I really really think so. You are awesome in so many ways. HUGS

February 12, 2009

Bravo… RYN, RMN on RRH – lol! Nah, I don’t see you as 100% dog, but sometimes you do surprise me.. well.. I take that back. You surprise me all the time, in many ways.

February 12, 2009

ROTFL!!!!!!!! oh my god.. my cheeks hurt so bad.. I had to stop at one point.. because i couldn’t make sense of the words anymore.. oh my god.. tears.. tears.. are in my eyes.. ready to stream it was so funny… phew.. my god.. that reply couldn’t have been more perfect. wow.. i don’t even know what to say.. how unbelievably clever of you! *laughs* All my readers.. will thoroughly enjoy that tomorrow.. Nunzio.. you .. rock.

February 15, 2009

I love that second to last photo – a wonderful tribute to a man who truly has the weight of the world on his shoulders. here’s to hoping.

February 17, 2009

ryn: Yes, I am there with you on that. Only thing is there is ONE detective that handles auto theft, and he remembers me from my first call. They also have my call, plate info and such in the system. Here, you must sign an affidavit with the report…not going there. I attempted to call my daughter in missing this morning. Crossing my fingers on that one. Hopefully, I will get a contact from my local precinct who will be sympathetic. Don’t want to have to call in favors on this, but will if necessary. For now, I gots to go borrow me a lamborghini! Thanks for the help!

February 17, 2009

p.s. If the missing person thing doesn’t work, I will be calling the DMV. Thanks again! 😉

February 20, 2009

RYN: Absolutely right. I wouldn’t change what I have now for any of that other shit. That entry is just a brief moment in time, and a small piece of the puzzle. But why can’t I JUST HAVE IT ALL?!

February 23, 2009

You are SUCH a filthy disgusting and depraved pig! I love you man.

February 23, 2009

Very well said. Everyone has high hopes for him as President, but I think the Congress will most likely do the same old routines… It remains to be seen how good the policies are that he and they enact….

February 24, 2009

ryn: you posted an entry about having a sitemeter one time. i read lotsa entries and spend lotsa time in OD. i didn’t want your sitemeter tracking my obsession of the week if he was you. i could care less now though. sorry for the paranoia.

February 25, 2009

You are a dog. I’ve made mistakes before, and, what… I can make them again? LOL. *pencils you in after work*

February 25, 2009

ryn: LOL!!!! all i need to be is better than the wives. and i AM.

February 25, 2009

RYN: And this is why I love you.

February 25, 2009

ryn: i tend to shy away from sitemeters, not just yours personally. also, i never blocked you. i just removed you from my favorites. and since most of my entries are favorites only… i only recently realized that my entire diary was favorites only. i’ve changed that.

February 25, 2009

ryn: i tend to shy away from visible sitemeters. the invisible ones don’t bother me. weird, huh?

February 27, 2009

ryn: LOL! You make me laugh with how much you get into the Mr. H character. 🙂

February 27, 2009

ryn: 40 bucks?!?! you sell me short.

February 28, 2009

ryn: Yes…car was impounded on Tuesday., I found out on Wed. night, went on Thursday to Code Enforcement office, and picked up car on Friday. At least it is in one piece and no accidents, daughter safe (for now). Thank you again for your help. 🙂

March 3, 2009

Ryn: Really well. I love it. : )

March 3, 2009

You can only have both if you promise to do filthy things with the donut holes.

March 5, 2009

RYN – right, but she meant what I said; because the whole point was her saying that IF YOU POSE Like that it makes your ass look better. So she was saying that “my ass is not that voluptuous; but posing this way makes it look like it is.” She just didn’t put that last part in there.

March 5, 2009

And I just read this entry, and it’s really good. I love the pictures of him and Michelle. I love that they seem to really love and desire each other sexually. Look at that picture where he’s behind her whispering into her ear. That’s hot to me because I see desire on his face, and pure enjoyment on hers. I don’t know if I’ve ever noticed that with a presidential couple before. I hope they can keep on being that way.

March 9, 2009

Thank you, Nunzio.

March 10, 2009

ryn: you’re too much. but since you put such effort into the proposition, i’ll give it some thought.

