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“And the first step in evil is always to see the other person as being somehow fundamentally different than us.”

Pangea Day – Convert To Your Local Time


I wonder how many times I’ve done that with people? You know, never really saw or heard them, just judged them by bringing something up from my past to project on them.

It seems very, very difficult to see the world through someone else’s eyes.

I mean, we’re always saying how “they” hurt our feelings or “they” made us feel x or y. We blame “them” rather than take the step of self-responsibility … no?

Just the other day I, once again, rebuffed a homeless man asking me for money with the silent thought, “Get a job!”

My God!

Do I know his sorrow, his story of pain that drove him to the streets? No! Yet I judged him and didn’t take the time to see the world through his eyes.

Did I really think this guy is on the streets because he wants it and he’s trying to outsmart me by mooching money from me so he can enjoy himself without working?

Yes, at that moment, that’s what I thought … It’s not like I don’t know better, it’s the application of what I know that sometimes eludes me.

It works like a movie projector, I think; the lens of the projector representing our eyes, the film in the canister representing our thinking, our individual life experiences, our brain. 

We look out on to a scene or individual and instead of “seeing” them, we unknowingly project our own images, thoughts, memories, perceptions, on them, as a projector projects upon a movie screen, and then we sit there, watching our own movie, and behave as though we are seeing “Truth!”

In this unconscious, projecting state, I decided … just decided, that my views of the world were “accurate,” and yet I had no idea how I formed those views.

I was not “seeing” truth but instead, my perception of truth projected out upon the world. Really, all I’m “seeing” is a reflection of what’s going on inside me … my own movie!

All “projection” is negative; it is simply a means to attack or make someone wrong and you know, we make others wrong so we can be right and we just l-o-v-e to be right, don’t we?

When we get angry and attack someone, we are attempting to get rid of our own guilt or fear. Anger or attack has no basis other than fear residing in the attacker.

Look at how we hold our partners, our lovers, responsible for how we feel … it’s just damn ugly!

When I look back into my life, every time a problem came up, the problem came from my own selfish, fearful mind. It was created by self-cherishing thoughts.

I am convinced, in order to achieve true happiness; one must give up the narcotic of blame and embrace personal responsibility.

There is no one responsible for how we feel, other than us!  Not our lover … not our mother … just … us!

I owe it to me to step into the other person’s shoes, to see the world through their eyes.

That’s why, for me, it’s no coincidence that this event I’ve been alluding to, on Saturday May 10th, is occurring.

A bit about it …



In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it’s easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that — to help people see themselves in others — through the power of film.

On May 10, 2008 — Pangea Day — sites in Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro will be linked to produce a 4-hour program of powerful films, visionary speakers, and uplifting music. The program will be broadcast live to the world through the Internet, television, digital cinemas, and mobile phones.

Pangea is the name of

the original super-continent which contained all the world’s land mass before the continents started splitting apart 250 million years ago. We’re launching Pangea Day with the vision that the people of the world can begin to overcome their divisions, and that the power of film can help make it possible.

Movies can’t change the world. But the people who watch them can.

One of the short films:
A Pale Blue Dot
In 1990, Carl Sagan persuaded NASA to use the Voyager 1 spacecraft to take a photograph of the planet Earth from a distance of 4 billion miles. The result was simply arresting: a portrait of our home as a tiny, fragile speck of blue adrift in an unimaginably vast sea of space. In a commencement address for the public release of the photograph, astronomer Sagan offered these profound words:

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every ‘superstar,’ every ‘supreme leader,’ every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” 

On May 10, we want the whole world to be watching the Pangea Day program. Join an extraordinary community of people who are coming together to do just that by hosting an event.

Click here and plot your event on our map today! And check out our website for more information.  And, join our new YouTube group to discuss Pangea Day and share videos on May 10th!

You can watch or host a Pangea Day event in your home, school, town square, or wherever you want to gather your friends, family, and community.


How to watch. Where to watch … and why!   In person,   online,   on TV,   on your mobile phone


Pangea Day – Convert To Your Local Time

Will you have the time to join me?
God bless,

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you know I read your entries when they happen and I wonder to myself who are you? I wonder how I would know if I walked past you in a street? How many people do I miss in my travels who think deeply and care as you do? You never fail to inspire me and generate thought. Thank you. ***HUGS***

May 9, 2008

of COURSE I will join you = ) I will even bring cookies!! “..narcotic of blame..” that’s brilliant!! God bless YOU, dear Nunzio

I wonder if my kids schools know about this. Seems like a good thing to share. Art, after all, is an expression of both the inside and the ouside of the human condition, the heart and the soul. What better way to utilise such a thing than to try to connect us all – if only for a moment. Moments do have a way of compounding upon themselves.

May 9, 2008

just a lurker here… But OMG! I was tearing up reading this. What an amazing event. I will be sure to check out the website and read further into it. Thank you!

