* A Vignette:

A few days ago I was traveling along this usually clear stretch of freeway on a bright, warm, spring, Southern California day.    I found myself in stop-and-go traffic alongside a City Jail bus to my right, transporting some very morose prisoners to their highway maintenance jobs a few miles ahead.  All these men dressed alike in their bright orange jumpsuit; all so young; all so sad. 
As the traffic is so slow, it allows me the leisure to study the faces of a few of the prisoners; I’m thinking, “what life do these young men have to get them a seat on this bus?  What crimes did they commit? Were they abused as kids? Did drugs play a part? They look so sad.”
Then, the lane to my left is speeding up and clearing …
look in side mirror …
left turn indicator on to merge …
start to accelerate a bit …
wait for this late model convertible to go by …
she passes me and slows …
four young females in the car …
not enough room to merge behind her …
speedometer, 15 – 20 MPH …
suddenly, loud screams …
honking …
what? …
accident? …
no, they’re screaming across my lane …
at the prisoners …
they’re waiving and screaming at the subdued prisoners …
then …
the three passengers raise up and FLASH a beautiful view of their tits while laughing and waiving at them …
Three cute girls with three beautiful pairs of tits!
The prisoners erupt; waiving through the bars on the windows, laughing, screaming back at them across my lane, stomping their feet, hooting, clapping, high-fiving each other.
The girls are waiving, laughing, blowing kisses, tooting their horn, waiving, flashing.
I can hear it all very clearly and I’m laughing at all the exuberance.
Careful, don’t pull up too far and block the prisoners view.
One of the girls looks at me, I’m laughing, I give her thumbs up for her "good deed" …
she flashes ME!
I laugh and laugh.
I’m looking at the bus load of prisoners, the girls, we are all laughing, even the DRIVER of the prisoner bus is caught up as is the truck driver behind me, tooting.
Even the guard on the bus is smiling, looking, as he yells at the prisoners, “Shaddup and sit down!”
All of us looking at each other and laughing … all of us caught up in the moment.
The girls speed off … the prisoners are still hooting, clapping, long minutes after they’re gone.
I look around, all of us smiling and nodding to one another … a moment before we were strangers, then barriers fell away, the same as if we were all trapped in an elevator together.
All of us united in this one frivolous moment …
All of us, strangers, joined together by … breasts!
*shakes his head at his own foolishness*
No, I don’t know why it was so special, but it was.
Well, yes I do …
yeah, yeah, so Pavlov was right, so what?

Men; I’ll never understand us …

but it was fun!
Then, as I composed this, I thought …
How many of YOU have flashed your tits in such a public way, or maybe a semi-public way? 
Come on, take a chance … tell Nunzio!  I promise, I won’t tell a soul! 
Complete with DETAILS please; cause you KNOW how I love details.
Yes, yes, I know, you were young, or foolish, or drunk, or did it “accidentally,” or thought no one would look, or all of the above … whatever!  Just gimmie da story! 
and …
from all of us men who have ever seen your tits in such a way …

it made our day!
(Now hurry up with your responses before I get busted by "Da Man.")

Have a great day!


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May 21, 2005

Damn it man! How do you do this?? It was a late night grocery store run with my boyfriend. I was in college. We’d been involved in an evening of decadence and I’d thrown on only my jeans and sweatshirt before jumping into the car with him. He walked ahead of me into the store. No one was around; I called his name and *FLASH* . He was horrified, delighted, aroused and shocked. I’d do it again…

May 21, 2005

if i knew you wouldnt be around taking a pic or writing about it later, I would def consider flashing , for , of course a great cause…./o|o

May 21, 2005

Well, I THOUGHT I saw this girl flashing me and caught up in the moment of it,I opened my raincoat and waved “Big Easy” back at her with this huge GRIN on my face. Then, I was on the sidewalk! Smooshed with the weight of someone’s knee in the center of my back! How humiliating! The girl disappeared, but I KNOW she’d have cleared things up. //I’m kidding! .. I AM! .. I KNOW she was flashing me!

