*MAN, I just love a woman who knows how to …


































































 … knows how to





That kind of kissing!

Can YOU kiss?

I mean really kiss?

Tell me about it.

Right here, right now …


Make me sweat!




Don’t be shy now.






Log in to write a note

Oh, I thought you were going to say you love a woman who knows how to snore. I could tell you some really great snoring stories. Granted, they might not have made you sweat but I’m sure they would have made you yawn. Oh well. Another day. Another entry. 🙂

May 26, 2006

Mmmmmm, YES! There is NOTHING as good as lips slightly parting, soft firm pressure as they touch anothers’ lips. Tounges teasing. Little nibbles. Kissing is the BEST! Thanks for the hot pix!

May 27, 2006

mmm kissing…. how i long to kiss like that again… *le sigh*

May 27, 2006

a kiss is a moment, a feeling, a burst of inner passion, waiting 2 explode, the tongue, makes way, soft then hardens 2 part the lips, insert slowly, tasting the sweet nectar of the other persons love, gently nibbling the lower lip, as the other responds with a gentle tug of ur bottom lip…tongues then meet again twirling, separating,then searching each other again, sucking the lower lip…cont

May 27, 2006

ohhhhh sweet nectar….. but then again, a kiss can be a reason to just plainly explore one another’s body, passionate strokes replicate throughout the intermingling tongue explorations… a kiss is a kiss full of inner passion , awaiting to explode gently, deep, inviting, enticing, teasing, …. am too hot now, gotta take a shower, C ya xox

May 27, 2006

Talking about kissing isn’t nearly as enjoyable as the act itself. That doesn’t mean I can’t make you sweat. I just have to wonder what I’d get out of it. 😉

May 28, 2006

I clicked on your link, and it took me forever to find what you were referring to. In the meantime, I found some other crazy shit.

You like?

May 29, 2006

ryn, ty, now did i make u sweat a litlte, did u feel something move?? giv eme ur reaction. I woudl much appreciate it. xox

May 29, 2006

ryn: Smooch!

May 29, 2006

Heh. Sorry about running around the bush numerous times, there. Your paraphrasing was much more to the point. I’ll keep conciseness in mind in the future. Promise. 🙂 And, it may not make up for it entirely, but consider it a start, perhaps: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D116647&entry=20047&mode=#note

May 29, 2006

http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D263135&entry=20221&mode=date There. That should be better. Tabbed browsing in Firefox can be both wonderful and hazardous, it seems.

May 30, 2006

Heh. Are you sure? Maybe I’m looking at scads of emails regarding enlarging anatomy I don’t even possess. And meeting singles in my area. And web cams of people I don’t know. Or… boning up on my parcheesi knowledge. It is the internet. The possibilities are nearly limitless.

So, would that make you Kate….or Taylor?

Oh, you are a dirty boy today, aren’t you? Of course I’ll give you all the juicy details…for you are Nunzio! Smooch

Dirtier the better, baaaby! Whatcha want to do to me?

May 31, 2006

According to Rich I’m a great kisser. I’m not sure how to go about describing it though.

June 3, 2006

ryn: But it might ruin the great dreamland friendship we’ve got going on. That’s been somewhat rare in my celebrity dreamland encounters. Especially in recent days. Besides, he has a girlfriend. And I don’t want to come between that. 😉 See, aren’t you glad I left those lips? 🙂

June 3, 2006

RYN: THank you for your help! Worked like a charm, and she’ll never have to know about all the beer and candle wax I spilled on her linens. Hah.

June 4, 2006

ryn: sorry for the delay. sure thing, go ahead and rc it! lovely entry, btw. 🙂

June 5, 2006

ryn: That is a remarkably random question. Please don’t tell me Michael Bolton sex makes you think of an eroscillator. Oh, good lord. I just skeeved myself out. Gah. Eww.

June 5, 2006

ryn: Fine, fine. Well, almost. First, what in the hell prompted you to wonder? Because I’m genuinely curious. Second, do you want the short version that would answer your question in whole or do you want the slightly longer version that might creep you out?

ryn: Oh, so you’re a Catholic schoolboy. That explains it ALL!

June 5, 2006

ryn: I would advise not getting your hopes up too high here. And, I’ve not decided yet where it’s going. But, I’m refusing to answer until I find out why I’m answering. Here is where I redirect back to the first question in my previous note: WHY do YOU want to know? 😉

June 5, 2006

Heh. I want to know why because that’s a random question to ask a girl. Especially since I haven’t mentioned owning one (or any toys for that matter).