March 13, 2009

Hi Nunzio, this is a beautiful entry. I especially love the next to last photo – there is a lot of love there. RYN: Your note is so amazing, not harsh at all. I have already read it 4x and will continue to. I do not need criticism right now, I need constructive commentary and your is definitely that. I feel like the bad one, the wrong one, and he and his daughter are the right ones, so for you to

March 13, 2009

…point out what you did, was an immense help to my esteem and emotion. I welcome those words, thank you.

March 13, 2009

RYN: I re-pasted them and made them public. This is EXACTLY the reason I wrote the entry that I did today. I know there are others like me, out there, and I want to help them as well. Thanks for setting me straight. Also, please continue to let your observations and comments come my way. thank you, Nunzio. BTW, is that you on your profile pic?

March 13, 2009

Ryn: It always comes down to “my stuff” don’t it? : )

March 13, 2009

RYN: ha ha ha! you kill me! that was really funny, silly man.

March 17, 2009

ryn: no i didn’t. i just made all those entries private.

March 18, 2009

You never write anymore. That makes me sad. The world does not need a sad OA.

March 21, 2009

ryn: I know what I must do. But the car…it’s so pretty!!! Not as pretty as the Benz, but it’s so pretty!!! LOL I will keep buying houses. Thank you for your sound words. You sure got that sharp business acumen going on! 🙂

March 23, 2009

ryn: I can only hope that he does, too..!!! -lewd grin-

March 24, 2009

Ryn: NO. He lives here, where I do, and have many friends in common. We know who one another are and when I see him, I’m telling him about it!

March 24, 2009

Am too fat. LOL.

March 26, 2009

ryn: i can walk…but barely. *winks*

April 4, 2009

ryn: mine, of course.

April 8, 2009

Well Goooooollllllllly!!!! It’s you! Where ya been, stranger?????

April 9, 2009

ryn: power of the pussy..?? *winks* meh. cut me some slack! really, i’m trying NOT to be clingy..!! :0P

April 17, 2009

RYN: ha ha ha! holding me to my promise? did I make a promise?? belieeeeeeeeeve ME, I want out of here, but I am not going without that form from the insurance. I need that form to file the car with the state of Georgia. Thanks Nunzio, FOR THE ADDED PRESSURE.

April 18, 2009

Awesome. I dont know how I missed this entry.

April 18, 2009

ryn…yes you do because you have been gone far too long.

April 21, 2009

As soon as you get over being a pussy and man up to it.

April 21, 2009

I’ve just been reading your notes on April’s diary and you are a dirty whore. Harrumph!!!

April 21, 2009

RYN: Why THANK you, Sweetness! ^ ^ It makes you want me more, doesn’t it? 😉

Impressed with him, and you.

RYN: I was going to reply to the thankyou note you left, and instead of hitting the reply button, I hit delete next to it. I’m so sorry. I accidentally did this to another diarist as well. I do appreciate your kind words and I’m sorry for any confusion that I caused.

April 25, 2009

A “black man”, you say. Did Dr. King not deplore the judgement of a person on the color of their skin? Obama may well be a “good man”, but more than that is required. I have searched in vain these many days for an action of his that I can say is up to the task.

April 25, 2009

^ ^ RYN: I am not sure I understand the tone of your note … If you are challenging me because I mention the color of our president’s skin; I fear you missed the context in which I mention it. I was making a statement of relief that finally, at last, “after One Hundred and Forty years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, a black man, a good man, is President of the United States of America!.” It was a statement of pride that finally, in his election to the land’s highest office, we have met our country’s promise of equality. As far as you “searching in vain, for an action of his that I can say is up to the task,” I do not hold ANY hope that I would be successful in pointing out to you the improvement of this President over the last, if you cannot readily see it on your own. I do thank you for your thoughts.

April 26, 2009

ryn And what might those improvements be?

April 29, 2009

ryn: sure. *shrugs* not like i listen anyway. :0P

April 30, 2009

Exactly. I KNOW all of this — it’s the very reason I am in counseling now — to LEARN to negotiate with him.