May 9, 2008


May 9, 2008

You are so right.

May 9, 2008

Fef your query about meaning of TSSB. It was my shorthand for The Star Spangled Banner. I’m sorry, man. I shouldn’t have been so lazy…… I shoulda spelled it out.

May 9, 2008

Fef above shoulda been Ref. Its evident. I need help.

May 9, 2008

See here’s the deal, I believe that to work is a privilege. It is something to aspire to and after not working a “job” for a number of years I can tell you I am extremely grateful for having a job now. So, yes, I guess I’d be the guy to have told the homeless dude, get a job. As a matter of fact I say this to anyone with their hand out.

May 9, 2008

Further, it’s not as though I don’t understand that for whatever reason people experience some sort of misfortune in their lives, or that for some physical or mental reason they can not work, I get that. I have a problem supporting those that continually find arguments as to why they can not work. I always feel as though I’m being played when I’m asked for money by someone on the street.

May 9, 2008

The world condition is another problem entirely. Frankly I’m burned out from listening to every major catastrophe, I realize it’s cold, and ungenerous of me to think that way. But why else do we have governments if not to react to these situations? So in answer to your question, no; I will not be joining you, I will be sound asleep from having worked a night shift at the hotel.

May 9, 2008

Thanks for your thoughts, Bernard.

May 9, 2008

I’m gutted that I can’t join you simply for logistical reasons – I’ll be with my parents that day, but I will be checking out YouTube right after. I have been telling my tutor group about this and showing them the vids. And thanks for the bit about listening properly. I seem to have become good at telling and so bad at listening since I became a teacher. Must change that.

May 9, 2008

ryn~I cannot count the number of times I have been sent these pictures! As I type this I have an 8 week squirrel climbing up and down my arm. She is rehabbing a lame foot. take care.

May 9, 2008

ryn~I never would have thought of it that way. Thanks!

May 9, 2008

This is a spectacular entry and that application of what I know is what I am working on daily. Thank you for all your wonderful thoughts shared here. I always look forward to seeing your name highlighted on my Favorites List. 🙂

May 9, 2008

So, I can ‘almost’ always appreciate people asking for donations as an opportunity to realize how rich I am, by giving of what I have so much more than enough of (in spite of rising bills for everything that I’m consciously trying to avoid allowing me to feel as though I don’t.) Sometimes I give them money and sometimes, like when I believe that it has become their corner, I don’t, but it is probably my loss more than theirs. Being different is the lesson of Adam and Eve though and how we lost the garden. It’s not good policy but it is what we are taught to believe and why the world looks so scary and we ‘believe’ in terr’ism and possessions and why we believe that other people can hurt us. Thanks for reminding me of this stuff. I am very happy that you do.

May 10, 2008

I’m sorry, but I think there are enough programs out there – enough volunteers – enough “come in and we’ll help you get on your feet” things, that giving a homeless person a few bucks only enables them to go get a drink, or a cigarette – or to keep begging for more. It doesnt teach anything and is merely a quick fix. I’d rather do something to HELP, not help get a quick high. Necessity is the mother of invention…or so we’ve been told. I know someone who ran a restaurant and every time someone begged him for money, he’d hand them his business card and told them to stop in and he’d give them a job. Not ONE of them ever did.

May 10, 2008

Im there and enjoying every minute of this. I do want to make a statement toward a few of your other notes. I was homeless at one time myself. I was with my ex-husband and 2 children. I was scared and thinking that I didnt want to be one of “those” people. What I found out instead was there was stories behind a lot of “those” people. There were reasons why they were where they were… JUST LIKEI HAD A REASON! Its amazing how much differently you are treated when you are homeless. People say, Yeah, go get a job but did you ever try to get a job when you had to leave the phone # of the homeless shelter you live in as a contact #? That is a big reason that most of the people dont get hired or feel less inclined to try and find work in fear of rejection from the people who claim they will hire them. I finally got a job by leaving a phone # to a pay phone and manned it 24/7 until they called me. 99% of homeless people want help but are just too ashamed to ask for it and go deeper. They would rather beg on a corner than try and get a job because maybe they dont have a change of clothes, maybe they dont have a place to shower. OK Im blithering. Im sorry. Happy Pangea Day!

May 11, 2008

thanks Nunzio, this is a worthy cause, indeed. i agree, more people could learn to feel the pain of their fellow man/woman/child.

May 12, 2008

This gives me some hope however small and insignificant. Maybe we won’t blow ourselves up after all.

May 12, 2008
May 14, 2008

I caught the end of it, was very inspiring, ty for the info( wish i had ready ur entry sooner.

May 15, 2008

ryn: You made me chuckle in my little living room. lol

May 15, 2008

ryn: Truth? No I didn’t. I’ll have a feel later 🙂

May 22, 2008

hahahahaha!!!!! touche!

