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March 25, 2006

eek! bye hon come back soon

March 25, 2006

lovely pics, but why closed?

Don’t stay away too long. There are those of us who appreciate your wisdom, words and images.

March 25, 2006


March 25, 2006

Come back soon

March 25, 2006
March 25, 2006

Hope you arent away for too long…I know alot will miss you. Hope you use the time away to do something fun! Love, ME xxx

March 26, 2006

Awwwwww, don’t stay gone too long, we’ll miss you!! =)

March 26, 2006

miss your entries already.:(

March 27, 2006

come back soon hon *HUGS*

March 27, 2006

Be well and we will await your return my friend.

March 27, 2006

Aw…Love you though and still.

March 28, 2006

ryn: thanks Nunzio…. 🙂 Thought you had vacated the premises for a while??

March 29, 2006

~sigh~ but I just FOUND you ~pouts most prettily~

April 3, 2006

lovely pictures.

April 10, 2006

ryn~What is it with the hip waders? D does get hot when I have them on. I’ve got my shorts on with them.

April 17, 2006

You make me laugh.

April 19, 2006

Hey Nunzio! I’m putting my hip waders on! Just thought you might like to know. 😉

April 22, 2006

Why keep your audience in suspense without telling where goest thou and whence shall thou return, and wherefore departs thou!! sniff sniff

April 25, 2006

Ok man…enough’s enough already. I MISS YOU DAMN IT~

April 28, 2006

RYN: I had to delete your note…..I didn’t realize that I had typed KA’s name….until you repeated it. OOPS~ Feel free to renote me 🙂

April 29, 2006

RYN: LOL, Dat be good 🙂

May 4, 2006

*poke* hey you, come back

May 8, 2006

ryn~I had done “preliminary preparation” all day long in my mind. You know, while I was in my hip waders.

May 9, 2006

Oh, no…not secret. Guess I’m in the habit of clicking Private on yours. Either way…doesn’t matter.

May 10, 2006

Besides…CH can’t read my FO entries. Not that he would care in the least.

Welcome, baby. Havin a rough one today 🙁

May 11, 2006

Hey you! Nice to see your name again. Thanks for the note, I did tell her.