THIS … brought me to tears! (Last Installment)

And the “lump of coal’s” transformation continues.
(Go to the edit at the bottom.)



His apprehension, his timidity, his lack of confidence, his fear; and when he tried to smile, his eyes didn’t. 
Just by looking at him, his demeanor, listening to him talk, you knew you were seeing a stunted, hard life, filled with unkindness and cruelty.  The human equivalent of a flower crushed.

Not asking for much, a chance, just a chance at his dream. 
You can feel the courage it took for him to just stand there, hoping for a little approval.
Then he starts and slowly, the transformation from a “lump of coal” to a Swan!
And the approval, the approval!
I lost it!
You watch.  Does he speak to you?

Give me your thoughts.
God bless you Paul!

Click here to go direct to video.


Paul Potts is his name. A quiet and unassuming Joe Everyday kind of guy who sells cell phones and

“My voice was always my best friend.”
“I don’t really know why people bullied me.”
“I’ve always been a bit different and I think, maybe that’s the reason I struggle with self-confidence.”
“All my life I’ve felt insignificant. After that first audition I realized, I am somebody.”

Oh my God Paul, in a way you speak for all of us! It must be why you’ve captured the imagination and love of your British countrymen and your popularity is spreading so rapidly.
Is it his unassuming demeanor; the sadness in his eyes; or the way he hands you his own wounded heart? 
I don’t know, but he has magically allowed me to reach a spot in my heart that I don’t often reach.
Grab a couple of tissues and join me in watching a kind and gentle soul who will inexplicable move you and …
if you care to, come back and note me about what you see in him.
(Please watch the above video first, if you haven’t seen it.)

<a href="http://<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess=&quot;always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>”>


Hi Bernard,

I don’t think your note upset anyone.

I respect your opinion on this guy’s (his name is Paul Potts) singing and if you say he is technically unremarkable, I’ll even give you that!

However …

This isn’t a story about singing.

This isn’t a story about talent, or lack thereof, of Paul’s operatic singing.

This man’s demeanor and facial features reveal a troubled, crushed and wounded heart. A man whose eyes do not smile; A man who has experienced so much pain that he’s ceased believing, hoping … living.

He is every person who ever had his/her heart broken by cruelty, who has been spit upon, shat upon. He is the dog that has been kicked SO many times that he cowers at even a kindly outstretched hand. The dog, only wanting to please, beaten for this desire, now flinches at butterflies’.

You, with your classical training and experience, will see his technical acumen. The rest of us are having an empathic response to seeing our own crushed heart.

The singing is a metaphor, a vehicle, by which we see a transition, a rebirth, of a wounded heart … his and ours.

I don’t know if my summation of Paul’s history is accurate, it’s just what I FEEL.

Put your technical expertise aside and come watch the videos again (posted a new one of him this AM) and see if YOU feel it.

And that’s one man’s opinion.

God bless,




Transformation Complete!


If you don’t want to watch the lead in, fast forward to 5:00 remaining on the clock ^



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June 13, 2007

Shivers up my spine. That was amazing.

June 13, 2007

no dry eyes here…

June 13, 2007

This made me cry. It was incredible. He was so unsure, but so beautiful

June 13, 2007

Made my day,What an amazing voice!!

June 13, 2007


June 13, 2007

I’m speechless. And in tears.

June 13, 2007


OMG I cried !! Look how important confidence is. I see this every day. People who have been told deep inside not to risk trying are such a tragedy. This man has this substantial talent and yet others who have the confidence and less talent are out there doing it. I am going to show my kids this. A fabulous find as always. I look forward to your entries so much but they often make me cry. *HUGS*

LOL I am glad I came back to fulfill your request … DZ was here at the same time as me and I was thinking about him as I watched it thinking I must make sure he has seen your entry. ***HUGS***

June 13, 2007

Oh My God! Goosebumps and everything!!! He has such an amazing talent!!!! He totally transformed! He’s as good as any of the big players!!! AMAZING!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this! And Amanda Holden looked positively orgasmic! lol. I MUST watch again!

June 13, 2007

I listened twice,lovely voice, but that’s about it. Sorry to be the turd in the punch bowl but he’s no Pavaroti that’s for sure. Too much vibrato and not enough control of his voice. His top note doesn’t have any “ping”. If he were 10 years younger I’d say take some training. But that’s just my opinion.

June 13, 2007

I have linked back to this entry in my diary. I hope you don’t mind. This man just has to be heard though. Thanks sweetie.