May 8, 2009

I wondered if anyone would notice how odd that seems. Yet no, he finished brushing his teeth just fine and shooed me away. Maybe I suck at it. No pun intended.

May 10, 2009

ryn: Good lord, I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body! 😉 Seriously, though, I think you’re right about me getting caught up in the mystery of the unknown. I recognize this and see it as yet another a BIG cue for me to slow down (as you’ve suggested before). Thank you for your frankness, as always. 🙂 xo,

May 11, 2009

LOL. Could be. But I’m tired of discussing my faults today. Can’t handle any more Red bashing today. LOL. I treated myself to my favorite taco pizza for lunch. The f*cking BASTARDS forgot the crumbled up doritos on top!!!! *grumble*

May 13, 2009

RYN: I’m damn glad I wasn’t married to you. 🙂

May 15, 2009

kiss my doppelganger ass. LOL. *goes to look up defintion of doppelganger*

May 16, 2009

RYN: No, no, no. I just privatized the entry is all. I’ll write about the entire story some time soon.

May 17, 2009

whoa.. you haven’t written an entry since January!!??? far too long! ryn: ha ha ha!! oh my god.. you silly, naughty man.. well it would be incredibly hot to take you up on your offer 😉 slut-cunt.. man is that amazing.. well done my friend.. well done.. *laughs*

May 28, 2009

Your note made me spit coffee onto my keyboard I laughed so hard. Gobbling of the cock? LOL. Yes. I think Husband’s progress is directly related to my gobbling of his cock. Go me! Thank you, Nunzio. Again.

May 28, 2009

And you may eat all the pink meat you wish. Just make sure it’s CLEAN pink meat.

June 1, 2009

Danny.. Daddy…. same thing. I could do that. LOL

June 2, 2009

*glances at watch* Is it later? *grin*

June 2, 2009

*blink* nuh uh.

June 4, 2009

You’re mine????!!! Oh goodie joy time, lucky me! *claps* What are you gonna do to me, Daddy? Don’t rape me! Whatever you do, don’t rape me!

June 6, 2009

ryn: LOL!!!! *administers CPR*

June 7, 2009

I’ve not been on her in MONTHS….and I finally decided to bite the bullet and come back from Face book long enough to see what you’ve been up to and I get THIS!?! The same damn entry that was here the last time I visited. ~hangs head~ I am soooo disappointed 🙁

June 8, 2009

Thank you so much for your words. Very, very nice of you to say. I shall add you too.

June 8, 2009

you buy it; i’ll model it.

June 9, 2009

ryn: put it on, take a pic, post a pic.

June 9, 2009

ryn: yes, you’re so spoiled. but i’m not spending a hundred bucks on a weasel either. so you’ll have to ogle my choices.

June 9, 2009

please leave the sarcasm at the door. you won’t get ridiculous responses if you don’t repeatedly make ridiculous requests.

June 17, 2009

RYN: No, it’s only bugs and tweety. But thank you, I will check out ebay. Fabric is a good idea. xoxo

June 18, 2009

rereading your notes. You are a filthy pig. LOL.

June 18, 2009

RYN ^^ I’m glad they bring you such pleasure! 😉

June 23, 2009

Damnit! You know all the tricks to keep me panting! Dawg!!! I’m feeling a little humble and a little proud and a lot scared. Be kind to me, Daddy.

July 13, 2009

RYN: I am QUITE unsure what any of those things have to do with the apocalypse (and my nipples are sadly, unpierced) but I DO think you may have something with the Angelina dress/flowing diaphanous idea. A totally different take than anything else I’ve thought of, but I LIKE. Hmmm. And PS, thank you. If I were a blusher, I’d be blushing right now.

July 14, 2009

Thank you! And last night when I got home and she’d found — SOMEWHERE BURIED IN A DRAWER — a blue ceramic trivet and placed it in my EARTH TONES kitchen, I grimaced ONLY to myself and let it stand. It’s just a trivet and it made her feel good, taking it from the drawer and putting it on my counter. *sigh* Blue… grumble grumble

July 22, 2009

ryn: Nunzio!! you. are. a. genius!! *muah* ha ha!!

