Hey, I’m just here to help, as a public service!

Breast Massage Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
By Beverly Smith

A recent study* of 4,700 women found that women who wore bras had an increased chance of acquiring breast cancer. It is very possible that the constant pressure that the bra puts on the breast is limiting the flow of toxins that need to be released, resulting in the increased cancer rate. Any more than a gentle amount of pressure can flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the toxic flow from the breast.

The Study found the highest rate of breast cancer in those who wore bras 24 hours a day, and the lowest rate in those who never wore bras. The study suggested that women should wear their bra less than 12 hours a day.

* Singer, Sydney Ross. Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, Garden City Park, NY: Avery Pub. Group, 1995

Self Care Breast Massage

Gentle breast massage will benefit all women and lessen the risk of breast cancer.
Gentle-to-moderate kneading, rubbing, and squeezing strokes with the hands are sufficient to induce increased lymph and blood flow to the breast.

How to do it?

The breast can be kneaded and squeezed by contracting the palm and fingers of the hand (somewhat like a handshake) or the breast can be rubbed and stroked using the palm and fingers of the hand using gentle-to-moderate pressure.

* Women’s breasts vary considerably in texture and sensitivity to pressure. Therefore, gentle strokes should be for those who are sensitive or have softer breasts. Moderate pressure may be more effective for those with firmer-textured breasts.


breast massage

This procedure should be done at least twice a week. It can be done on bare skin, but you may find that using some vegetable oil may be more comfortable (do not use mineral-based or scented oils).

  •  Step One: Use your fingers to gently smooth away from the nipple. These movements travel from the nipple and directly away using no more pressure than what you would apply to your eyelid. Any more pressure would flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the flow of toxins and fluids. Also, make this stroke slow, not fast, for it to be effective.
  • Step Two: Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.
  • Step Three: Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist the breast in a clock-wise and counterclockwise direction, being careful not to put too much tension on the breast.
  • Step Four: Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure compressions to move out more pressure fluids.

Health Note: If during self-massage any lumps are felt, these lumps should always be investigated thoroughly by informing and visiting a qualified physician.

If any lump is ever found, that area should NOT be massaged until a physician is consulted.

For more information about breast massage, see Self Care for Your Breasts by the Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy and Massage.

 Health Tips For Women



And for those of you who are too busy to engage in this vital, twice a week self-massage, please call for our outcall service at 1-800-webehappytorubu.

Your friend,



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August 8, 2005

Aren’t you the nicest?? And providing a helpline too! 😀

August 8, 2005

You’re so sweet to think of us, AND offer to help out!

August 8, 2005

My boobies thank you!

August 8, 2005

I assume you will be flooded with calls and may need extra helping hands. I assume this will be a volunteer organisation in need of volunteers… heehee, so where do I put my application? With big smiles,

Aren’t you a saint? 🙂

August 8, 2005

actually, thanks for this info… 🙂

August 8, 2005

you are so kind and thoughtfull…I’d love a hand 😉 and what is happening in the world of Nunzio?

August 8, 2005

Breast cancer is nothing to joke about.

So sweet…always thinking of us women.

August 8, 2005

*very* interesting info… i wish my breasts were a size that i could afford to wear a bra less often 😉

August 8, 2005

When I posted this, I knew it could easily be construed as dangerously close to irresponsible or thoughtless. I wish to assure you, I wasnÂ’t joking about breast cancer but attempting to deliver valuable information with a bit of levity. I too, as most of you, have lost my share of loved ones to this disease. God bless,

August 9, 2005

Random person here – Interesting diary. =) I like it.

August 9, 2005

are you going to start your own foundation to promote this practice?

Thanks for the smile today — that is surely the face of every man I’ve ever seen for whom I’ve bared my chest! BTW, still reading purpose driven life. Making progress? Mayhap. But thought of you last night while lying in bed (lol) when I pictured God tucking my hair behind my ear and patting me, smiling, for all the good efforts I’m making, which I understand to be “worship”…(cont)

…(cont) as far as God is concerned. I heard — now let me repeat that — I HEARD him talking to me, first person. Just the kinda cooing stuff a parent would say to his internally-struggling child. You know, the stuff like, “Daddy loves you so much. I know you’re not perfect; I never expected you to be. I love you anyway.” So… I mean… First person and everything.