RYN: Your notes and opinions are always of tremendous value to me, Nunzio. I think you have very good and important and helpful things to say. Thank you for being my very real friend. Much Love to you…

May 26, 2008

RYN: Thank you for that tidbit of information ~grins~ it’s almost scary to watch the prices come down, because then I want another, and another. Jump just bought a Sigma DP1, which was his camera of choice while we were touring about area.

That was a great line. Thanks. By the way, your diary is very interesting and insightful.

May 30, 2008

I see your fan base has once again grown since my last visit. It is good to know that you are still reaching so many people. I missed May 10th….and was clueless again in my own little world of family and being a mommy! I miss you too and hope to update soon.

June 3, 2008

unfortunately, i don’t have much time, i’d love to read more but from what i have read so far (i read the front)…you and i understand each other..the I Ching quote..perfect..yes, yes…yes..yes yes!! and i’m Irish and a Taurean as well! hmm…happy be lated birthday 🙂 I can see myself being totally addicted to reading your diary. but tonight is not the night for indulging. Tonight, I’m crawling into bed with my man ..naked and…enjoy ourselves like silly kids..

June 3, 2008

unfortunately, i caught this way too late…hmm…i love astrotography …when i have a house (meaning, when i don’t live in an RV, we travel right now) i want a picture of the milkyway…lots of pictures of galaxies in my library… its incredible isn’t it?? all of this, all we know, happens here ..and its so small 🙂 and they say life cannot possibly exist anywhere else?…each religion swears THEIRS is the truth…hmm…you need to write more!

June 4, 2008

ryn: Eh! Engaged! Insanely hot, though.

June 7, 2008

I love what you wrote on [Edina Devine]’s diary.

June 7, 2008

ryn: 🙂 i have thought of that..justin and i have talked about you realize, this means that possibly our child one day might want to do the exact same thing? well, i don’t think i’ll ever be able to honestly that question. after all, i am 24 and do not have children. I only have so much life experience. There is only so much I can guess about my future self. I’ve never even actually worked in the adult industry. not yet anyway. what would most concern me is the child’s motivations…is it for money? desperation? curiosity? or happiness? i think those things would be most important. the closest i could come to knowing what it is like to have a child, is imagining my youngest sister doing what i am about to do… If it were here, honestly? I’d be pretty happy if she was doing it for happiness (meaning she enjoys it) or if it was out of curiosity. I would be happy if my friends joined me. I’d like to think that while I may be fearful for my child, I’d be encouraging and be able to give her good sound advice to do what she/he wants to do…its the best i can answer that hypothetical situation.

June 8, 2008

I saw your note on ED’s diary and thought you offered a very interesting and valuable perspective. It was great to see that confirmed by your entry here and I will definitely be back to read more!

June 9, 2008

Thanks for your nice note, Freyjah. Your diary is still private or I would leave this note there.

June 11, 2008

You’re a swine, Sarducci.

June 12, 2008

You know… that actually made me feel a little cheap (your chanting note). That’s funny, isn’t it? *shows her tits*

June 12, 2008

Well. In that case, I’m ashamed of myself. *snork*

June 12, 2008

ryn~The wait for a smart car in my city is 18-24 months. I cannot wait that long! It is a cool car, tho. Even comes in a Cabriolet like my Audi. I know D has looked at them and Icklewriter (here on OD) has one. Loves it. Glad to see you are still around.

RYN: Well, like you said in your front page: “Relationship, after all, IS the most direct way to spirituality, is it not?” I have said it before and I have said it again: your perspective, your words, have spoken into my life, I’ve received them, so thank you for your input that helped get me to that place yesterday, and thank you for your continuing affirmation. It is a balm to the pains.

June 15, 2008

This was a wonderful and thoughtful entry. I’d missed that day altogether. I have now watched a few of these videos. Though I have not written much in my diary recently for various reasons, I am still reading my friends – it’s always a treat to come to you! Thank you.

June 18, 2008

I’ve discovered you through some PUBLIC(!!!!) notes and must add you as a favorite. Hello!!

June 18, 2008

RYN: Hey, you’re my kinda guy! Okay, minus the socks.

June 18, 2008

ryn: Why yes you did!

RYN: No, no, no. I showed him the newspaper article on this woman and he wouldn’t even read it. I’d never ask him to do that anyways. I like him just the way he is. 😀

June 19, 2008

nunzio!!! so happy to see you note but i was hoping it meant you had an entry 🙂

June 20, 2008

ryn~oh yeah baby! Thank you thank you!

June 21, 2008

RYN: Trying to answer your question for myself and find a way out.

June 26, 2008

Hey… I have to hear it from you 10 or 20 times before it sinks in. ROFL. Give me a break!

June 27, 2008

RYN: DID it! 😉