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September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005

Enough said…..

September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005

The tears that will never stop flowing…….

September 11, 2005

That kicked me in the gut…… I will never forget that day……. so sad, so sad, esp. listening to all the messages left on cell phones and answering machines. Sigh

September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005

:`o( Yes, we do…

September 11, 2005
September 11, 2005
September 12, 2005
September 12, 2005
September 12, 2005

RYNRMN:Can I tell you, dear Sir Nunzio, that your words and how you share your journey is of immense help to me? I shared your entry about Sir Nuzio and the Damsel with my estranged husband very recently. He didn’t comment much, but I believe it went “in”. We too married out of need and fear and 15 years later,now, a separation. A time to come into healing and freedom from fear…(c)

(c) My offer of “love” has always been driven by need, and hence, fear. That has been the demon that has dogged me, and now I am facing it…learning to love myself, learning to not live in subjection to fear, pain from the past, fear of the future. And your entries have helped me in that difficult process. Thank you, thank you for sharing! *hug*

September 12, 2005
September 12, 2005

RYN: Well, in response… I disagree with the top down… you know my research and my opinions based on that research. This was a massive failure of the bottom that went up. The fact is, the best support that can be given STARTS locally, the STATE, then FEDERAL. Also, I disagree wholeheartedly that you think 197 deaths is a debacle. It was a natural disaster… and people do die in them. cont

September 12, 2005

there is nothing on this planet that can stop one of those things and some people will be people regardless of how much warning we give. They just won’t believe they could die and then they do. I refuse to blame anyone for the death of someone who willingly stayed behind. Not the Mayor, the Governor or the President. They made the choice and they had to live (or die) because of it. Does that…

September 12, 2005

make me inhumane or a monster? No. We have free will. I am sad to see someone die because of a stupid choice, but they have that right. As for those who COULDN’T flee… well I think we have covered that ground already. As for the day total… as in your statement about the sources I quoted… I call into serious question ANY source until we know more about timing. The Nat Guard says they…

September 12, 2005

had a presence there in 3 days. And we hear five. Did anyone report it? Or was it purposely left out? Who knows… but I bet we will find out when the time comes. Thoroughly disgusted with the whole process of reporting on the hurricane. But all in all, I am overjoyed 10,000 people didn’t die. I don’t believe that makes me a bad person at all. (Respectfully in all I said.)

Very moving pic. Thanks for posting it. RYN: No. I really did not think I would. And I may not yet; it depends on the percentage each of us will agree to pay towards the car. I’m not out of the woods yet. LOL. Besides which, by the time I can “afford” my portion of the car, I may not want it anymore. My daughter is not skipping a year as planned. So I’ll pay 2 more years.

September 12, 2005

Well, strangely enough, I don’t disagree that Bush has some blame. But isn’t Bush’s fault that Brown LIED about his credentials… and obviously enough to fool an FBI background check. To say Bush is guilt of manslaughter is rather a large over statement. And to declare New Orleans a disaster zone beforehand… come on my friend, let us reason together… it was a Cat5 storm. Historical precedent.

September 12, 2005

the power of a cat5 is all but assuring total destruction. Bush made a pre-emptive call to say, “Yeah, it’s gonna be a hell of a mess when it’s thru.” Once again, I think we disagree on the bus issue. Those levies were cat3 strength. Anyone who couldn’t get out on their own should have been bused out as a precaution. Anyone else who had the ability to leave and didn’t… well… *shrugs*

RYN: All the better to…*see* you with, my dear! :-*

September 12, 2005

even in oz we were not immune to it. such is the way of the world that has been created by so many ignorant people. it musn’t be forgotten, ever. M

September 12, 2005

*grins* I’ll give it a go if you promise it works 😛

September 13, 2005


September 13, 2005
September 14, 2005
September 21, 2005