May 21, 2005

Nunzio, your writing is first rate! I like the way you think. It surprised me that this entry only had 2 responses, because being flashed IS a day making event. I hope my humor wasn’t inconsiderate. You’re tops!

I was nineteen, going to St. Louis to have a wild time with my thirty-nine yr. old boyfriend… we were “playing around” in the truck when we’d noticed we had a truckers attention… we laughed at getting caught. Then my boyfriend advised me to flash him so I did. That day, I learned a different way to get a trucker to honk his horn for you going down the highway, lol.

I’ve only done it a couple of times. ~smiles~ once I was in a car and decided I needed to change right there and then. I wasn’t very modest at that point in my life, so I did. The second time was me being a smart alec. So one last smile for the boys on the way to the brigg. That was nice of them. ~smiles~

May 22, 2005

yeh, many a time. always when we were on school trips, used to flash off the back of the bus to the lorry drivers!! dunno why, i have practically no boobs now so i cant have had any when i was 15 lol.

May 22, 2005

Wow. Mammaries, oops I mean MEMORIES. I used to do this, quite a bit ‘back in the day’. In a ‘former life’ I was a long haul truck driver. I loved wearing those scanty itty bitty Hanes muscle T’s, you know, the ribbed undershirts? They were ‘enough’ to legally cover me, but still let enough sun through to tan me while I was driving my rig. I did my share of flashing ‘the twins’ as well as

May 22, 2005

competing in Wet Tee Shirt Contests . . . wearing the same said tee’s . . . 38DD’s and Hanes Muscle Tee’s . . . the only way to win Wet Tee Shirt contests! Bwahahahahaaa! =) ::::::::blushes::::::::::

May 22, 2005

never my boobs…but I did flash my smooth shaved pussy once 😉

May 22, 2005

I have never flashed my breasts. I once let this guy I was dating eat me out in the back of a taxi, but I’ve never flashed my breasts. Sometimes I let my husband look down my top in public. That’s about it. I’m boring.

May 22, 2005

RYN: hee hee hee, well, when you put it that way . . . That was a very fun entry, thank you for sharing 🙂

May 22, 2005

ryn: whatever you had in mind of course 😉

May 22, 2005

Oh geez…. I’ve missed ya!! lol And no, too “midwestern” I guess. ;o)~

May 23, 2005

Damn….I miss all the fun 🙁 I don’t even need to answer this….I’m sure you can guess the answer already (wink)

May 23, 2005

RYN: Okaaaaaay! Yes, I’ve done it…several times as a matter of fact. Usually at biker ralleys….but I have also been known to do it if there is a military convoy on the highway 🙂 I figure it’s my partiotic duty to make them boys smile! There’s also the “you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” senerio that comes up often too…but I only bite on that if the person offering turns me on 🙂

I just read you notes on Valentine Guy’s diary — and I wanted to thank you for telling him those things. I left him a private note along the same lines. My father cheated on my mother for most of their 15 years of marriage, I was a late baby, and 5 when they divorced, the best thing that my Ma ever did for me was to let me know that it was okay for me to love my Pa. She never said anything bad

about him… Divorce is hard enough without kids feeling like they have to choose sides. Now my breast story, lets see – yes I was young and foolish — I was 19, and was in Costa Rica – my girlfriend and I worked for an airline and we were there for a few days. We were walking along the beach, and passed a group of yound men on the beach, and they were speaking Spanish and talking about us

or so we thought… so after we got a little bit further down the beach, we took off our tops, stopped turned around and screamed and waved at them… we even kissed each other to give them a little something extra … you know I think when the BF leaves for work I will stand in the window and flash him! Good Idea! Glad I stopped by

I’m a very shy girl… my flashing occurs in foreign countries, and private notes!

