I have a friend …

who needs to see this again!




Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debits are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest , if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with it’s twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Daughters of St. Paul – Boston, MA









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September 19, 2005

*smiles* I don’t know who that was for… but at this very moment, I’ll take it as my own. Thanks

September 19, 2005

In 8th grade I had a PE teacher who let us get extra credit if we could memorize that poem. Needless to say I got my extra credit, I sure as hell needed it 🙂

September 19, 2005

that made my day, thank you. Im having a hard time and you always seem to speak right to me. If I knew you in real life, youd be my best friend. and if youd let, my shoulder to cry on

ryn: Mm.. no, definitly NOT the Disney Channel. Disney Channel doesn’t have horny little piss sluts. My diary does. 😉

September 19, 2005

Very nice! I’m sure she’ll appreciate this! Lotsa luv,

September 19, 2005

i actually have this printed on a small card on my windowsil in the bedroom where i see it every morning and every night. 🙂

September 20, 2005
September 20, 2005

Thanks, I needed that…

I love Nunzio. Thank you.

September 20, 2005

Ahhh. My mum has always had a copy of this posted up somewhere.

There’s one that’s called “Get Up and Win the Race.” Have you heard of it? Meant a ton to me years ago but I’ve lost it somewhere in a move. Take care.

September 20, 2005

Awesome…….wishing your friend the best!

September 20, 2005


Ryn: Yes, and you like it. I’ve got it all figured out…he’ll work during the day, you’ll work during the night. It’s called full coverage. I don’t want to get lonely!

September 20, 2005

Seems like all your readers needed that today:) I know I did.

September 20, 2005


Just when I think I want to fuck you, you go and post inspirational poems. Now I just want to beat you until you act like a man … or scream my name.

I have been unable to pull up either website address you’ve recently noted me with. Thanks for trying though! –R

Wait! I got it to come up after all! Thank you, Nunz. I cried. PS: I knew you’d find it for me. I knew you would. –Red

RYN of earlier with the other website, I got it to come up too (go figure), and while that didn’t “help” in the context in which you intended, it did open the flood gates. LOL. Well done!

September 20, 2005

You’re still such a good man… *hugs*

September 21, 2005

oh i havent heard that in forever i love that poem! that better be a fast talkin little mouse if hes gonna get away LOL

RYN: Um…hello? How does that get me the murano? LOL. I’ve gone with the cl*t sucking for nearly 14 years. NOW I WANT THE MURANO. lol

September 21, 2005

RYN: LOL….she is going to KICK YOUR ASS! Hmmmm……why hasn’t she responded I wonder? Must be at lunch. YOUR GONNA GET IT~!~

RYN: I’m grinning like you wouldn’t believe. LOL. Ah…. Nunz. My darlin’, you make the mistake of thinking that I have any leverage with him. He is way too stubborn to tolerate my manipulation, or such bargaining. It’s his way or the highway. We have had the p*ssy eating discussion dozens of times. DOZENS. Can you understand, my friend, that at some point…

… a woman just cannot bear to ask again? Can you understand how humiliating and shameful that becomes for her. That he DOES NOT WANT TO. EVER. Try to imagine if you will, this conversation: “Red, you knew who I was when you married me. You knew I would never (do that). You married me anyway. If you think that now that we are married you are going to FORCE me into (doing that)….

… through any form of manipulation, coercion, bargaining or insisting… THERE IS THE DOOR.” Just try for a minute. I CANNOT manipulate him in this way. CANNOT. End of discussion with him, every time. My ONLY hope (ever) is to reason with him. If I’ve got a good argument, he will CONSIDER changing his stance on the matter. But if a man just DOES NOT WISH TO….

… eat p*ssy, DOES NOT LIKE IT, AT ALL, EVER, and he is stubborn, there is just now way (that I have found) to REASON him in the submitting. The “it’s your duty” argument does not fly with this man. LOL. *sigh* Nope. At some point. You just give up. I used to dream about it. I don’t really anymore. Your damn diary does NOT help me though. LOL.

Yeah… you said that once already. LOL. –R

September 21, 2005

**HUGS** nice poem Love, ME xxx

September 22, 2005

RYN: Dammit man….I am NOT, repeat NOT, wearing those ugly fucking things!

You don’t know me at all if you don’t think I can follow that note up. I simply forgot about it. That’s part of my charm, you know. I’m arrogant, gorgeous, self-involved, eternally horny, and apathetic enough to forget about anybody that isn’t … well, me.

Now where was I? Oh yes, beating you while fucking you. I think I could manage to bite your nipples in between licking, sucking, and nibbling. Do you object to having your thighs bitten as well? That’s more of a challenge, but I figure you’ll need a break every few minutes in order to sustain.

September 22, 2005

RYN: I did NOT spend $1000 on a washer….it was only $850 ~sticks out tongue~ Besides…that baby spins at 1000 RPMs….so if needed…I can sit on it and take quite the “ride” LOL 🙂

September 22, 2005

I love that. 🙂

Don’t know if LB30 is going to let you have it, but I will. I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to disagree with you. 🙂 He didn’t just ask, he ran about the house checking for drugs based on observations that amount to exactly … nothing. Touching her nose, closing the closet door, and an energetic personality (imagine that, a mom who has to run around cleaning up after everyone) …

amount to nothing. It’d be different if she couldn’t account for her money or was staying up all night and living off of 3 hours of sleep every night or displayed even one of the common addicted behaviors. As it is, she’s done nothing and he’s jumping to conclusions.

