I JUST could NOT keep this to myself!

(You’ll see what I mean    )

The following are all replies that Sydney Western Suburbs women have put on Child Support Agency forms in the section for listing father’s details: These are genuine excerpts from the forms. Nothing has been changed.
1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, child A was fathered by Trev Munson. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of child B, but I believe that he was conceived on the same night.

2. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps.

3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party where I had unprotected sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father can you send me his phone number? Thanks.

4. I don’t know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives an Excel that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact Excel dealers in this area and see if he’s had it replaced.

5. I cannot tell you the name of child A’s dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the NSW economy. I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country. Please advise.

6. I do not know who the father of my child was as all soldiers look the same to me. I can confirm that he was an infantryman.

7. Bazza Smith is the father of child A. If you do catch up with him can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs?

8. It is not clear who the father of my child is. All I remember is that the guy had an absolutely enormous penis so it is likely that Mr. (deleted) is responsible.

9. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Disneyworld.

10. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Jamie Oliver did a program about eggs earlier in the evening. If I’d have stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 146 Miller Drive, mine might have remained unfertilised.

11. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all when you eat a can of beans you can’t be sure which one made you fart.

Oh my God, these are priceless! It looks like the male gender is not the only one that gets "stupid" around sex sometimes.


However, you ladies know we don’t have a chance when you tease us that way!

A representative picture of a dear OD friend of mine.
(Oh what I’d love I’m gonna to do to you, BABY!)


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October 19, 2006

err…i submitted #8…

October 19, 2006


October 19, 2006

oh goodie – and those dimbulbs reproduced – omg – is she wearing some fabulous shoes or what???

October 19, 2006

LOL, I thought the same thing about those shoes! Thanks for sharing, these were hysterical!!! =;p

October 19, 2006

You look at that picture and you focus on the SHOES? Sheesh! Just being in that position makes my HO HO hard … with that short skirt and … well, yeah … the shoes too! That’s actually a representative picture of a dear OD friend of mine. (Oh what I’d love to do to you BABY!)

October 19, 2006

Oh yeah, and the delicate way she’s biting that weenie kinda gets me goin too! Waddyagonnado, I’m just a man!

October 19, 2006

“Was taken from behind unexpectedly as I ate a hot dog.” Too funny. Thanks for sharing.

October 19, 2006

And what the HELL is that contraption in the foreground of the pic?

October 19, 2006

Yeah…what IS that thing????

October 19, 2006
October 19, 2006

Oh dear GOD, these women added to the gene pool, they probably drive cars AND VOTE! ~Shakes Head~ There is one thing to get ‘stupid’ when it comes to sex – yep, guilty as charged, but OMYGAAAAAAAA LMAO!

October 19, 2006

Someone has a good imagination. Funny nonetheless!

October 19, 2006

Dude. I so swiped that picture!

October 19, 2006

And I wonder what that guy on the right can see. Panties….?

October 19, 2006

This is funny every time I read it. LOVE the shoes on the chick in the pic!

October 19, 2006

ok i admit it im #3

October 19, 2006

yeah i gotta agree i want those shoes!! and something tells me that panties are not what that guy is seeing LOL

October 19, 2006

OMG! LOL! Unbelievable. Thanks for your note! Much appreciated.

October 19, 2006


October 19, 2006

ryn: thanks!! see the edit to my entry… i think i figured it out.

October 19, 2006


October 19, 2006

Okay, I admit it… I was digging the shoes too…

October 20, 2006

oh lord, women are whores all over the globe.

October 20, 2006

I wasn’t looking at the shoes. LOL I was waiting to see what happened next! But they are great shoes. ryn: LMAO…no, no, no…all quite innocent. Plugs, as in outlets…if anyone can screw up putting a plug in the wall, it’s me. The mechanical skill level falls just short of this. The FORCED part: guess i could have used the word fate or destiny, just know that i am very mechanically declined. Bye for now! Happy day!

October 20, 2006

Bless you, my child. LOL

October 20, 2006

And I am still marveling over the whole “taken unexpectedly from behind” thing. Dear God. That’s really quite hilarious.

October 20, 2006

ryn: On the pillow? On the PILLOW? You have a big picture with those head-giving lips and you put me on the pillow? Do you have a fever? What’s going on? LOL Yeah, and I am going to make this one public! 😉

October 20, 2006

And this surprises you because…?????????????????????? I thought you’d been paying attention all this time!!

October 20, 2006

rynrmn: ROFLMAO you keep telling it like it is, honey. 😉

October 20, 2006

I have seen this before…always love reading that some people are this daft!! lol Love, ME xxx

October 20, 2006
October 21, 2006

nice heels! Ask where she got them. hehe You are one funny man!

October 22, 2006

ah – we all covet those shoes!

October 22, 2006

ryn: and you thought kissing a woman with red lipstick was messy….

October 22, 2006

ryn: LOL

October 22, 2006

Writing an entry now. 🙂

October 22, 2006

ryn: I hear you. I wrote: “If you can uncomplicate your thinking, and uncomplicate your life, the more peace you will find, imho.” Guess I can replace “uncomplicate” with “heal” to get more to the point, yes?