Well maybe you will learn to like private notes …

May 24, 2005

Nunzio, You are one amazing and wise, wise man. Thank you so much for all the advice. I will take the “high road” you are just the type of friend that I need in my life. Thanks, let’s stay in touch my friend. PS. and you post great entries as well!

May 24, 2005

Oh how I miss my days in South Cali. *wistful sigh* I liked your Vignette.. I think I may try someting of this type soon.. Not the flashing, my breasts are on display all the time.. the vignette. RYN: Thanks for the compliment. 🙂

May 24, 2005

Ryn, You are SO naughty… but you can find them, nips and all at http://www.bbwwithstyle.com

May 25, 2005

Yes, even you.

I think most girls, who aren’t complete prudes, have done it at one time or another. I may become that woman eventually. Of course, I’ll be the one leaning over my stove getting myself off with a vibrator while waiting for the water to boil.

Senior skip day, 1984. RYN: And if one is not committed to healing the other’s wounds?

Okay. I lie. I’m a liar. Mardi Gras 2003 and 2005.

May 25, 2005

RYN’s: Are you fucking mad??? I can’t do that…..I have to be nice…..Karma’s been chasing me lately REMEMBER!!!!

May 25, 2005

I’ve flashed them on several occasions was one night at a bar…I was 21 by a matter of months, partying in a back room with a big group of friends. A couple of girls flashed their breasts and a few more of us decided to join in the fun- it was kinda like “the wave” only we were lifting our shirts!

RYN: I wrote about it the first year but FOD ate my diary so that entry is gone forever into the vast wastelands of cyber space. Fvck. I wrote about it this year, but skipped that part for it was very different this year — not pleasant, really. I’m too damn old. LOL. Take care.

May 26, 2005

It wasn’t an accident. There are a few, but I don’t remember dates and times. Just hot, exhibitionism. *grin*

but oh so hot

You have no idea … about my ass and my twisted sense of humor.

*looks up* “You have no idea”…who Edward Norton is. Look him up on Google, smarty guy with sophisticated equipment. There’s another Ed Norton and he’s very much alive.

You’re not twisted, you’re spiritual. Buddhists can’t be twisted, it’s against the rules. Scorpios always have the best asses. It’s a good thing, too — makes up for unbearable personalities.

May 26, 2005

RYN: WHATever….. he’s not THAT short….just an inch under me ~rolls eyes~ which doesn’t bother me near as bad as the fact that he’s losing his hair…he looks good with a hat on though 🙂

Ryn: I was trying to save you from yourself in private! You’re welcome.

Ryn: I DID! Check yours.

RYN: Now THAT is funny. ROFL. I love it.

May 27, 2005

Re My LB@30 N: I was going to say Clay Aiken, but I figured Richie Cunningham would date you and therefore be more insulting 😉

June 12, 2005

At the KY derby on the infield, three years in a row…. once in an elevator because some guy told me it would make his year and I’d had enough wine to honor his request….. and the most embarrassing time… in the Embassy Suites… my bf went to get ice, I was sitting there with my top naked and in he walks with two golf buddies he met down the hall – he invited them back for a drink!!!!!!

July 8, 2005

🙂 HI…this one entry gained you a spot on my favorites list (now jump for joy) Great fun!

Nope. Not a boob flasher. Too much of a tease for that. 😉 I CAN be accused of flashing panties while dancing, but only in an faux “oops” way, or so fast and so discreet that the poor male victim thought the fact that he just saw the crotch of my panties was a complete and utter accident. I feign pure oblivion and then smile to myself when I glance back and see his mouth open in shock. *snicker*

February 16, 2006

Okay, on the drive back from Florida, I was dared to flash a few truckers… I actually enjoyed it.. I got the whole deal: horn and flashing lights from a couple who instantly radioed ahead (I could see the CB in their hands). Those ahead of us were watching for us as we passed.. my boobs hanging out the window. It was a blast!!