July 28, 2009

ryns” Thanks, Budreau.

July 30, 2009

ryln: What, are you calling me pathological? Heh.

August 16, 2009

ryn: (1) he IS responsible for hurting my feelings as HE, not ME, was the one who shot ME down after I showed emotion. i WON’T be a fool again, trust me. fooled me once, shame on him; fooled me twice; shame on me. (2) see above why i won’t be expressing any emotion close to love. :0/ (3) when HE expresses emotion toward me, i’ll consider expressing emotion (again) with him. two way street, baby. he holds back, well then, so the hell do i. :0P

August 24, 2009

Nunzio.. dear.. i really wish you would write more. I’m just saying..

August 29, 2009

ryn: Thanks for that tip, brutha!

September 5, 2009

ryn: why thank you darlin – how kind of you to notice – so apparently I have to post cleavage to get you to visit an entry lol. so be it. and hello big daddy it has been FAR too long between entries of yours!

September 7, 2009

ryn: Well, thank you so much. Truth be known, I am cute at best, but sometimes take amazing pics. Is fun for me! BTW, I demand an entry! 😀

September 12, 2009

ryn: No, the NY was built in Avondale – part of the competitor.

September 13, 2009

A strange (private) note: “rynatBBTL: Please resist any urge you may ever have to address my notes, my comments, or anything having to do with me, ever, good or bad. OD doesn’t have a “I don’t ever want to see this person’s name,” but I think by mutual agreement, we can each pretend the other doesn’t exist. Kthxbai. [Kate] [p]” (I don’t have a CLUE who she is.)

September 13, 2009

Sure Kate! I don’t have a clue who you are, but sure … not a problem. Best wishes,

September 15, 2009

I just know that someday you are going to write again………perhaps you don’t know that I’m waiting patiently?

September 16, 2009

ryn: As long as my hair is blue, and I’m in a flower print dress (big flowers) and horn-rimmed glasses…it’s a go!

September 16, 2009

I have no doubt you are waiting to feel her warm breath and teeth sinking into your ass to motivate you to write……… however, I have concerns about your hands grasping handfuls of her hair……….I don’t see the pen hitting the paper here. 🙂

September 25, 2009


September 25, 2009

Well. That would work. And as soon as she’s 18 I can do that without contributing to the sexually delinquency of a minor.

October 3, 2009

Great entry!!!

October 6, 2009

ryn: hey.. mr. nunz… you promised to write an entry.. a while ago.. just sayin’ 😉

October 6, 2009

and ooooh lookin’ at this entry again.. that man.. so freakin’ sexy.. RAWR!!!! aaaah Michelle.. Michelle.. if you ever feel too tired to suck our president’s cock.. please, honey, call me.. i’m an expert and devoted cock connoisseur… *sigh* my god he’s sexy..

October 6, 2009

ryn: ha ha ha!!! ooOOOoooh.. we can talk about all my daddy issues, all you like.. just promise to bend me over your knee.. ha ha ha! 😀 what movie is that link from? I’ve not seen it. 🙁 sorry…

October 6, 2009

ryn: no it isn’t! i don’t believe you!!! Red said she didn’t even know what you looked like! or at least.. i thought she did..

October 7, 2009

Don’t think I haven’t thought of it, but the email filters are so goddman strict, I’d have to edit it down to gosh darns and love tunnels. Not worth it.

October 9, 2009

You believe that I had my mind made up about him before he was elected? That is absolute garbage. I was just as hopeful as the rest of America. I put so goddamn much hope in Obama it would stagger you. He has had my support and prayers from the beginning — he still does! You’re wrong if you think I had my mind made up about him before the election. You’re wrong, Nunzio.

October 9, 2009

Well I don’t necessarily disagree with the other part. My comment was about the cowardice of noters. The thing that irked me was their suggesting that I had already made up my mind before he was voted in. Stupid f*cking idiot, whoever it was. What’s really scary, Nunzio, is that that person BELIEVES they are correct, and I know that I am correct, so where does that leave us? All in the soup together. But holy Hell..someone suggests I’d made up my mind before he was elected? F*ck them.

