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May 17, 2005

LOL , stop feeding them and they will stop coming , LOL Hide ur nuts!!!

May 17, 2005

*cracks up*… that’s cute

May 17, 2005

lol i filled our bird feeder, and the only “bird” i’ve seen on it today was a furry one with a long tail 😉

May 17, 2005

Nice trick with the camera! I thought we had the market cornered here in the midwest with the Squirrel Mafia. Maybe this is a larger ring than ever known!!

May 17, 2005

…and not speaking of squirrels…I must answer, yes. There is a time when this question could be answered yes.

May 17, 2005

Haha! That’s awesome.

May 17, 2005

hahaha!!! Too cute! LOL

May 17, 2005

hahahaahaha!!! write some more stories please!!

Better keep feeding them. You might not like them getting too mad. 🙂

Lol, you better not take it away from him! Ryn: It’s ok. Thank you.

May 18, 2005

lol!! ;o) *hugs*

May 18, 2005

I used to live in a place where they not only stole food, but the damn things would jump from tree to tree (the flying kind with the webbed arms, I personally just think they were inbred) and if you were walking underneath there was a good chance of getting whacked in the face. 🙂

May 18, 2005

I hear that those little beasts can be quite the pain in the ass. If they are gangsta squirrels then you better move because there goes the neighborhood. 🙂

May 18, 2005

RYN: I knew I could count on you to point that out… The question I grapple with is how to avoid misunderstandings and … I’ll just be direct before the evening ever starts. That should be enough, right ?(hoping you answer yes)

May 19, 2005

Oh, Damn! This is sooooo cute! Here I was, seriously weighing the question of theft of food… …and then, your photo loaded on my computer. I love it. I say, “Put out a bowl of peanuts!!!!”

May 19, 2005

Maybe he has a large family with little ones? :::feigns innocence::: I can come up with an excuse for everything 😉 heh heh heh Love ya Nunziodahlink*

May 19, 2005

RYNs: It occurred to me last night while drifting off to sleep. If there’s anyone to blame for this “mess” and for his delusions… IT’S YOU! See, the way I’m figurin’ it, you asked the question, so you got the universe stirred up on this one. 😉

May 19, 2005

*steals the squirrel AND the food, and runs off* =)

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, Nunz! : )

May 19, 2005


May 19, 2005

Aha! Happy (Belated) Birthday Nunzio. 🙂

May 19, 2005

Thanks everyone; it was yesterday, the 18th of May. (So you can mark your calendars for next year.)

Leave the ganster squirrels alone to eliminate themselves. (I can’t decide if that was satire or unnecessarily un-pc.) Isn’t there only one kind of sauce that goes on mostaccoli? Fuck, I don’t know what was on it, but it was good.

May 19, 2005

RYN: But then again, maybe I am in person too. However, efforts in person haven’t been nearly as fun or rewarding as with words… Something funny? You say “preserve my MD on OD,” but actually I’m preserving my D.O. on OD. That’s a much funnier play with letters!!

May 19, 2005

Cute pic…. It’s ok to steal food in some circumstances I think! Happy belated birthday…. are you 30 (again~wink)

May 19, 2005

Happy Belated b-day!

May 19, 2005

RYN: Small but potent! *swishes healthy tail*

May 19, 2005

RYN: LOL! *pouts* 400 words are not enough to do them justice… they are quite perky, ya know… You seriously wanting a description? It would put all my self reservation to shame and thoroughly test my command of descriptive English!

May 19, 2005

RYN: Sitting and waiting for notes only from you love! 🙂

May 19, 2005

Must go clean the Iced Tea off the screen now… – thanks for the laugh!

May 20, 2005

yeh man! u made me horny!

You are a guardian angel for a lot of us, you know. Thank you so much for being mine when you can. I do appreciate you very much. Sorry if I don’t tell you that very much. I do realize you have very good intentions…but I also have to admit I kind of like your bad ones. Maybe you are an angel sometimes and a devil other times. Mostly you are good though, which is hard when you’re a man,

cont. I realize. LOL… (I had to get one in before I left, couldn’t help it.) You are really sweet though. Knowing you has made a big difference in my life. It’s better now, ok? Please don’t mention this note to me though. I just wanted you to know.

Ryn: I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT STUFF! That’s IT! I’m telling everyone… your name! LOL, j/k.

May 20, 2005

OMG! I love that picture! Why didn’t you tell me? ryn~Tough love all the way baby. No doubt.

May 20, 2005

yes you are on my favorites list but I have been quite neglectful lately, haven’t read too many other diaries. Too wrapped up in my own drama.

RYN: He has been tested — his levels are normal.

May 22, 2005

RYN: Nunzio, your thoughts may be true. But, you may have 18 private responses, because you write SO well, they want a slice of intimacy with you. Privately, it’s just YOU and EACH of them .. each not knowing there are 17 more. You’re remarkable, monseiur! Hat’s off!