Tell me you love her as much as I do!


Some people have knowledge beyond their years; some have experienced pain beyond their existence. Some are able to communicate this experience and evoke emotion in us through their writing, some through their photography and some, like this woman, through their voice!


How bout a little Janis Joplin?


She just blows me away!
Delicate as a summer flower, raunchy as a drunk Janis Joplin; She has a wonderfully expressive and dramatic face and a fresh and vulnerable style. She is so unpretentious as to be disarming and God … can she sing!


And here, her voice just as effective as a sharp knife, carved my heart right out of my chest.

I just can’t watch her here without crying.

As one note left on You Tube said, "Where oh where does such a beautiful young girl find the depth of emotional experience to sing so soulfully?"

Where indeed?

She does these video’s in her apartment, lit by a desk lamp, is self-taught and 27 years old and, "until a little over a year ago, I couldn’t sing a lick."

In my opinion, she’s incredible!

Enjoy and

God bless,



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March 4, 2007

Thanks for sharing! She is wonderful! And pretty too!

RYN: Yes, it was definitely for the In Love entry. I’ve been saying for a few years now that Sex chemicals make us feel like the person we’re boinking is “home”. *smooch* back atcha!

March 4, 2007

Sorry, cant stand that scratchy grainy cat-in-heat voice.

March 4, 2007

Ah, but my daughter is better! 🙂

March 5, 2007

I ran into her stuff via this other kid on YouTube who is incredible, too. She rocks. Gorgeous voice. Gorgeous girl. I love her as much as you do. (You told us to tell you that in the title.) Happy day!

March 5, 2007


March 5, 2007

hard to imagine that she has no formal training / she’s amazing / thanks for sharing1

she’s cute! i love her eyes. (g)

March 5, 2007

dude, come on. she is good, but these are mixed, can’t you tell? runs away!!!!

March 5, 2007

You can see the fact that she’s self-taught in her jaw and diction … but she has more than enough talent that it isn’t important that she doesn’t have formal training. She has the soul. I know a lot of professional musicians who lack that. … the trick for me, of course, is being that expressive while playing a huge brass instrument … not so easy!

March 5, 2007

Thanks for sharing that…..I have no musical talent but at night, in my private chamber, I sing, dressed in silk and wearing stilletos with marabou feathers on them. I think I was Miss Kitty on Gun Smoke in a former lifetime. Hugs.

March 5, 2007

oh, she’s perfect and beautiful and has GREAT range. still, it seems mixed. not to diminish her act, i just don’t believe it’s done in her bedroom nor that she’s had no training. ryn, yes. 😉

March 5, 2007

yes she’s amazing. I have to go with Mountain Girl there tho – methinks there is some mixing involved.

March 6, 2007
March 6, 2007

RYN: if that’s the case the girl is wasted on YouTube – she should be in the Big Time making the Big Bucks.

March 7, 2007

huge eyes, and deliscious lips,… why hasnt an agent nabbed her? very interesting… need to get a camera,lol

March 8, 2007

Oh my goodness, she is adorable!

March 8, 2007

RYN: That sounds provocative. Careful, now. I’m still nauseous. LOL

March 15, 2007

RYN: He’s going into therapy for more than substance abuse. I guess I neglected to detail the entire story.

March 15, 2007

RYN: Except that you wouldn’t f*ck me because I’m too broken. Right?????????????????????????

March 15, 2007


ryn: LOL!!!! okay, okay, so i’m fulla shit, too!!!! :0) (g)

March 17, 2007

lovely ! thanks

March 20, 2007

It was a joke Shannon! 😉 😉 😉

March 21, 2007

RYN: And I just felt hell freeze over underneath my feet.

You talking to me?

March 23, 2007

alright now so tell me; are all men wounded. or are some healthy and able to handle repeated casual sex.

March 24, 2007

lovely mistype up there- not more misunderstood than is common – that should say! i am writing my response entry style. with your permission, of course. i mean i don’t need your permission to write it, naturally : ), but to post it. but there is too much perhaps to try to do it through notes. it will take me a bit though, any way i do it.

Pretty face, nice timing but I don’t believe that is her voice at all.. something in the way she moves her mouth and face belies the effort required for some of the pitches and notes..

Also she is much more attractive with darker hair.

April 3, 2007

Nunzio, I miss you!

ryn: no! no, i don’t like gamby’s wet nose up my crotch!! ewwwww!!!! he sniffs and eats cat poop! he found human poop at the homeless encampment and ate that up, too!!!! GROSS!!!!

Loved it!

April 5, 2007

So you like the way I say the eff word, eh?

April 8, 2007

isn’t she beautiful!

October 17, 2007

Are you sure she’s singing…I thopught that all of her youtube videos were lip singing…. -Random noter