October 12, 2009

If I played my little coy game with you in such a situation, would you let me off the hook without so much as a good night? LOL

October 13, 2009

God no. No pics! My little bunny is shivering and hiding right now, refusing to come out and play AT ALL after such an egregious assault!

October 14, 2009

Any woman who can wax balls for a living has some balls of steel herself. I cannot FATHOM how painful it is to have one’s balls waxed. I mean… Dear Mother of Christ.

October 21, 2009

That I am not kicking my own ass over it, IS PHENOMENAL. And telling. Very telling. Thanks, Nunz.

October 22, 2009

RYN: The little containers are peat discs. I bought them from the same place I got the seeds. They come in the mail dry and flat, like big silver dollars, but when you add water they fluff up. You place a couple of seeds on the top and cover them gently then in a few days you have little seedlings. When they get big enough to have leaves you transfer them to potting soil. I also bought a little plastic housing that works as a greenhouse. The whole thing was around $30, well worth it considering the variety of herbs it came with. I only planted 5 to start with: Chives, Basil, Oregano, Parsley and Thyme. And yes, the rocks do tumble 24/7 for a month. Once a week you stop them, rinse everything off and add a different grit. Just like with any polishing, each grit level makes them more shiny than the last. We’re trying to find out how to drill holes in them properly to turn a few of the better ones into jewelry pieces. I envision a nice chunky bangle when I see those red ones. It’s been fun so far. 🙂 And thanks for dropping in. You’ve been missed!

October 23, 2009

You’re hooked on my vajayjay and you know it, Horndog.

October 23, 2009

RYN: You wish. Animal. Jeeze.

October 23, 2009

Well I’d very much like for Husband to have had WET HANDS when he’s done having sex with me, in the least!

October 23, 2009

Silly man!!!

October 26, 2009

Thank you for the chuckle!!! Like Herpes wouldn’t keep you at bay. Give me a frickin’ break.

October 27, 2009

That was just mean.

October 27, 2009

Yeah right. Your point was well taken though. That either means I am just being passive aggressive to him by continuing to try to get him to feel empathy, or I foster some hope that he MAY learn empathy. I’m not sure which it is. I’m not sure at all. Until I learn, or he insists I stop doing it, I expect I’ll keep doing it. Hard being green, you know? Or Red.

October 30, 2009

hey big daddy – MISS YOU!!!! ~hugs~

November 5, 2009

thank you.

November 6, 2009

You better believe it, Buster! What are you gonna do with me when I’m REALLY healthy???!!!

November 6, 2009

By way of assurance to you, though it’s self-deprecating to me, I will never be healthy enough for you to want to discard me. I’ll see to it! LOL.

November 8, 2009

ryn: lol… Hey, I’m the first to admit I was in a cranky mood and yes, a whole lotta judgemental before that first date. 🙂 Oh God. I AM toast, aren’t I? F*ck! I knew I should have cancelled that first date. Too late now. Arghhhhhhhhhhh…

November 11, 2009

*LOL* I still don’t do the dispatch. I just help part them out. But, yeah… some fear would be good. *wink*

November 12, 2009

RYN: Both images are private. Are they work-safe?

November 20, 2009

I am trying, Nunz. I am trying.

November 24, 2009

LOL….done. Thank you sincerely for the feedback. I have a big monitor and it’s difficult to pick a universally readable font.

November 24, 2009

And yes….yes, I do. 😉

November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. Funzio. No, that’s not Fonzio…you are an unzio unto yourself. And definitely a fun one. 😉

November 26, 2009

Huh? It’s not my birthday. Oh, I get it, it’s YOUR birthday. 🙂

November 26, 2009

OH MY WORD. LMAO. I wasn’t drunk texting, I promise. I was sleep texting. (I suppose they are pretty close though.) Can’t believe I did that, Mr. Funzio. Is this one of those things that I will look back on and laugh about someday? Happy THANKSGIVING!!! And when it IS your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 😉

November 26, 2009

Oy. So I was sleep NOTING on the diary, and sleep TEXTING my kids and friends last night. I need a nap. Be good.