June 13, 2007

wow…i was not expecting him to be good! what show is this off of?

June 13, 2007

Came from Nely’s diary. That was absolutely wonderful!

June 13, 2007

thank you for sharing this. That is from one of my favorite operas – and to see it displayed so beautifully, esp. in a crappy reality show! incredible.

June 13, 2007


June 13, 2007

WOW! Just WOW! Now I need tissues! Thanks for sharing this!

June 13, 2007

Wow he has an amazing voice!

June 13, 2007

I think =Benard= missed the whole point, it isn’t comparing him to the other great singers, it’s his own greatness within that came out. The only shame here is the means it took to reach inside to bring it out.

June 13, 2007

Right ON target, HerSelf!

June 13, 2007

Thank you for sharing that, it was amazing & yes he bought tears to my eyes.

June 13, 2007


June 13, 2007

OMG! Thank you for this. What a talent and what a neat guy. I smiled through tears.

June 13, 2007

Oh, dear I think I see an entry coming on.

June 13, 2007

OMg .. thank you.. for sharing this…. I’m in tears.. moved beyond expression…

June 13, 2007

Thank you for sharing this……… It reminded me of watching Rocky, I wanted to stand up and cheer him on……. it made my week!

June 13, 2007

wow. How does a little clip like this move you till the tears roll? He is amazing! I love the look on Simon’s face when he suddenly realizes, oh, we’ve got something here.

June 14, 2007

It brought tears to my eyes too. I agree re your take on his emotions. Regardless of whether he wins or loses ultimately (or won or lost), the experience has enriched him on a level which will change his life. Thank you, Nunz, for sharing this.

June 14, 2007

When are you NOT aroused? Geez.

June 14, 2007

wow. just wow.

June 14, 2007

Nunzio, I thought of that. I thought, “I’d be dead. There is JUST NO WAY I’d survive that.” But what a way to go! Spontaneously combust with pleasure!!!

June 14, 2007

You find the oddest pictures. I agree… if he’d shagged me with his toe, I wouldn’t be worried right now. Well… not about being PG… but certainly about being with someone who likes to insert his toe into my… errrr… ‘Little Nelys’ 🙂 Kinky!!!!! hahaha God, now my head is going in circles about how I could kiss someone whilst being on his toe… hmmmm.Bent leg of course… why am i even going there???????

June 14, 2007

Must you use such specific references to MY TOYS? You know that drives me mad with desire for you.

June 14, 2007

I wept like a baby!!! Thank you

June 15, 2007

RYN: What, I can’t make a friggin’ typo? Illuminates.

June 15, 2007

Have you got a special toe, Nunzio? 🙂

June 15, 2007

I think that the fact he says he always felt insignificant should illustrate that everyone has a shining place inside … that no one is insignificant so long as they aren’t afraid to shine. Even if only to themselves. He’s really inspiring.

June 15, 2007
June 15, 2007

What a flower.. this man is going to bloom, and not just with fame.

June 15, 2007

Damn right.. He IS SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 15, 2007

He is amazing, thank you so much for posting this.

June 15, 2007

I just got home from a 2-week vacation in England (my first time there) and I watched that show while I was there (not the episode where he appeared). I was shocked by some of the “talent” they passed through to the next round (a sexy girl whose talent was shooting off firewords from her pelvic area, for example). Simon was MUCH kinder than we see him on American Idol in the USA. That being said…. this was a lovely entry and a very deserving contestant. I hope he goes far! The winner gets to perform for the queen. I dare say this guy is much more deserving of such an honor than the girl shooting off fireworks from her pelvic area. And I think the queen might actually agree with me, LOL.

June 15, 2007

speechless. ive never been a huge fan of opera really but i could very well change my mind if he keeps singing!!

June 15, 2007

he’s a sweetheart – makes me want to give him hugs and bake him cookies and thump everyone who was ever mean to him

June 15, 2007

his unassuming and humble nature makes him so appealing. along with his extreme talent, of course. absolutely wonderful. i hope the bus ride never ends for him~

June 15, 2007

I’m sitting here weeping watching the second video and my darling Nunzio, there is no better summation than yours. Thank you – again – for bringing this blessing into my life.

June 15, 2007

Just amazing! My heart broke and then soared with admiration for this young man. Thank you for sharing this. I hope we get to follow along as his career begins.

