, Yahoo Personals = Fraud?

Say it isn’t so!


Matchmakers have date in court

Two lawsuits accuse Web-based services of defrauding clients

By Martha Graybow

November 28, 2005
It’s not easy finding love in cyberspace, and now some frustrated online daters say they were victims of fraud by two top Internet matchmaking services and have taken their complaints to court., is accused in a federal lawsuit of goading members into renewing their subscriptions through bogus romantic e-mails sent by company employees. In some instances, the suit contends, people on the Match payroll went on sham dates with subscribers as a marketing ploy.
"This is a grossly fraudulent practice that is engaged in," said H. Scott Leviant, a lawyer at Los Angeles law firm Arias, Ozzello & Gignac, which brought the suit.
Match "promotes the policies of integrity to protect members and yet they themselves, we allege, are misleading their entire customer base," he said.
The company said it does not comment on pending litigation. But Match spokeswoman Kristin Kelly said the company "absolutely does not" employ people to go on dates with subscribers or to send members misleading e-mails professing romantic interest. The company has about 15 million members worldwide and 250 employees, she said.
In a separate suit, Yahoo’s personals service is accused of posting profiles of fictitious potential dating partners on its Web site to make it look as though many more singles subscribe to the service than actually do.
Yahoo spokeswoman Rochelle Adams said the company had no comment on the lawsuit.
The suits, which both seek class-action status, came as growth in the online dating industry has slowed, although Web matchmaking still remains a big business.
U.S. consumers spent $245.2 million on online personals and dating services in the first half of 2005, up 7.6 percent from a year earlier, according to the Online Publishers Association. That’s a slower growth rate compared with several years ago.
At the same time, competition among online dating services is fierce, with some sites offering newfangled features such as extensive compatibility surveys to match up people with similar temperaments and outlooks.
The Match lawsuit was filed this month in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by plaintiff Matthew Evans, who contends he went out with a woman he met through the site who turned out to be nothing more than "date bait" working for the company.
The relationship went nowhere, according to his suit. Evans says Match set up the date for him because it wanted to keep him from pulling the plug on his subscription and was hoping he’d tell other potential members about the attractive woman he met through the service, according to Leviant.
His lawyers said Evans, of Orange County, was not available to comment, but described him as a working professional in his 30s.
Evans, according to his attorney, said the woman he dated admitted she was employed by Match. The lawsuit also contends the company violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, a law best known for being used in prosecuting organized crime.
The Yahoo suit was filed last month by Robert Anthony of Broward County, Florida. The suit, brought in U.S. District Court in San Jose, accuses the company of breach of contract, fraud and unfair trade practices.
Anthony’s lawyer, Peter McNulty of the McNulty Law Firm in Bel Air did not respond to requests for comment.

 Yay for the American legal system where you can sue if your date doesn’t work out!


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November 28, 2005


November 28, 2005

jeeeez lol

November 28, 2005

Yeah, I heard about that, interesting huh?

November 28, 2005

Can I sue the Baptist College where I met my first ex?? What about the bar where I met my second?! I have SO missed my litigous boat!

Hey! I’m all for it! ‘Course, I’m in the law! But seriously. Frivolous lawsuits are deplorable. But if the dating service was doing this, it needs to stop and someone should be punished. Fraud is fraud is fraud, and in matters of the heart… that’s just cruel.

November 28, 2005

just whack off like everyone else.

November 28, 2005

ryn: thanks 🙂 I’d just edited my entry with a similar finding… 🙂

November 28, 2005


I haven’t read much about this (just this article), but if his biggest concern is that they sent him on a date with an Match employee, then he’s lucky and should stop whining. He hasn’t been scammed. Ask the woman who lost millions of dollars to the fraudulent investment company if the above is fraud. They convinced him to renew his subscription? Isn’t that called marketing?

Eh, thousands of dollars is probably more appropriate, but you fucking knew what I meant.

November 28, 2005

Next thing you know… someone will spilling their own damn coffee on their lap and sue some fast food restaurant because the liquid was too hot…. wait a moment… Doh!

November 28, 2005

funny…I just wrote an entry about personal ads. So I wasn’t off the mark thinking about the fakedom of it all.

November 28, 2005
November 28, 2005

And it seems these two aren’t the only ones… Oh well. lol at a law suit against your date! :o) Can you do that if they take ya to Micky D’s?!? ;o) *hugs*

November 28, 2005

ROTFL omg now thats as bad as the chic that sued McD’s for spilling hot coffee on herself.

November 28, 2005

LMAO! oooh maybe I should shut down my dating site.. I dont want to be sued for someones lack of a sex life lol!

November 29, 2005


The only frauds are the real dates, lol. Just kidding, they aren’t ALL bad! Living in a small town, I don’t think I’ll run into this problem of dating Match employees!

Ryn: I know. : (

Ryn: Thank you, I will try that.

Are you going to try to sue me for breaking your heart? I hope you know that I’m refraining from mocking your noter who said that fraud is cruel when it deals with matters of the heart. Wait. Did I just mock her?

Sure, as long as you don’t object to videotape. I want to record you telling me to play rough with your balls so it’s not word against word when you take me to court. Cover your ass, that’s my motto. Or don’t, if you’re into that sort of thing.

I got this in a private note: “i think you should move to cali w/ nuzino” Can I move in with you? : )

November 29, 2005

thats funny cause isnt the point of the sites to go on dates, not to find relationships? I dont think thats fraud, on the contrary, thats offering what it delivered, if you DIDNT go on dates i would think it was fruad ha ha..

November 29, 2005

Good GAWD!

December 5, 2005

I met my S.O. on match, no photo posted…… his heart shone through.

August 5, 2010

One hit for 100 misses on