December 4, 2009

RYN: OMG, ask and you shall receive, dude!

December 4, 2009

RYN: Of course! All for YOU.

December 5, 2009

ryn: you’re really adorable. I know I exasperate you (not half as much as I exasperate myself), but I do love that story. It always makes me smile. Here’s my question: Why did Roger just let Elaine go so easily? What kind of man is that?

December 7, 2009

when I’m hormonal…?????? You’re a dead man. LOL.

December 12, 2009

Thanks for visiting Willy & Wilma’s free Saturday Morning Entertainment Magazine, Nunzio. It publishes gems of humor and whatever from our diary, email friends & other sources, with permission. Credit is given for what’s published. You are welcome to be one. So many gems are there that most of what comes in is already there. Willy of

December 29, 2009

I love Chinese food! I gobble up a helping and then go back for seconds. What is your point? LOL.

December 30, 2009

And you FORGOT to tell me how pretty I look in that picture!!!!

January 12, 2010

Man, you’ve pulled off a year without writing. WTFO?

January 13, 2010

ryn~What a blast from the past! Didn’t know you were still around. Glad you are because your note really hit home. Watch for my next entry.

January 14, 2010

ryn: “What The F*ck, Over?”

January 16, 2010

ryn~What page? give me the link

January 20, 2010

beautiful postive entry in reference to Obama it’s very nice to see

January 28, 2010

================= Marker =================

January 28, 2010

He is different. He won’t do all the things we dream of, but I do feel I can trust him to always act with integrity and the good of our nation in mind.

January 28, 2010

I didn’t see the speech and I am feeling sad that the Republicans will not let Mr Obama do his job once again!!! Partisan politics sucks!

January 28, 2010

*sigh* You’re such a fucking tease. I thought you wrote something new. BOO .. and a HISS to you, sir. With gobs of naughtiness of course. *grins*

January 28, 2010

It is at the very least disturbing that so much has been made of the election of a “person of color” to the Presidency. Would that it had also have been a person of quality. My greatest fear is that, after this, all men and women who may be viewed as “negroe” will be shunned as candidates for that high office. The left-leaning General Colin Powell would have been infinitely preferable. Condoleezza Rice could more easily have filled the bill as Commander-in-Chief. I, myself, have written in the name of Alan Keyes for that high honor. It is not about race. It is about foolishness.

January 28, 2010

regardless of how/what he chooses to do, his underlying integrity comes through. he will not do the ‘right’ thing for everyone; hell, there are people who will grouse about winning the lottery……but it’s his integrity that will come through…….and God knows, we need that now

January 28, 2010

I continue to think President Obama is “the real deal”. I continue to think he is capable of bringing about a change in the direction of this great nation of ours. Like a great ship on the water, the direction change cannot be instant. I would think his eyes have been opened as to how the government machinery works (or doesn’t work), and how resistant it can be to change. I still believe…

January 28, 2010

… and will continue to live my life in a way that I personally feel is loving and kind. I really liked this entry when you wrote it, and it still brings about that feeling of shared hope and connection. It’s still there. Some people are just very vocal in their lack of faith.

January 28, 2010

Damn!! Are you the original note whore, or what!?

January 28, 2010

So how are you feeling about him now? Has he disappointed you at all? Made you proud?

January 28, 2010


January 28, 2010


January 28, 2010

Wonderful entry about wonderful man!

January 28, 2010

Gave me chills!

January 28, 2010

I liked President Obama then, and I like him now. I thought the State of the Union last night was wonderful. I think President Obama has a tough road to travel and he will not be able to please everyone, but then, no president could ever please everybody. I still feel his is a man of honor and integrity and finally, someone believable is in the White House.

January 28, 2010

I think he is great.

January 29, 2010

THERE you are! ~hugs~

January 29, 2010

I don’t agree with obama, and I wouldn’t say he is good. To me he seems very selfish.

January 29, 2010

Welcome back, and again, great piece 🙂

February 4, 2010

Re your second note: Um… this is about ME. Why do you always make everything about YOU? ROFL. *wipes tears*

February 5, 2010

RYN: Now, why did I know you’d take that as an invitation for sex? Perhaps because you take a woman breathing as an invitation to sex? LOL!

