Pentagon Announcement:

The Pentagon announced today, the formation of a new elite fighting unit called the

These, North Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, and Indiana boys, will be immediately flown to Iraq and have been given the following facts about the insurgents:

     1. The season opened today.
     2. There is no limit.
     3. They taste just like chicken.
     4. They don’t like beer, pickups, country music, OR Jesus.
     5. They hate NASCAR’s four left turns, idiot racing.
     6. And, they are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

Watch your newspapers, this mess in Iraq should be over in a WEEK.


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June 11, 2005


June 11, 2005

LOL I despise NASCAR – being single, I use that as a sorting factor, if someone likes it I know we will NOT be a match.

June 11, 2005
June 11, 2005

Woo Hoo, GO BOYS!!!!

June 12, 2005

Nice.. 🙂 Kelly

June 12, 2005

ryn: ahaha! was that YOU sitting on the rocks? 🙂 actually, i was there again today. i’m not usually down that far, more often up by the roller coaster. there was some major event going on in that direction, though. this one wave snuck up on me. again. it was like today was sneaky day because it happened more than once. i couldn’t escape.

June 12, 2005

every month should have a sneaky day, perhaps it could be a different day each month. at least this time i had clothes to change into. not easy changing out of wet/sticky jeans in a car. but that’s a whole different story. have a good week~

Go Hoosiers!

June 13, 2005

Heh heh heh, a week may be too long an estimate. 🙂

June 13, 2005

Aint that the truth! I second S’s comment “GO HOOSIERS”

I have said since day one. “we should open the land for Texans” Just like when they opened the West. You find it, claim it, and clear it. Its yours!

HAHAHAHAHA ryn: and if you read any of my diary, you probably see that I’m serious…I will be a sexual fiend and a pervert until I’m dead.

June 15, 2005

It’s all good man… the comment was left as a polite, friendly jab

June 15, 2005

lol…. If only it were that easy…. *hugs*


ryn: LOL…”right here” isn’t very discriptive you know… 😉

ryn: I’m in No. CA care to email me a pic?

June 19, 2005

Glad my state was not included there! ryn~we went away for the weekend. Update to be posted soon. Maybe Monday.

ryn: Wow babe you are a total hottie! Can’t wait to pull on those ears and get your shirt dirtier! LMAO!!!

Time for you to update. If you don’t, I’ll just drop by and make you.

If it were that simple.