June 15, 2007

To Bernard: Simon was totally taken by him and we all know Simon is very judgemental! Ya THINK? and to tell you the truth..I feel Pavaroti is totally egocentric.. Give me the HEART! And you must remember Paul did not receive the training he most definitely deserves

June 15, 2007

I think he has an amazing voice. But what do you think the odds are that he has been planted and it’s all a sham? I suppose I’m naturally a paranoid person, but I think he’s incredible and these tv shows, well, I’m just so curious about them. 🙂

June 17, 2007

Just thought I’d let you know that I just saw on the news that he won the competition 🙂 You have a good eye for talent 🙂

June 18, 2007

Just wow – imagine, that guy has a voice like that, completely untrained. Once he’s with a good teacher for a year or two, he’s going to be amazing. I can totally see this unassuming shy guy belting it out in the car on the way to work. What an inspiring story.

June 18, 2007

thank you for sharing this and especially your insight / no dry eyes here still… god bless…

June 18, 2007

Thanks for sharing this story with us. Very moving. The Human Spirit is remarkable. –R

June 18, 2007

🙂 Spot on. Made me howl. I even voted for him, now that’s unheard of. i SO badly wanted him to win.

Fantastic! Thanks for a delightful entry!!!

June 18, 2007

I just have to add in my 2 cents to the latest installment, as I am also a classically trained musician. He is very good … he has a lot of raw talent. Those with significant training can see that he is not a professional, but I agree with you wholeheartedly … it is not so much about the singing. He is a good singer, and it isn’t necessarily his voice that makes him great, it is his heart. It makes me very happy that he won and I totally have shivers up my spine now.

June 18, 2007

That reminds me also … I’ve seen professional musicians who have much less heart.

June 18, 2007


June 18, 2007

The story was on NBC Nightly NEWS….. Last night.. he won $200,000, a contract and a date to sing for the Queen.. He actually studied in Italy but nothing came of it as far as a career.. Looks like he isn’t selling phones anymore

June 18, 2007

Zena beat me to it…. damn Pacific time zone!! I’m watching lastnight’s winning performance on NBC nightly news as I type and immediately thought of you. How wonderful!

June 18, 2007

P.S. He’ll be in New York to sing on the Today show Thursday morning.

June 18, 2007

Nunzio thank you so much for sharing the video’s with us.

June 18, 2007

I just posted a poem I suspect you will love.

June 19, 2007

ryn~Did I really say exciting? I’d better go back and adjust that. Interesting, definately,but not really exciting. Deer doppings usually look like large rabbit droppings. Little dark brown balls. No big deal. The plethora of mulberry bushes and fresh berries show up as evidence in the droppings because seeds cannot be digested. They look so different I thought they were probably from a raccoon, skunk or groundhog.

June 19, 2007

ryn: lol fabulous advice. I plan on it = )

June 19, 2007

Thanks for the note, you made me laugh. I also happen to agree with you.

June 21, 2007

As soon as my husband agrees to polamory, you’re so in, Nunzio. SO IN. Then I’ll be more than happy to tell you GRAPHICALLY and very very SLOOOOOWWWWWLLLLYYYYYY in my most fetching and seductive voice EXACTLY what I’ll be doing later — YOU!!!

June 21, 2007

Ooh Nunzio… you wanna come show me how? I’m not sure I quite understand what you mean. Perhaps you could show me? 🙂

June 22, 2007

Oh yeah… I’m cute as hell with that sundress up around my nipples. Tell Steve “deeper.”

June 23, 2007

Smile… yes, I saw a clip a few weeks ago and he just made me cry. My husband works in opera, so I know a little about it all. This guy raises the tiny hairs on the back of my neck, and the pathos of his face just adds to the emotional impact of his voice. xx

June 25, 2007

I guess, wrong or no, I’m feeling more accountable for who I am these days. I’m a flirt. Sue me. But don’t you dare f*cking cross that line. And I’ll flirt up the biggest storm you ever did see and stand in their face and scream that at them. You don’t cross that line unless I say “yes.” PERIOD. And that’s just one whore’s opinion. *smile*

June 25, 2007

Stop kissing your snuggly bunny in my OD or I’ll mark you AGAIN.