August 9, 2005

lol that looks… interesting lol

August 9, 2005

Applauding!!!! The picture at the end was the perfect topper for this treat. 🙂

|^^^^^^^^^^^^||SEXY TRUCK | ‘|”””;.., ___.|_…_…______===|= _|__|… |”(@ )'(@ )””””*|(@ )(@ )*****(@) Now you have to hit 8 people to keep it going .. You can hit whoever you think is sexy and if you get hit again you are REALLY SEXY. 🙂 Dont break it 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not my fault – I got tagged… sorry. ~grins~

August 9, 2005

And here’s another hint… for the gals like me who have fiberous ones…. They feel like oatmeal at times. If you find a “raisin”?? Get a mamogram real quick!! ‘Cause I just had a lumpectomy (sp??)/went thru that….

Does it have to be self-care?

August 10, 2005


August 10, 2005

LOL thank you for enlightning entry.

August 10, 2005

Somehow I missed this entry. Always the gentleman aren’t you….you touched on an important subject in a unique way, while also getting your manly desires across as well. Nice… By the way, I’m so extrememly busy lately, I’ll be needing one of your tech support people to come service me 🙂 Also, I have a hunch you did something nice for me…if so…THANKS ~hug~

Oh… I know where the power I have and he resents is! My sexuality. And I grow weary of negotiating re my libido. LOL. But thanks for the a*ss-kissin’. LOL

I would SO trade p*ssy for the Murano. Soooooooooooo so so so so….. Now. Would I trade housecleaning for the car? Hmm. That’s a better, more on-point query for me. Get me WHERE I LIVE, not him where he doesn’t! *imagining the glee and gluttony which would ensue if he came to me and said you can have it but you’ll have to f*ck me for it!*

I’m hitting you with the sexy truck…it means I think you’re sexy. |^^^^^^^^^^^^| |SEXY TRUCK | ‘|”””;.., ___. |_…_…______===|= _|__|… | “(@ )'(@ )””””*|(@ )(@ )*****(@ Pass it on to 8 ppl. hee hee

August 10, 2005

I’m hitting you with the sexy truck too 🙂 |^^^^^^^^^^^^| |SEXY TRUCK | ‘|”””;.., ___. |_…_…______===|= _|__|… | “(@ )'(@ )””””*|(@ )(@ )*****(@ Pass it on to 8 ppl

Ryn: You know you like it.

Ryn: What kinda boots are you goin’ on bout?

August 10, 2005

RYN: I’ve tried the nice approach ALL SUMMER trying to get help with daycare….and I didn’t ask for him to help with school…HE brought it up. Now he’s not keeping his word. I’m not offering the dickhead SHIT! I’ll let her go this weekend cuz it’s HER time with him….not HIS time with her. But I don’t have to be nice to him when she’s not around, and I’m not going out of my way to do so!

Ryn: I said…”What kind of boots are you talking about?” there. happy?

August 10, 2005

RYN: Not to worry dear Nunz…..I’m still the same me…just adjusting to the “couple life” The biker bitch, attitudal, red head won’t EVER leave me…she’s just taking a break ~wink~

August 10, 2005

RYNonFO’s diary: Your fixin to feed her what? You sure aint just gonna have some grits n opossum or sompin like that. How ’bout some them there gizzards granny makes….thems good eats….specially if you nip a little from the still 1st 🙂

ryn: i KNOW you saved the “clean” one, right? 😛

My husband will love this one!

Ryn: You could be right, but we’ll see…this ain’t my first rodeo. Then again, riding is my first love. Yeah, you’re probably right…I’m toast.