Not saying she should leave him, that’s obviously her decision, just saying that it’d be enough for me to tell someone to piss off and it takes a lot to upset me. You’re right, communication IS important, but so is trust. The three things that led him to suspicion are so outrageous that it’s hard for me to believe that he trusts her. How long should she let him communicate his lack of trust?

I agree with you about 90% of the time. I think you’re level-headed, but I have to wonder if you’re suggesting these women be doormats. Now, I know you wouldn’t recommend them staying in an abusive marriage, but I’m interested in knowing if there are any behaviors you won’t tolerate and why some level of intolerance is hard for you to understand.

September 27, 2005

RYN: I’m not letting you “have it” Because your entitled to your opinion…I did not blow up at him by the way. We did talk like adults. I was clam, as was he. Bottom line is….he straight up told me that he’ll pretty much always “doubt” me and things about me, as he lets him imagination get away from him too often. That is where my problem lies. I don’t blame him for asking

September 27, 2005

2. me about it…I would have asked too… The thing I can’t get past is he kept saying “the worst I’ll ever do to you is doubt you” Too me, that is bad enough. I’ve not told him I want to move/end it….it is still in the thought process. I do love him…or it wouldn’t hurt so bad. I just have to decide if I should take this as a sign, with it being so “early” in our relationship.

September 27, 2005

3. do I honestly want to continue like this….wondering…waiting to see “how” he will take things….knowing he “doubts” me. Or do I want to get out now before it gets worse. The last one is the toughest part…..I honestly don’t know. I do know I’m not doing the “doubt” thing again…did it for 9+ years….am NOT doing it again!

Ryn: Thank you. Oh, and – I would like to come out WEST and visit you. Send me a ticket. : ) (just make sure it’s one way.)

I’d like more flow and less ebb. LOL. Wouldn’t we all?

You mean my talent for swearing? LOL. Well… I got riled!!!

*adjusts skirt demurely over knees* Let is not be said that I’m not a lady.

Ryn: Point(s) taken. Thank you for that.

October 4, 2005

RYN: good point, I’ll see what I can do about shortening it up a bit….most of it is about past experiences and how they cause my “way of thinking”. But bottom line, he’s still getting it.

October 4, 2005

Well he doesn’t listen when I talk….what else am I suppose to do…just leave and not say anything…I think he’d probably notice!

October 4, 2005

RYN: thank you for your blessing.

Ryn: Yeah, I realized how stupid I am. Going to his house on the day he asked me, having sex with him, then worrying about what went on during our supposed “date.” I’m not a date, I’m someone for him to f*ck when he feels like it. I’ve just been too dumb to see it until today. Thank you.

Ryn: Thank you. I don’t think that came off the right way. Unemotional notes through OD, yuck. I am working on uninvesting all of it with him. You were right about going down the day he asked me, having sex w/him, etc…I agree w/all of it.

Ryn: Oh…would you STOP IT??!?!??!?!!!!!! I’m not marrying him. He’s my friend. He lives in Tennessee. I might kiss him…maybe.

I’m working on it. He’s still not convinced that an open marriage is a good idea. Keep telling me I’m right and you were wrong and I am a fucking goddess and I might not care if jackass is okay with it.

Ryn: wow..no wonder it was deleted. o, and you’d be surprised what i can handle.

Ryn: But, but, but…she’s not my sister. Kidding, I hear what you’re saying.

Ryn: I do know right from wrong…but when the band starts playing I am put under some spell. I think I might still be drunk from it. Actually wondering when and/or if it will wear off. I like how he’s clumsy. I like that he hid from me. Need to stop thinking of him as my prey…it just turns me on that much more.

October 13, 2005

RYN: thank you, DADDY. 🙂

Where you be? *cries and cries*

October 18, 2005

ryn: yeah. and the tirmaisu was GOOOOD. *wink wink nudge nudge* internet man builds castles in the sky. problem is, i like to LIVE in them (withOUT the tiramisu!) thanks for writing–always so great to hear from you

Ryn: When I asked him if I was his girlfriend, therefore not supposed to see anyone else(?) he responded by teasing me and saying, “You can do whatever you want, you know that.” Don’t know if that was meant how he said it, or as a “you’re free (we both are) to do as you please.” I’d take it the good way, IF his profile was no longer up. F*CKING DAY! LOL, I’m tempermental…just a little.

October 19, 2005

RYN: And your point would be?

October 19, 2005

ryn: yep, just told her all and more today. wrote about the session in last entry. she says it’s like i’m re-playing a trauma. no time to piece together the puzzle today, but i certainly “fleshed out” lots of related events. you know, i was going through ALL of these events with the previous therapist, but no help.

September 26, 2006

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! =)

September 27, 2006

I still have this on my window sill. Lol. I still don’t know how to spell ‘windowsil’ ‘window sill’ ‘window sil’. grrrrr. how? how? tell me!!!! 🙂

November 30, 2008

i remember this poem. thanks for sharing it. it means a lot to me, especially now.