June 25, 2007

oooh, I woke up this morning and was thrilled to bits to have note from you! I have read your notes many times to Ms. Pants and to our little Alchemyst friend and I was thrilled that you stopped by…even if it was only to read an entry that I actually borrowed from someone else. shame on me. I went back to read your entry though – I think you are right and I’m grateful that as I lose my youth and beauty I start to feel the woman inside, the woman I am growing to be and I find her as beautiful in a deeper more meaningful way. That sounds boastful doesn’t it? I just feel as though I am growing into myself – I guess like a rose gets a deeper richer perfume as it opens. Both the bud and the full bloom are beautiful in different ways. 🙂 Thanks.

June 26, 2007

“As someone who has read you for years, you have changed so much, for the better. And THAT is the “reward” for pain.” And I’m really hot. Right?

June 26, 2007

And I DON’T have a fat ass.

June 26, 2007

Thank you for taking such good care of me. Course, you said that like an old married man to his wife. “yes dear”… LOL. I’m so flippin’ crazy about you, you know that right? What a big stud you are, Nunzster.

RYN: I see someone who is telling me what he thinks I need/want to hear.

June 26, 2007

Gooey? Oh. Oh. You’re going to PAY for that one. I give you a nice compliment and you threaten to hold me down and f*ck me. ::blink::: Wait! Wait! *runs after Nunzio waving her skirt over her head* ROFL.

RYN: Thanks, Nunz. It means alot coming from you, because I know where you are coming from. In fact I would *love* to have a real-time chat with you about this whole thing.

June 27, 2007

HAR HAR HAR. Do you even LIKE me? For Pete’s sake.

RYN: I want your candor. I want you to whip my lily white ass!

RYN: I can call you if you are into that..I have unlimited. I am in Montreal…same time zone as New York.

July 1, 2007

Wow, you get a lot of notes. And some of them are very … um … interesting! Yes, there may be some technical deficiencies (though I’m no expert) but music is also about emotion and feeling. I didn’t see this when it was broadcast so thanks for posting it. <{:0)

July 1, 2007

ryns: Yeah. I imagine this me that is never satisfied, and in a life where you are always moving (as I have always been)… I dunno. It seems to make sense. To have to have a job to pay for the house and maintenance on said house, or always waking up somewhere new. Telluride Bluegrass Fstival, Tailhook in Reno (or wherever it ends up year to year), Austin. Nashville. ‘Vegas. If you are always moving, you are always seeing. If I took a job that paid for a house, I would have to plan for every one of those trips. If that was life, then… It has it’s appeal.

July 1, 2007

ryn: Heheheheh! You sir, know me too well! AND. I think you now pretty much owe us a real entry. Subject: Closure. Ready. Go!

July 1, 2007

Oh, and I love the visual. Who is she? How will I know?

July 2, 2007

ryn: LOL thanks sweetmeat – I’m betting THAT is the one and only banana I would enjoy ; )

July 5, 2007

RYN: You’re the bomb, nunzio. thank you 🙂

Ohhhhhh….I have seen Paul Potts a couple of times now, but it’s your beautiful explanation of why he moves you (and me – for all the same reasons) that has me sitting in front of my laptop in tears. Thank you for this tender moment. I really appreciate that you shared this.

July 5, 2007

wow, he is absolutely amazing. I made my sister watch these videos with me, including the first one twice in a row. I am so happy he won!! There’s something amazing about him, no doubt about it. I do hope more people hear about him, I will definately tell others about him. take care

July 6, 2007

Someone added this post to reader;s choice. Very well deserved. What you shared here is a very beautiful and moving story. I agree with you that we can all somehow subsribe to this. Look at/into his eyes, he;s so sad! and into singing he puts all his heart, everything he has, it shows. he has a voice that shouts to your soul.such people are gems. he deserved to win and to be noticed.

July 6, 2007

I would sarcastically reply, “Who haven’t you dated?” but that your response would be an equally vicious “You!” Tsk tsk.

July 6, 2007
July 9, 2007

It’s just your sordid illusion than I’m good in bed. I’m probably crap. LOL

July 9, 2007

RYN: My, my…why would someone with your writing style be interested in reading my diary? Your words, thoughts are entertaining. But I definitely changed the font JUST FOR YOU.

RYN: Thanks…I emailed ’em. <3 xOX

July 14, 2007

Must come back and read when I have more time. Got tripped up on the sells cell phones part. He sells cell phones by the sea…oh, nevermind. Back soon to read. Looking forward to it.

Breathtaking.. I had such shivers! Thank you for sharing this! Wonderful :))

July 27, 2007

Paul Potts rocks!

March 6, 2008

I love his voice and his journey.