June 5, 2006

Check your email. Try not to be disappointed. 😉

Thanks for the b-day wishes, Nunz!

June 6, 2006

ryn: Yeah, you have to install Quick Time. I had to DL it at work and it ran just fine on my Dell.

June 8, 2006

RYN: Thank you! 🙂 Smooches

June 8, 2006

btw–Havent forgotten about you…I’m working on it..Mmmmmkay?

June 8, 2006

ps–you’ll have to let me know if it works!

June 9, 2006

Most definitely, eww. And a response to what? You didn’t give me anything to respond to. At all. And the remaining notes didn’t really require a response.

June 9, 2006

Also, if I were looking for my response, it’d make sense I’d post it in a new entry, right? And not in an entry that was the third most recent. I’m just sayin’.

June 9, 2006

An even worse one to have when you do. Mr. “23 hits because I was supposedly looking for a response.” Speaking of which, you’ve just blown your own argument out of the water. See, I couldn’t have been responding to you if you haven’t given me anything to respond to. Which leaves everyone else who’d left notes. Except those didn’t require an entry-type response.

June 9, 2006

In addition. I’m not impatient. I can wait. (Which given the recent entries should be obvious by now.) You’re the one that’s been looking for a response. Apparently to something I was supposed to divine. 23 times. In 24 hours. So which one of us is impatient again?

June 9, 2006

Well >I< would like to know what you meant, too. Because none of what you said made any sense whatsoever. Hence my analytical breakdown that you seem to find so intimidating. And this one was merely employing the good sense God gave me (or anyone else, for that matter). 😉

June 9, 2006

You might want to put a little more thought into your next response. You’re disappointing me. For the record: the vast majority of those 23 (out of 24) hits, were on “Celibacy: So loooong….,” which, assuming you actually read the entry at any point in that time period, should have obviously been the response to your notes. Considering those are the notes that start that entry.

June 9, 2006

I had believed you were well aware of this. Esepcially given you were the first to note that entry. Plus the “team of researchers” response sort of negates your most recent, as well. There are far too many contradictions here to make any sort of cohesive argument. You might want to quit now. Or put far more thought into the next response. And refrain from terms like “button nose.”

June 9, 2006

If it were the sort of miscommunication that relied on nuance, I’d give you that one. But, dear sir, text is one of the harder mediums to truly miscommunicate in. It’s also harder to spin. And holes are more difficult to patch. If you want to feign ignorance, that’s fine. Your peroggative. I don’t really care. I do care, though, if you’re trying to get me to buy flimsy arguments (cont.)

June 9, 2006

and untruths. Even in a casual setting about something that isn’t all that important, anyway. And sprinkling it with subtle digs doesn’t really help your cause.

June 9, 2006

Ok, I think this is a good place for me to say … I apologize for any contribution I made to the misunderstanding. I was engaged in frivolous, light banter that obviously didn’t come across that way. No digs or “untruths” were intended, no agendas were hidden. Best wishes,

June 10, 2006

Love the pics. Sorry, not really in the kissing kind of mood right now. I know, you can hardly believe that, can you?

June 12, 2006

ryn: *grins* great advice.. Im going to try for myself lol

June 16, 2006

RYN’s- Oh, yeah, you were my best noter- AND, I’m fairly sure I’d have to f*ck you if I met you. And, I’m going to make an entry in answer to this…… Muahs!

ryn: I have no clue either. I’ve just had an influx of readers lately and I’m curious where they’re coming from. But it really doesn’t matter in the whole scheme of things. Pandora’s Box is open…

June 17, 2006

RYN: Fixed that link. And: Ich spreche nicht Deutsches I love those online translator things. Bwahaha

Where ya been, darlin?

June 18, 2006

Kissing….. oh yes……yes! I love that….every body part …. the fondling kisses, stripped down kisses, wet, long, delicious kisses…… the fluids of sexual desire, yes, I love it all. I’m healing a broken heart, I can’t elaborate here, I fear falling in lust and acting on it….. I need the caveman side of kissing……. rough, taken, prolonged, deep,needing every inch of each other..sigh.

