Is it really possible?

Is it really possible for me to step away from my ego long enough to see the world through someone else’s eyes?
What I say is, I want to make a contribution, to give back, but what is my true motivation?
Is it to be truly giving, forgiving, and altruistic? I’d like to think so, but I doubt it. I think I’m trying to prove my value … to others but more, to myself … and that’s what seems to doom me from the beginning; prevents me from connecting with others, ergo, my spiritual source, my soul!
I have a motive!
I have something to prove!
Therefore, I’m invested in the outcome!

That’s not altruism! 

I perceive I’ve failed in life in so many ways – broken promises, betrayal, untruthfulness, self-serving intentions – that there seems to be an underlying current, a request, a cry to be accepted, loved, valued.
Yet, I’m fully aware, others cannot give me that … only I can give me that!
See the world through someone else’s eyes; be truly empathic, forgiving, accepting, loving, and do it without fear, without reward?
How can I do that for others until I learn how to do it for myself?
I’ll try!
Maybe that’s how you “do” … by trying?
I’ll try until …
Not because I should, not for a reward, but rather because I aspire to see the world differently, because I aspire to step out of my fear.

Anne Geddes

Please God, give me the courage to see the world as Jesus did; to see it through his eyes.
What can I lose?
What can I gain?
I’ll try …
May 10th is coming …

that’s a good time …
I’ll try.


(More to come.)
Best wishes and
God bless,

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April 19, 2008

I so thought that was going to be a Nike commercial.

April 19, 2008

Love that vid!!!! I held my breath though waiting to see if something horrific was going to play out. RE this line: “I perceive IÂ’ve failed in life..[because]..” you list a series of things that could be true for everyone EXCEPT those who are truly self-serving IMO never examine themselves that closely. They instead offer excuses. ***HUGS***

May 10th?

April 19, 2008

more suspense . . . .

April 20, 2008

I couldn’t watch the video last night. Just watched it now. Never heard of this day of awareness. What does it have to do with your life changing event?

April 20, 2008

you’re such an attention whore!

April 20, 2008

I hadn’t heard of this at all. I googled it to see what the deal is. Interesting. You are being awaful hard on yourself darlin.

April 20, 2008

Thats a mighty sweet pic of the mother and adorable child. A guy (you) who saw fit to put it in his OD did each of us a favor.

April 20, 2008

That picture makes me wonder if you’re about to be a father 🙂

April 20, 2008

ryn~I must’ve missed the “until then,”

April 20, 2008

ryn: lol nothing wrong at all with wanting to climb the developmental ladder, reflection can be a good thing, it shows intelligence. which is very sexy. to answer your question with a question, can the sweaty dog head mushing into a pillow personality and the newly developed Nunz co-exist? either way darlin, you know we all love you

April 21, 2008

no, hold on…you’re joining the priesthood? 😀

April 21, 2008

Checking out the website referenced. Take it from me- it truly IS so much better to give than to receive. And, the first step- you’ve already made……. “Please God, give me the courage to see the world as Jesus did; to see it through his eyes.”

April 21, 2008

ha! you’re such a TWIT!

April 21, 2008

I have not heard of this so I will have to investigate it further.

April 22, 2008

thanks for the video 🙂

April 22, 2008

ryn~I see nothing wrong with trying some new blood. I never wanted to give Bush a second chance, or first for that matter. I think for some people, going with what they know, even if they are not satisfied with it, feels safer than choosing an unknown. For me, I know enough to vote for Obama without reservation.

April 24, 2008

Well as long as that’s not ME after my function Friday!

April 30, 2008

You will TOTALLY do as a sea-faring father figure to help me resolve all those pesky lingering issues! Starting with the good hard spanking I so dearly need!

April 30, 2008
May 10, 2008

I’m lost!

June 19, 2008

You continue to inspire me. I missed all of these entries, what with the happenings of the last few months, but wow…guess where I am now? Making t-shirts to wear to work…t-shirts with inspirational messages…such as, KNOW BETTER, DO BETTER…and MAKE BETTER CHOICES. Yea, more on the way. I figure I have to start somewhere, and my time/space is limited for now. Anywho, hope you are well. Take good care of you.

April 7, 2010

hmmmm. it was years ago that i was in a weekly study group and reading A Course in Miracles regularly. keep feeling a draw to pick up the bible again, and to dig out ACIM… it is nice to read your journal, and hear your thoughts and excitement about how our way of seeing determines our life. about it being a dream until we wake up… i am avoiding the asterisked entries, only because i

April 7, 2010

remember feeling angry and small and dirty after reading that entry that the whole DM erotica bla bla bla was about. and i do remember thinking, how? how do the two sides of you come together. then i decided it was nothing that i had to figure out, i could just stay out of “it”. meaning, don’t come here and read things that do not feel respectful to me or women. so then. in a way, i guess

April 7, 2010

there is a sense of caution in that i don’t know what is real about you. does that make sense? i don’t think that i’m listed as friend, as the only entries i see are your public ones, and most recent one listed is your reposting of your Obama entry. I truly hope life is going well for you, middle aged taurean male from california. can’t figure out if i am more puzzled or curious. curious. yes.