Five days …















Why does my heart feel so bad?
(Click here for an underground video, if you have the stomach!) (The traffic on these links is heavy at times. If the video doesn’t appear, try later.)

The Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, on an eleven-minute rant ending … in tears.

And as other countries line up to offer help to us … we drag our feet in accepting.

Five days that may well go down in history as the five days of infamy in which our government tragically failed us but our people did not!

Donations of every size and type are pouring into the Red Cross from around the country … world.
Funds Received to Date – The Red Cross estimates that, as of Sept. 6, 2005, it has received 409.2 million in gifts and pledges for the hurricane relief effort, with approximately $209 million made online to date.

We have killed our own people and our leaders … elected personnel are looking at each other to see who’s holding the gun. We have embarrassed ourselves before the world. For the rest of history, we will remind ourselves (assisted by others) of our inability to care for our own in time of need.

My heart looks hard for the “Silver lining” in this tragedy but I’m having difficulty. Is it that all cities will examine their own “Disaster Plan” and make sure they really have one? Is it that, in future disasters, there will be “automatic coordination” between Federal, State, and Municipal resources?

I don’t know, what do you think?
Help me see it.


We certainly have painted ourselves as vulnerable to our enemies this,

fourth day before the

fourth anniversary of

September 11, 2001.

God help us … please.

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Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? 
Anne Geddes 



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September 6, 2005

how interesting that we both posted entries at the same time with two different views on this. your video was very hard to stomach, indeed. you would think i would be immune to the images by now, but no.

September 6, 2005

there are no words…

September 6, 2005

I can’t. My home is currently full of Katrina Refugees – opening my home to a friend is all I can do.

Hope draws a fine line between trust and ignorance. For five days, I kept saying “thank goodness.” Guess it took me a while before I saw which side of the line I stood. Sad, isn’t it?

September 6, 2005

I’ve seen most of these pics… It was why I’ve been trying so hard to get some stuff to the kids that went thru this. I finally found a way. Over a week later…. Give ’em hell….. And let’s all hope/pray and DO something so they will find a way to never let this happen again.

September 7, 2005

Even in Aus we feel the pain. Sorrow runs deep in our hearts. Love and tears,

September 7, 2005
September 7, 2005

I don’t have speakers, but the images are enough for now. All those people. Very sad.

September 7, 2005

ryn~ I knew that title would get you!

September 7, 2005

I can’t see your video

September 7, 2005

RYN: Gee Nunz, why don’t ya tell me how you REALLY feel, LOL 🙂 I can’t open this link from work….I’ll have to try from home.

September 7, 2005

ty for this tribute, although sad , it needs to be out there, some good lessons need to be learnt of this bad situation. ty dear Nunzio, you did a wonderful montage

September 7, 2005

New Orleans was hardly alone in this tragedy.

September 8, 2005

Well… I hadn’t seen a pic of a body floating yet. Just keep hearing of it in the news. Now that should bring it home to people…. I so hope folks stop pointing and start DOING something. The first step?? To help and/or pray for all those still struggling in/with the aftermath. Thank God terrorists took this week off…. *hugs*

September 8, 2005

there is some good news, as if it matters right now. All the oil rigs are working. For whatever that’s worth.

September 8, 2005

That video was powerful. But the fact that “dying” was misspelled – it distracted me a little. But it was an amazing video.

September 8, 2005


September 8, 2005

At this point I just pray we learn from it!

September 8, 2005

God is the only one who can help…..

September 8, 2005

thank *you*. I just wrote an entry pointing my readers to this (out of adjectives) entry of yours. What an amazing collage you’ve put together… and what an heartbreaking video.

September 8, 2005

The citizens of the United States have been monumentally failed by probably the worst administration in recent history. Sending money and prayers to the people in this region.

September 8, 2005

A Katrina… music video? *blinks*

September 8, 2005

RYN: Trust me, I am not offended. No one writes an Op-ed without expecting differing opinions. I am not without disgust at the loss of life in this event. In fact, that was partial what led me to write this. I guess what got my goat is the need to immediately blame “someone” WHILE people were dying. And that “someone” always turns out to be Bush. Now, I consider myself a patriot… cont

September 8, 2005

and I know people would label me right off. This has nothing to do with that. I am a political science major and I HAVE to do my best to look at the facts as neutrally as possible. What I’ve seen is the establishments inability to MOVE on ANYTHING without FIRST looking to lay blame. If that was the way things had been done on 911, my God I shudder to think. What the hell has happened in 4 years?

September 8, 2005

cont What has happened that we need to use a natural disaster to get at someone? Is this the time for this? So, what I see is this… our articles are not so much opposites of each other but addressing the same issue thru different aspects. Yours deals with the horror of the deaths, the mismanagement of ANYBODY to save people’s lives. Mine deals with the horror of the deaths, and the stupidity

September 8, 2005

that seems to follow tragedies like this by people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER when people are dying. Though one thing I will say… it amazes me that all this inaction, and when the military shows up, amazing things get done, FAST. I stand in awe of our military and just how excellent of a job they are doing under extremely dangerous circumstances. The crime is almost nil and the waters are receding.

September 8, 2005

cont It shows in my mind, once again, why we have the best armed forces in the world. How a group of people who are trained to kill are also trained to save lives. Their ingenuity alone might be enough to save New Orleans… So I pray God keeps those men and women safe from harm while they are doing their duty.

September 8, 2005

((I was asked to move these comments to public by Nunzio. It was part of a dialogue. I have done this on request and I hope our conversation is helpful to people. God bless.))

September 9, 2005

Whoa! Thanks for the heads-up!

September 9, 2005

The entire thing is heartbreaking. I can’t believe how long it took for the US government to respond – it’s disgusting, really. And you really can’t help but wonder if it would have been the same if it happened somewhere else in the country…

Sorry, I’ve already got a daddy, who makes sure his little girl(And her lips, and her eyes, and her neck) are taken care of.

September 10, 2005

RYN: I wasn’t really private, love, I just wasn’t here. Good to see you, too. xx

ryn: OH HUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pretty much private noted those I actually ‘care’ about and said I’d be lurking…. and I have been! Got to delete a bunch of faves this way too! Haaaaaaaa I think I’m sneaky… but you’re just do damn smart for me! THERE! I said it! YOU ARE SMART!!!!!!!!

September 14, 2005
September 17, 2005

You are a fav on some of my favs…so I thought I would have a look at a few of your entries…this one touches our hearts and angers us for the lack of help these people have received. I know Aussies have already been digging deep financially and sending help from Day 1…I hope it improves. Love, ME xxx

I just found you thru BBTL’s diary, and i’m bored here in my office so i’m reading your old stuff, I’ll tell u what angered me about the N.O. situation, they’ve been warned for YEARS, that this would happen, it would and it did, Worst Case Scenario has been told to these people, and they sat back, and thought they would party in the dome..I’m not heartless, I realize there were some who couldn’t.

It was bad in my area as well, not the flooding situation like N.O. but most of everyone did evacuate because had we been the direct hit, we would have flooded, we took care of our own, radio station would announce someone on W. 13th st. was in need of bottled water, and someone who had enough to share would make a run there, E. 27th is in need of oxygen, someone supplied them…cont. again

sorry, for going on, the thing that wasn’t reported to those outside of our area, was all the bragging that went on before the storm, party was on inside the dome, and when it all went wrong, the same people who depend on the goverment to live, depended on them more so to live, they didn’t care to help themselves, (most of them, not all)…db