August 11, 2005

RYN: S H U T U P !!!!!! It just so happens that I LIKE THE COLOR GREEN!! ~sticks out tongue and kicks you before stomping off in a huff~

heh! i didn’t know you were in womens health care too? A man of many talents!!

August 11, 2005

If you get overwhelmed Nunzio with your mission, and you need a hand, so to speak, I’ll gladly help you out.

August 12, 2005

RYN: Simmer down there cowboy…It only asked for THREE things I was wearing….not ALL of what I’m wearing. Of course I’m at work, and just for the record I’m also wearing BLUE JEANS!! LOL

Ryn: I know, you’re right…just don’t tell HIM! hee hee.

August 12, 2005

very nice tips. thank you.

August 12, 2005

I saw a movie with Chris Walkin, AROUND THE BEND, and thought of you because it reminds me of your experience with your mother and how the adult you looks back on it. I think you’d enjoy it. The grandfather says “some of us are more broken than others” and you often speak of wounds. It is a wonderful human story. Let me know if you know of it.

This is stupid! If breast cancer is an opportunity for you to get your jollies, you are in a pretty sad state! A sad state!

August 13, 2005

(To Cold Spring who’s diary is private:) When I posted this, I knew it could easily be construed as dangerously close to irresponsible or thoughtless. I wish to assure you, I wasnÂ’t joking about breast cancer but attempting to deliver valuable information with a bit of levity. I too, as probably you, have lost my share of loved ones to this disease. I’m sorry you were offended. God bless,

August 15, 2005

ryn: ha. You did definitely capture and hold my attention. read several entries. captivating.

Ryn: Me too.

You mean “yep” as in, yep, you think that about all women about whom you fantasize?

RYN: Of course I KNOW you aren’t talking about my lovely child! I KNOW better than to think you’d suggest such a foul thing to her mother! But you would f*ck her, right? I mean, she’s no dog or anything. LOL. ROFL. Oh… mothers are a complicated set.

ryn: and you are very flattering. 🙂

Yeah what is that about unresolved father issues? I have them myself, I know — Dad’s a girl’s first “lover” and all that. I’m tempted to ask what you could do to help ME with my unresolved father issues, but that would just be wrong.

Ryn: if ONLY I had SOMEONE to wear them for! Wah.

Ryn: Butt-lift panties, huh? No, I don’t think so…not just yet. Also – don’t assume I can’t walk in the shoes. Guess I know who I WON’T be wearing any of these things for!

August 16, 2005

~looks up~ Ohhhhh….she told you didn’t she 🙂

*crawling on Nunz’s lap* “Why Daddy, what big…” You see? Now that’s just wrong. LOL

Gee, Cold Spring chewed you a new one, didn’t she. LOL. “We” knew you were just joshing. That’s the collective “we.” Not sure who that is. LOL.

Ryn: Puts these (http://www.odgirl.com/item–Clear-Clear-Covergirl–Covergirl-601-PL.html) on, along w/the blue dress…slowly walks over to your desk, pulls your chair out (w/you in it), gets in bet. you and your desk, turns to face you while leaning back on the desk, throws head back while positioning the bottom of the shoe (bet. the front and the heel) at your neck and says,

cont. “Beg me for my forgiveness by whimpering like a puppy…Puppy.”

Ryn: I’ll have to get back with you.

You took a PRIVATE note (I sent you) and put it back on my diary, you dog! LOL.

August 16, 2005

ryn~I knew I could count on you for a funny comment about that. I don’t know why, but like kittens & puppies, squirrels cannot do their business on their own until they weigh close to 100g and are about 4 weeks old when their eyes also open. Mom squirrel “stimulates” her babies using her tongue but even I won’t go that far. A cotton ball works just fine, thank you.

August 16, 2005

RYN: nah, none at all! just a few rape dreams is all.

August 19, 2005

lol Nunzio… how surrupticiously you made the offer. 🙂

August 27, 2005


August 29, 2005

ROTFL nunzio your a nut i think i love ya! looove that pic too hilarious!