May I share a small something … *EDIT*

(Edit at the bottom.)

In the last few days, weeks, several of my friends here and in my private life have, or are, going through some painful, difficult times.
It seems these things come in bunches.
While my own life seems somewhat idyllic in comparison to what some of my friends are experiencing, I am fully aware it could change in a heartbeat.
I certainly do remember my own setbacks; when I’d lost all hope and the darkness seemed so threatening and ominous that I sometimes couldn’t get out of bed.
I questioned God, I questioned Karma! I theorized that I must have done something bad to someone in this life, or a past one, to receive this painful “Thing.”
As time went on, I came to realize, the thing that I thought would “kill” me, didn’t. While, at the moment of the threatening experience, I was fully engulfed in my fear of the “Thing” and didn’t know how I would “survive.” Nonetheless, survive I did.
With the experience(s) came the realization that bad things really do happen to good people and being a believer in God (or any other deity) does not protect one from “bad” experiences.
What then, could be the reason for a good person to have a bad experience?
There was no “reason!”
It just … happened!
It’s not punishment, *
It’s not a vengeful God, *
It’s not repayment for some past bad Karma! *
It just … is! *
However, I came to discover, the “Thing” seemed to have a beneficial side. Oh, not at the time I was going through it, for I was too consumed by my fear. But after … after, I discovered it didn’t kill me. In fact, the experience made me “immortal.” Immortal in the sense, “That which doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”
After the fact, I could see how the experience forced me to take a step I was avoiding or afraid of, a step that later, I interpreted as a door opening to a better life; i.e.: “When one door closes, another opens” … is really true.
My experiences have left me with a tremendous empathic response to any who are going through their “Dark Night of the Soul.” 
It pains and disturbs me to see anyone, especially my friends, experience fear, anger, and hopelessness.
To experience:
a lover leave,
a child taken,

a grave illness,
a promise broken,
a betrayal of trust or love,
a loss,
a divorce,
a death,
a breakup,
a depression,
a slight,
a loved one in jail,
a loved one a substance abuser, 
the loss of a job,
the waning of a love …
is to suffer great pain.
To all those who are experiencing one or more of these impediments to happiness, I ask you to consider the possibility, these events before you may shape your life in a way, for the “better,” you cannot possibly grasp right now.

I also ask that you not give up. Consider the possibility that you may not have sufficient distance from the experience right now, to understand the future “benefit” of this present experience. Do not lose hope; give yourself time for the message to develop enough to reach you.
And so, to those aspiring to a seemingly unreachable goal …  to those who believe they are no longer loved or lovable … to ALL who are afraid and have lost their way and their hope … As I’ve done before, I’d like to share a small something with you that has made a significant impact on my life. I hope you find it as valuable as I do, and …
I hope it helps.
God bless,


* I’m not a theologian or a therapist. I’m just a guy with some life experiences culminating in some opinions that may, or may not be helpful.

I just question, since all spiritual belief systems are unprovable, why not pick a belief system that brings comfort and peace, rather than the dogma from our inception?
And that’s one man’s opinion.



Edit: 05/15/2006 @ 11:32:37
Two additional experiences I had over this weekend I wanted to share with you.
I had dinner with a woman Saturday night who I brought this subject up with (objectively, without giving her my opinion) and asked her what her opinion was.
She told me she absolutely believed it was true; that “setbacks,” or “losses” were not that at all. She included in that, the death of a loved one, a divorce where she was the one “divorced” and the loss of a career job she was terminated from.
She, like me, said she didn’t see the “benefits” of the “losses” at the time because she was grieving over them and was frightened over, “what will I do now?”
I was most curious about how she could experience the death of a loved one without expressing it as a loss and asked her about that one first:

“It was my father, who I was very close to. I lost him at my age 29 and I was crushed. Most women are close to their father and may find themselves ‘rudderless’ when he dies. I cried, at the drop of a hat, for a year or two afterward. I’d always gone to him for counsel whenever faced with significant decisions in my life.
I loved the way he spoke to me as a daughter and a peer. He didn’t really tell me what to do, he asked me questions, and, with love, he gently guided me in the decision at hand. I felt so safe after our talks. When he died, I felt so alone, I was afraid of everything. I depended on him so, and now he was gone.
After his death, I would go to him in my thoughts and cry and ask him what do I do now? Gradually, I heard him ask me the same kinds of questions, guiding me to the answers.
Slowly it dawned on me, I had always depended on him. I never made decisions alone. I wasn’t the hard-charging independent woman I thought of myself as.
Now, here I was, consulting with him in my thoughts. I had been moved from ‘dependent’ upon him to ‘independent of him!’ I could make my own decisions! The transfer of wisdom was complete … His training was complete.
While I loved him dearly and I still miss him, I never achieved independence until after his death. Then, it became clear to me, I was independent and could take care of myself.
The divorce came shortly after his death and from that I ultimately learned, I’d picked a man I didn’t love, to take care of me because I didn’t think I could take care of myself. My ex-husband couldn’t take the additional ‘neediness’ I heaped on him after my father’s death and divorced me.
The loss of my job/career was also a choice I made for the wrong reason. I didn’t like what I was doing but was pursuing it because … I didn’t think I could do anything else. I changed that after his death also.
My father’s death truly gave me life!
(And yes, I still talk with him.)”


The second experience was with a male friend I frequently meet at Starbucks for coffee and “male bonding!” He is a self-proclaimed recovering alcoholic, “20 years sober.”
It was Sunday morning when I met him at “his” Starbucks, near his home. I told him I was writing a journal entry on “loss” and wanted his opinion:

“I think it’s true; ‘loss’ is not really loss.
I know if I hadn’t divorced my wife 21 years ago, I would be dead.