June 22, 2006

I know, I know. Thanks, Babe.

oops! Left that note as Danalex, instead of Bullwinkle. Actually the count is 4 (Rocky, Soprano, hub, and Carl). Insatiable? Not sure about that. Perhaps I’m just loveable. eh?

June 26, 2006

ryn~You are probably right but I don’t know what the other issues are, specifically. We didn’t talk about it much. I don’t know if she has been suspicious before. Good question.

June 26, 2006

ryn: yes, SD = San Diego

June 29, 2006

Ryn: You’re welcome – now grant mine and write a new interesting entry 🙂

July 4, 2006

ryn:a projection on Nancy as a parent figure perhaps, and ashamed to admit my wrongdoing, wanting to appear strong, hiding my flaws and weaknesses. yes, she can be scary in the way she confronts me, as i asked her to be blunt and direct. why else would i be annoyed when she probes what’s under “nothing to talk about” other then she’s right and i’m sceered! aesop’s fable-perfect mirror of situation

July 5, 2006

RYN: I can’t believe I didn’t give you proper kudos for that note! *smacks my own ass for that one*!

July 5, 2006

ryn~Thanks for the tip about flood cars. Nver thought of that. We are very cautious about this car. I’ve updated my last entry. With pics.

RYN: I’ve since made that entry private. But I wanted to reply to your note. Rocky, the other day, told me that he believed I was really after serial monogomy, rather than polyamory. He’s right. He always is right. Not sure I agree with you on the love should always be expanding thing. There is something to committing to each other — even if it is with two men and/or two women.

I keep refining what it is that I’m after since beginning this polyamorous journey 2 years ago. I feel like I’m honing in on what it is that I want. I don’t want a free-for-all. I do feel content with just my husband and Soprano. If my emotional needs are being met, I don’t feel the need to add more and more. That’s not to say that my love is not abundant. I CAN love more…choose not to tho.

RYN: Parallel, I meant. I know I wouldn’t have a problem with Tony being with another woman, IF he was making me feel secure and loved…..but that is his shortcoming. He knows it…I know it. So, unless he can pony up in that dept, I’m not going to feel secure enough to be okay with him seeing anyone else.

RYN: Yes, dear. ’twas me in maroon…. As to your premonition/intuition/etc…oh, I really, really, really really hope so. I should buy shares in Duracell!

July 11, 2006

What a sweet pig you are. LOL

July 11, 2006

RYN: Absolutely! =-)

July 12, 2006

okay the idea with the password that blocks him from getting into OD. i didn’t know there was such a thing. you mean he can’t even access the site? how do you do that?

July 13, 2006

i just read your very helpful notes, but all i saw was the word “italian” 😛

July 13, 2006

You are in the dog house because you OWE me and have yet to pay up. tsk tsk, Nunzio.

July 13, 2006

RYN: “Shout, shout….let it all out” 🙂 🙂

Oh, like I EVER spare juicy details, Nunz! Tsk…tsk….you know me much better than that! Who else do you know that writes about how her BOYFRIEND f***ks her in the ass?! LOL

July 16, 2006

oh man! i am sooooooo sorry! i just added you!

July 17, 2006

Thank you for note. I know you are right. I am stronger now. I will not email. I will let us both heal. I have lost him, Nunzio. I know it’s the right thing. It even FEELS GOOD. It does. It’s just very deeply saddening. Thanks!!! I’m good. I am. Love, R

July 17, 2006

thanks for the suggestions, i may use them at some point…

July 17, 2006

Nunzio, where are you? Are you hiding?? I want an update!

July 18, 2006

Heya – I just wanted to come by to thank you for coming by and “keeping me company” during my difficult time. I hope that you’re well and lusty as ever, Nunzio!

July 20, 2006

ryn~You are so sweet. Or maybe that’s not the right adjective…

July 24, 2006

kissing is an art, and it can be vulgar or tasteful, crude or perfection, oppression or liberation. I suppose it depends on who it’s with. It takes that 2nd person to create that right amount of chemistry that will determine the outcome. But I’m sure you already know that.

December 19, 2006

Hmm, my all time favorite activity. I love it when a kiss hits that point of passion where ALL that you can do is sink into it. There’s no thought, no pretense, just lips, and tongues. Just…present. (Bad kissers will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb.)

June 25, 2007

odd – I ended up here quite randomly and that is what I equally randomly just waffled about. No sweating for today though.