Here’s a cure for that “After Holiday Depression”


Two kids help soldiers in Iraq with calls home

By Ken Maguire

December 28, 2004

BOSTON – For all the billions of dollars being spent on the war in Iraq, Brittany Bergquist, 14, is surprised the U.S. military doesn’t do what she and her little brother are doing: helping soldiers phone home free.

“I’m kind of happy that they didn’t supply them,” she said, “because we’ve always wanted to do something for the soldiers.”

With $14 from their piggy banks, she and her brother, Robbie, 12, started Cell Phones for Soldiers. In less than nine months, the organization has provided $250,000 worth of prepaid calling cards to American soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait.

They raise money by collecting old cellular phones and selling them to companies that refurbish them for resale.

They started in April, when the family heard about a Massachusetts soldier who ran up $7,600 in cell phone charges calling home from Iraq. T-Mobile forgave much of the bill. But Brittany and Robbie figured there must be other soldiers – including a cousin of theirs – who are stationed in Iraq and want to call home more often but cannot afford it.

The Bergquist kids pooled their money and got friends to kick in $7 more. They opened a bank account at South Shore Savings Bank, which was so impressed it contributed $500. Yard sales followed, along with newspaper articles and TV interviews. Hundreds of schools and organizations, from Hawaii to Georgia, have started local chapters and become drop-off centers for used cell phones.

“It’s hard doing everything,” said Brittany, an eighth-grader from Norwell, Mass. “But it doesn’t matter to us. We think about how hard the soldiers work every day and they don’t have a choice to stop.”

Last week, the IRS granted Cell Phones for Soldiers nonprofit status, meaning contributions to the cause are tax-deductible.

The USO, the private group that entertains U.S. troops overseas, runs a similar program, called Operation Phone Home. A $10 donation will buy a serviceman or servicewoman a 100-minute global calling card.

Army Lt. Col. Joe Yoswa, a Pentagon spokesman, said soldiers can use military-run phone banks and Internet cafes, but they have to pay the costs out of their own pockets. And using a cell phone in Iraq can cost a soldier up to $3 a minute in roaming charges, said Bob Bergquist, the Bergquist youngsters’ science-teacher father.

The Bergquists have traveled to Minnesota, Texas, Louisiana and New York to hand out calling cards to soldiers about to leave for the war zone. Their work has earned them appreciative e-mails from soldiers and their families. One wrote: “Hearing from family members is what keeps a soldier going and gives them the drive to get the job done and get home.”

Happy Holidays,


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December 28, 2004

Amazing. There is hope.

December 28, 2004

What smart children. Their parents must be proud!

December 28, 2004

Welcome back…..Where’s THE entry…..

December 28, 2004

What great kids… Gonna have to check this out. :o)

December 28, 2004

wow that is great

December 28, 2004

Everyone can do SOMEthing.

December 28, 2004

That’s so awesome. ——->>

December 28, 2004

Isn’t that great? I heard about the program on Fox News several months ago. I donated my Motorola phone to the cause in about Sept. They don’t let you know if they’ve received it, only if they haven’t. So I just have to assume my not-so-old phone is calling home… Thanks for posting. bmh

Such ingenuity… I could learn something from these tykes.

December 29, 2004

🙂 thanks for posting this 🙂

December 29, 2004

RYN: He called…we talked for a long time….he explained…I believe him….don’t know if I’ll talk to him again or not….he’ll never be able to keep up with me!

Ryn: True. It’s just a little bit negative.

December 29, 2004

very nice story..thank you for sharing:)

ryn to S: You’re a dork! *grins ear to ear* I didn’t think you ever really read… I apologize! Enjoy my useless babbles!

ryn from Nunz…….. WTF was that? *Falls over laughing* He’s a nerd and I didn’t think he even read my stupid shit! He’s back on…. tell him not to bore himself! [Just*Jules] [p]

January 5, 2005

RYN: No, Nunzio, there isn’t. We all look like that. 😛

January 5, 2005

Haven’t meant to neglect you* Happy New Year & Be Well* ::::::hugs:::::::

Damnit! I’m about sick of this one eyebrow stuff!!!

I want Nunzie.

I want Nunzie again.

January 7, 2005

RYN: One mans opinion…BLAH BLAH BLAH….I already knew what YOU would tell me to do (wink) Tough guy? LOL You crack me up….there aint nothing about be even close to resembling a “guy” ~rolls eyes and storms off in mock anger~

January 10, 2005

RYN: Mmmmm I like it…I like it a LOT! So far, your in the lead 🙂

January 11, 2005

RYN: I don’t have a digital cam….sorry…no naughty pics of me… thanks for “calling me out” in front of everyone though….sheesh!

You are my cure for “after holiday depression.”

January 17, 2005

Um…just letting you know you are now next to last on my faves list… planning an update anytime soon?? Huh…are ya?? I hope it’s a good one (wink)

Ryn: LOL, now I have to post his pic. I feel a little mean, but….oh well. I’ll definitely be comparing it to what you sent!!!

Ryn: In that case…I think I’m going out drinking tonight. Will you be home later? LOL, I wanna talk to you about some things…. : )

  You have been given a gift of a six-month Open Diary Plus subscription!

Ryn: You’re second from the bottom on my updated favorites list. : (

Ditto that second from the bottom thing S said!

Ryn: Gross!!!!!!! Ok, TMI! TMI! LOL

January 30, 2005

Where are you Nunz??

February 4, 2005

Your on the bottom of my fave list…..UPDATE ALREADY!!!

February 5, 2005

RYN: So I deduce you are a teacher? Fascinating. I taught for a year; Lord, I learned lots!! bmh