Given the amount I was drinking at the time, I know I would have been dead within 18 months. My doctor wasn’t as optimistic. He gave me 12 months!
I loved her very much but I came to learn, after the fact, it was a loved based on my ‘need’ to drink. She was the perfect enabler and a drunk too. I had no reason to change.”

He went on to say something I thought was really significant …


"Life appears for you, dependent on how you see it. You choose if it’s a ‘loss’ or not. You choose pain or joy." 


So there you go. I hope the edit was worth the time … your time.

God bless,


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May 13, 2006

thanks for this entry. i agree with much of what you write here.

May 13, 2006

I have that ‘Don’t Quit’ (if things go wrong) thingy on a card, on my window sill so I see it every morning when I open my bedroom curtains. Ok. You’re a smart man. Where does patience and hope end. Does hope end after you’ve been cheated on? Do you walk away, give up on the relationship? If everyone you knoe dislikes him… do you give up?

May 13, 2006

This brought a tear to my eye. But in a good way.

May 13, 2006

this is a lovely entry. and so true. the bad suff – I believe it’s random. it’s jsut random crap and we’ll all get through it. that’s why we go through it at different times – so teh people who are down have the people who are up to help them see that it’s gonna be ok.

May 13, 2006

wb nunzio 🙂 and yes its a nice reminder and it does help very much :)) *hugs*

May 14, 2006

ryn: if you are uncertain, its not time. Not time to give up? Not time to try?

May 14, 2006

You are very correct in what you write…and my own personal philosophy is that everything I go thru is to shape me into a better person than what I am now…and for now, tho…i just need to acknowledge my pain of losing my Mum and what that means to the rest of my life… Love, ME xxx

May 14, 2006

RYN: I’m not offended. It takes a lot these days to offend me… I was simply saying that. Hmm… I just would have preferred to learn my lessons by helping him through his illness than to learn them by helping Mom after his suicide. That’s all. I don’t blame God, though I AM angry with him, I find more difficulty with modern medicine. And therefore problem with me, and career. (c)

Thanks for the mamma’s day wishes, Nunz!

May 14, 2006
May 15, 2006


May 15, 2006

You really are a wonderful person.

Thank you for writing this. Thank you.

May 15, 2006

Good edit.

May 15, 2006

good edit… good entry as a whole

May 15, 2006

It was worth my time for sure.

May 15, 2006

I’ve experienced 9 of the events on your list – so it has made me realise how strong I am. And how happy a person can be despite all that. Life is good. Not all the time, but every experience provides us with the opportunity to learn and grow.

May 15, 2006

God bless u 2,Nunzio. each event in our life are a stepping stone 2 the next…whether good or bad, at the time, we numbingly(?) go thru it, then later on we see the reason..whether 2 learn 2 deal with pain, build inner strentgth, learn 2 stand on own 2 feet,..whatever it is, YES it is much later on, when our body/mind is actually ready to process it, that we see the reason..didnt mean to get deep


RYN: Not so much shocked me. More like you set me back about 2 years with the “momma” comment. It’s that “image” that I’ve been working hard to overcome. I wonder if I shouldn’t have posted these pics on OD. Although I did them F/O.

So, you like what you see, do you? Not all that much more than you saw before, tho.

F/O = Favorites Only. I had forgotten that I purposely didn’t save that entry for the public. Yeah, yeah….I get what you’re saying. It’s just that for too many years (like 15), I had this block that mothers couldn’t be sexual beings. That wall has since been knocked down since I became poly. But, yeah, I do get what you mean. That’s a whole entry in itself. I’ll have to write that.

May 15, 2006

This brought to mind an entry I’ve actually posted more than once on my diary. I think it’s time to dust it off again and re-post it. I need to read it too right now. Thanks.

May 15, 2006

The edit was well worth the time!

May 15, 2006

your words are always wise and usually touch me in some way… and this entry is no exception. Thank you for your thoughts. 🙂

May 15, 2006

ryn: yes, shy. i’m good one on one and in small groups.

Needed this.

Oh, absolutely! 20 years with ANYONE….and the spark goes *poof.* I’m hardly the puddle-jumping type, but I also don’t anticipating being with “the other” for the rest of my life. Then again, what do I know….I’m just making this up as I go along.

May 16, 2006

RYN: those were old entries 🙂 Had to do with a boycot a few of us OD were participating in for the DM’s attention. 😛 Don’t think it worked though. 🙂 Anyways, I have seen you on Danalex’s diary…but never ventured your way. Now that I have (I still have read your entries), I’ll put you on my favs. 🙂

May 16, 2006

RYN(2): duh…Have NOT read your entries. I am on it now 😉

May 16, 2006

Ok so I read this entry and I would like to say “thanks, I am a blubbering mess and I have to go to a meeting in 5 mins!” But regardless, thanks…it was definately worth MY time. 🙂

May 16, 2006

well WELL worth the time = )

May 17, 2006

Thanks for the entry…it could’ve not come at a better time for me

important entry. thanks.

June 18, 2006

RYN- Thank you for your lovely note…….. I wish you lived closer, I’d invite you for dinner…your words of wisdom have fallen on my broken heart….hopefully, only my heart was broken,not my spirit. Hugs! This entry is so timely to me…….. it could have been written just to me but so glad many were able to share it. Thank you.

June 25, 2007

beautiful – very giving. thank you.

March 6, 2008

Loved this. So true, so wise.