October 22, 2006

Hey, learning something here! Gotta take a deep breath and slow down. 🙂

ryn: LOL!!!!!! hello, handsome. :0)

ryn again: loved the, uh, story… *wipes sweat off brow and wonders were travel bob disappeared to*

October 23, 2006

Hey, I hope I did not come across as insincere in the wanting of a more succinct ACIM. I am always open to new ideas and thoughts and appreciate your words. Did some reading on the Electronic Reading at ACIM and gained some insight. Thanks for that link. Not to engage your ego, or reinforce mine, BUT, I find these various pathways actually lead us to staying connected/attached/ego reinforced, and that is why it can be so frustrating at times. Truly, OD is an ego fest (although I note that you attempt again and again to provide insight and gentle encouragement for your readers, with little ego attached), so, if I even remotely apply the principles I hold to be true (and will no doubt find in ACIM), then I am outta here. And I am out of a lot of places/people/connections. Quite frankly, that prospect is boring…I like the entertainment aspect of life. In fact, I made my own theory of philosophy based on entertainment. We all do what we do and experience what we experience because it entertains us somehow, otherwise, we would not do it. Not sure if there is anything here you can use and respond to, but there you have it. 🙂

October 23, 2006

Oh, and whatever I post over on mine, feel free to post here as well. I will do the same, if okay with you. With as indepth as the answers get, I do understand how the book comes by its length. 🙂

Back atcha

October 24, 2006

ryn: lol baby I’m on my way

October 24, 2006

I love that you are predictable. Have a great night, Nunz.

October 25, 2006

From the perspective of A Course in Miracles , there are only two possible reasons for doing anything. Either we are wanting to reinforce our investment in the ego thought system or we are wanting to release that investment through forgiveness. Based on this, which one does suicide fall under? Your opinion or Jesus’ through ACIM. Is it the ultimate ego stroke or the ultimate act of forgiveness? Peace,

October 25, 2006

p.s. Oops! Going to reread your notes to see if the answer to my question is obvious. 🙂

October 25, 2006

Ok, nevermind (unless you want to). Got what I needed. Thx.

October 25, 2006

Dang. LMAO

October 25, 2006

Hmmmmm…….her shoes suck….the skirts cute….and the hair….well, it’s a TERRIBLE dye job 🙂 As for the “thing” in the pic people were asking about…I’m pretty damn sure its a bong! Miss me don’t ya ~wink~

October 26, 2006

You said: “In addition, I think I disagree with you on the value of simplicity in learning. While one can learn by rote memorization, true comprehension is left behind. How can one accept, defend, argue, or present a complex idea without understanding the theories and principals on which it is built?” The bone of contention I have here is the idea that there must be complete understanding of the complexities. Where do we allow our own thought processes to kick in and draw conclusions? ACIM has simplicity in the statement I reprinted in my entry. And yes, it is good to learn the underlying foundation from whence ideas come. Just seems to me that it is good to allow our own thoughts and ideas freedom. I don’t feel that so much with ACIM because everything is explained so much in detail. Reminds me of why I stopped learning about astrology and the psychic realm, there was always an answer for everything. The questions are what keep me going, and I won’t walk away without a good, solid idea of what the Course or any belief system is about. Not sure where I was going with this. Will reread what you wrote in the link provided. Thanks again for your insight and responding. 🙂 <

October 26, 2006

You also said: “Add to that, the difficulty of unlearning things you “Know to be true” that are in conflict with the new “Truth.” ” The things I know to be true always seem so simple in nature: Forgive thyself, for ye have already been forgiven. No one comes to the Father but through the Son. Ask and ye shall receieve. Teach only love. Simple. And I don’t find a need to defend or explain. The statements are profound enough to allow the reader to draw their own conclusions. ACIM: Reinforce the investment in the ego, or forgive yourself for wanting to make the investment. To me, that is simple. It resonates. Now, how can I apply it to my life to help find the peace I seek. I will find a way. 🙂 Maybe I am missing something here. I don’t believe I fear knowing more, or knowing this “Truth” in ACIM. And though I am by-and-large, accepting of my life as a whole, I have always been an explorer of sorts, interested in understanding all belief systems for they all have value to me. Anyway, give me a couple of days to let your words swim around and find a home. I am sure the answers I need will come. Thanks again. 🙂 Take care,

October 26, 2006

rylastn: LOL Maybe I just like to see you do the Snoopy dance. I know nothing, my friend, except that I would like to know peace. And I appreciate what you have offerred. I won’t do the Snoopy dance, but I will smile a heartfelt smile and be thankful. Hugs,

October 28, 2006

ryn: thanks 🙂 and hot “who’s fucking whom” story 🙂

October 28, 2006
October 31, 2006

Sadly these are all plot lines from daytime soaps. Maybe General Hospital and Days of Our Lives should pay the bill….

December 19, 2006

Hilarious! I think I know some of these women…

August 5, 2008

Dude…I submitted number 11…you know how beans are…