Hey Denver! (Mystery solved!)


Or more specifically…

Hey, someone in the Denver area with the IP address of through Comcast Cable…

What are you doing? 

In the last few days you’ve visited my diary for hours on end, visiting hundreds of pages1 and left nary a note.
I mean, I’m guessing you find my writing interesting enough to devote time to reading it but I really don’t know for sure. And with the recent security breach, well, I’m curious… naw, I guess I’m a little worried about this unusual reading pattern. How bout a brief note, private or otherwise, letting me know what you think, what you like, or whatever?

1 Thanks to Site Meter



TO: My Mystery Visitor
Aw, it was no bother. But I AM glad you came forward. If you hadn’t, my paranoia would have increased.
I was, like I said, a tad worried because I understood the security breach was caused by someone leaving invisible script in the diarist’s notes section and since MY password was one of the ones compromised and since my “mystery visitor’s” visits pre and postdated the breach, and with the time you devoted and number of pages you were viewing (yes it was hundreds, 237 to be exact) I thought that you might be the culprit and you were still at work.
Thanks for the nice words you offered about my writing. The subject, “All attack is based on fear,” is a favorite one of mine and one (as you’ve already observed) I frequently write about. It (fear/attack) seems to permeate our daily existence and be at the root of so much of our grief, that I’m glad my writing on the subject moved you and you found it useful.
As for the erotic writing, yes, another favorite but that subject is SO much fun to write about because it drives many of the women underground to private notes as they share the effect it had on them and their own similar erotic experiences… HA!
Anyway, welcome to my diary. I’m honored you find value in anything I write.
As requested, I’ll keep your identity private.
Best wishes, Nunzio


site meter

site meter

Log in to write a note
September 3, 2008

It’s prolly Obama. He was surfin during all those long speeches.

September 3, 2008
September 3, 2008
September 3, 2008

~giggles at DragonKat’s note~ good lord how could they read and NOT leave you a note…. ~purrs in Nunzios ear~

September 3, 2008

Oh, that was me. I keep my proxy server in Denver to throw off the nosybodies. (J/k. My proxy server is nowhere near Denver.)

September 3, 2008


September 3, 2008

I completely forgot that I too have a site meter.

September 3, 2008

paranoid much? 😉

September 3, 2008

Wow. someone is stalking you! I don’t blame them!

September 3, 2008

I wish I had time to stalk ya! I’m here in Denver *giggle*

September 3, 2008
September 3, 2008

i understand. mine was compromised, too. i guess i barely blinked, my od password is different from those on my “important” accounts. i’d already been through the fire drill that comes with guarding against identity theft. s’cool.

September 3, 2008

Glad your myster stalker came forward. How many times does your site meter say I’ve visited your entry Dee and the Woodsman? *slaps knee* *goes to reread Dee and the Woodsman*

September 3, 2008

I have a few newcomers read my entire diary. It’s very flattering. You haven’t written anything erotic in awhile. Then again, neither have I.

September 3, 2008

Gotta love SiteMeter!

September 3, 2008

Prolly liked the pictahs! LOL

September 3, 2008

I rather enjoyed De and the Woodman myself 😉

September 4, 2008

Your paranoia worries me. 🙂 Hey, does this mean we have to change our passwords now?! Since I’m rarely on here anymore, I missed the whole security breach. 🙂

September 5, 2008

I ought to do this. Mine was compromised to.

September 5, 2008

Those site meters are something arent they?

September 5, 2008


September 6, 2008

Oh, my. A mystery! Solved. Sigh. 🙂

September 6, 2008

hey there 🙂 thanks for the heads up on sammys pizza! now that DOES look good mmmmm..i love pizza. i’m also craving wings.. i’ll have to get some tonight… hmm looks like you have a fan 😉

September 7, 2008

I wish someone would have enough interest in my Diary to read a few hundred pages back ! 😉 but then, on some un-analyzed impulse, I’ve made most of it Private now. At some earlier stage I seem to remember Site Meter allowed one to refer back to the Diary concerned, not so now, just the geographic region. Can be frustrating sometimes.

September 7, 2008

mine was compromised too. and I’m fave only. most distressing.

September 7, 2008

Thanks for your note. I realize that entry is pretty raw, even *I* was a little offended by my language. But it is what it is. The next one explains where that came from. Enjoy your day! It’s a lovely, temperate, blue-sky day here. Gladdens the heart.

September 9, 2008

There will always be one person who doesn’t leave notes…unless you say something. 🙂 RYN: I can give you the side addy I got it off of, I didn’t post everything up from there on my OD. Just did it for this one guy… his name is in the title. 😀 S*G

September 9, 2008

RYNs: hahahahaha! Very funny! Thanks for the laugh. 🙂 You laid out perfectly the conundrum between men and women. We want what we want until we no longer want it. 😉

September 11, 2008

I’m guessing that Sitemeter software is quite useful then? I used to have something like that. Better switch it on again.

September 15, 2008

RYN: That’s why I called it literary license — I KNOW he wasn’t that cerebral about it. He was thinking “bitch in heat bitch in heat” all night. I know, I know!!! Trust me, Nunzio, you asshole, I KNOW. (See? I called you an asshole in a note — you can thank me later.)

September 18, 2008

ryn, ha!

September 23, 2008


September 25, 2008

OMG, are you trying to make me wet my skirt????? STOP THAT!!! You know how I love big bald authoritarian men! Holy crap…. Michael Chiklis…yes please. “Cuff me, Vic. I been baaaaadddddd.”

September 26, 2008

Jesus H., Mister…you just get filthier and filthier in my notes! You’re daring me to make them private, aren’t you???

October 7, 2008

So I’ve been reading a few of your entries and after reading this one thought I’d best leave a note, enjoying your entries. You are a naughty boy and I like it *grin*

November 22, 2008

Secret Admirers .. *sigh*