February 5, 2010

RYN: ^ You misread my intent. I don’t want sex, I want the FOREPLAY! 😉

February 8, 2010

ryn: i did it myyyyyy waaaaaaayyyyy…. *dodges knife*

March 2, 2010

Thank you, Darling. R

March 18, 2010

Thank you, Dear Friend. I am terribly fond of you. R

March 24, 2010

Miss you, Tardo. R

March 24, 2010

Oh…you marked me!!!!! LOL

April 5, 2010

Thank you for your very positive and supportive note. It IS kind of fascinating when we really start acting out of intention rather than sleepwalking, isn’t it? Didn’t I note you way back when, and I was one of the few who supported our fearless leader DM? You don’t post many public entries, so hope life is treating you well, OD neighbor! 🙂

April 5, 2010

hmmm. It is coming back to me that I couldn’t figure you out. I remember being intrigued by your interests on your profile, and just not being able to get a “feel” for you. You are a good writer, and I recall a very compassionate note from you at a time when I was really down. God bless you, too, Nunzio.

April 6, 2010

ryn: yep, a little teasing is just fine. g’night, OD neighbor…

April 7, 2010

RYN: It looks to be true … Thanks Nunzio.

April 12, 2010

thanks for your notes. and i do realize that everything is colored through our own experiences. to be accurate, i am not offended by all erotic writing. i have had stories written to me, for me, and some writers here on OD have written their own pieces that are exciting and very graphic, but do not leave me with negative feelings, just hot and wanting. 🙂 guess we all have our preferences.

April 12, 2010

look forward to reading your thoughts in your next entry…

April 15, 2010

thanks for your note. it was a brief allowance of old panic and reactions, then a decision to CHOOSE, not react. interesting about the odd timing of both letters, out of the blue, there at the same time. hmmm. good morning, you over there to the west… 🙂

April 16, 2010

Funny you should mention that book. B had it when we were together; his wife had gotten it because their marriage was so difficult. He said it did not work with them. Lo and behold, it did not work with us either. I believe the principles of the book wholeheartedly, but both people must be ready (and more importantly emotionally able) to make changes in themselves.

April 16, 2010

Also, thanks for the reminder to let go of the false belief that I have to be “good enough” or people will leave me. Silly way that a child sees it. That sentence was in my illusions section–I think it is my biggest challenge to overcome. Being someone FOR people, which means up till now I don’t even have the ability to see the real me… Ah, mid life awakenings. Laughing. Awesome.

April 20, 2010

ryn: doh!

April 20, 2010

ryn: words are sometimes just so unwieldy. yes, i had read that entry not too long ago. just one of the many things that make you an enigma. i know it was my reaction. do you think it was ok for you to hear about how, given my experiences, i felt about your words? i take ownership of my reaction. like i said, was an opportunity to recognize and release. thanks for that. g’night now, you.

April 22, 2010

I’m curious as to how you feel about Mr. Obama now. I wonder what your performance evaluation would say.

April 22, 2010

Shouldn’t it be “whoyadoinlata”? 🙂

April 24, 2010

when oh when will mr nunzio write new words here? (and not that blathering on about spicy mexican food that he is prone to do…)

April 26, 2010

ryn: just sent off an email with the signed contract; yes, #3. and yes, you are exactly right about the commission. i came to my senses about that, and thankfully before i let any whiny accusatory words out to my agent. i was just being fearful of “my stuff” being “taken from me” “unfairly”. giggling and laughing… i DO like the way you think (MOST of the time) wait, i better take that back.

April 26, 2010

i can’t read your mind, so i have no idea what you think. i should amend that to say, i usually agree with the words you say. goofy guy from california… 😉

April 30, 2010

what the heck? look at all my notes to you… did you used to write regularly here, and why not anymore? who ARE you? geesh. do you try to live true, all the way? i think it is hard to be all the way truthful to self. once that gets to be habitual, the rest starts falling into place. eh?

July 22, 2010

I have carpal tunnel from scrolling down this note list. Good God. Great entry…I know he will do everything he can to help us all.