An open letter to the Diary Master (edit)

Dear Diary Master,


Now that you’ve announced the hacker attack was successful in deleting this summer’s entries and there’s no recovering them, I have some thoughts about enhanced security and the money to pay for it:

According to this morning’s Open Diary opening page, OD has 310,166 total diaries. Of that amount, 2,590 are paid subscribers leaving 307,576 unpaid.

Why not try tiered pricing? Charge a minimum of $1.00 per year, to the unpaid users to do anything other than read the diaries!

In other words;
Allow your “readers” to READ diaries for free.









  1. If a reader wants to create their own diary, or leave notes in other’s diaries, they become a subscriber at $1.00 per year.
  2. If they want to do everything in #2 above, AND avoid advertising, they pay the present $24 per year for OD+.

    Yes, I’m sure there will be some users that will choose to go elsewhere but I believe most wouldn’t mind paying $1.00 a year for enhanced security.




    To borrow a phrase or two from your 10/15/2004 entry:

     “Every individual in this community invests so much into his or her diary. Dreams, confessions, remembrances – each diary is imprinted deeply with the texture of the author’s life. Each diary is a separate treasure – whether genius or pedestrian, insightful or insipid, every diary here is valuable, to the person writing it and to the community as a whole.  



To see each person expressing their grief over what they have lost and what their friends have lost has been heartbreaking.”


Hell, even if the hacker is caught, they get a slap on the wrist. Read here what happened to the most famous hacker of all time and how he’s back!


As you probably know, the profile of a hacker and/or a virus writer is, "A male, obsessed with computers, l

acking a girlfriend, aged 14 to 34, capable of sowing chaos worldwide."   


These guy’s are driven by a different drummer and see nothing "wrong" with attacking Open Diary OR the Department of Defense website. They honor each other commensurate with publicity received and damage done. The importance of our "piddling little diaries" are of no importance to these guys.


The only thing that’s effective is rigorous defensive measures and, as you know, that’s expensive!


I’m sure you know your ministrations about Karma are not going to shame the hackers into stopping their attacks! Only security measures stop (or slow down) hacker attacks! ("Hackers: The Underbelly of Cyberspace.")  

Increase your subscription charges to get the cash to take a real step towards putting an end to these attacks. I think people will pay a small fee to enhance security for their entries, don’t you? Give them the opportunity to do so … to protect their “asset.” 








In doubt as to whether it’s the right thing to do? Publicize it, put it to a real OD survey, and get your reader’s opinions. I think you’ll be surprised with the amount of support you’ll garner!


Moreover, don’t users of a product (OD) have a requirement to pay, albeit minimally, for the use of that product? Aren’t the recent security breaches a manifestation of undercapitalization? I think the timing is perfect; your unpaid membership would buy it on that point alone! Why not try it?

It’s only a buck to the unpaid membership Bruce, but the extra $200,000 – $300,000 a year or so, would go a long way towards guaranteeing security to our diaries and simplifying your life, no?




In summary … charge a buck, and spend a portion of the cash flow on additional security refinements. 

 "It’s only a buck Bruce!" 


Thanks for your past efforts.

 Best wishes,

<span style=

“COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: ‘Bookman Old Style’; mso-ansi-font-size: 12.0pt”>Nunzio



I don’t want to leave this subject without addressing unprotected computers with the rest of my friends at OD.

Hackers are very effective at covering their tracks, that’s why they’re so hard to find and prosecute. The person who hacked into OD most assuredly hid his trail. As I understand it, one very effective and popular way to dispense a hack or virus attack is for the hacker to find someone else’s unprotected computer, connect to it and attack from it. Wouldn’t it be something if the hacker used one of our computers to direct his attack at OD!

Those who plug into the net with an unprotected computer, assist the hacker or virus distributor in his destructive mission. Since we are ALL connected to each other, through the net, I classify the behavior of those who operate unprotected as irresponsible … they increase the risk of attack for all of us. This isn’t a harmless toaster or TV we’re operating here. An unprotected computer provides a path to my computer, to all of our computers! It’s no different than operating a "smoggy" car; you’re damaging the environment that belongs to all of us, so you get a ticket and pay a fine. (And you must fix the car before it’s allowed on the streets again!)


Soon we’ll be able to hold unprotected computer users liable in court for the damage they "assisted" the hacker with. There’s already plenty of case law to prove it is illegal to expose others to risk or damage without disclosure or protection. The courts have said, "An individual should not suffer loss, or the potential for loss, caused by the improper or unwise acts of another."




Edit 10/19/2004 @7:24 PM –


Diary Master Response:

The security upgrades you installed sound good, but they also sound expensive. Does that mean you will raise the OD Plus subscription price, or do away with OD Free accounts?

Absolutely not. The upgrades have been very expensive, but I have no intention of raising subscription prices as a result. I feel at this point that beefed-up security is the single most important thing to OD as a community – so it will take first priority in the budget, after we pay our monthly server fees.

I don’t ever intend do discontinue our OD Free diary accounts – the vast majority of our users are here as Free users,  and I want them to be able to stay.

Edit 10/16/2004 @ 6:54 PM:




The following is a response to Silvertree’s note, left on her diary, but who apparently, subscribes to the, “Delete their note if you don’t agree with their opinion,” line of thinking.


RYN: "Remember not all hackers are morons who want to distroy (sic) what they hack into."

Hmm … I think you’re right. I associated hacking with destruction. I guess the key word

here is, "All." As in, “All generalizations are bad, including this one.”

I concede that "all" hackers are probably not destroyers but I wonder what percentage is?

2 – I’m afraid the guy who breaks into my house, standing in my living room at 3:30 in the

morning, without stealing anything, would get shot. The courts have stated, I would have

acted within my rights as a reasonable, prudent man would have concluded the “robber”

was there to do harm.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Best wishes, [Nunzio]




The number of people who are hackers and do not do damage are high, you only have to look around hacker communities to see how they feel about doing damage once into a system. Simply because it is those idiots who do the damage who get into the news or get heard about

does not mean that there are not far more who simply do it for the knowledge.

There is no skill in breaking into a home, and that is your own personal property not public.

Of course, anyone who owns a gun and shoots deserves to be broken into, and anyone who think s in that way is obviously the sort of person to react so over the top to a harmless and educational hobbie – one I am sure without we’d be free from the wonderful technology we have today. [Silvertree]





Thanks for your thoughts.

Best wishes, [Nunzio]



(I never knew hacking was considered a "harmless and educational hobbie." [sic])









Log in to write a note

You go Nunz! Ones wisdom is super!

While I have no issue with the idea of spending a $1 for security, there is a problem with this plan. I don’t have a credit card, nor am I allowed to have one thanks to the ex’s bang up job he did to my credit. This in turn means for me, a single US dollar is going to cost me around $5 CDN, then I have to mail it and hope it makes it to the right people. Not impossible, but a pain.

October 15, 2004

well said.

October 15, 2004

you are so smart, Nunz!

ryn: I just got it and damn it…. I can’t come up with a good comeback!!!!! *I’ll work on one*

October 15, 2004

Thanks for all that input, and for the ideas.

RYN: I have no issue with the dollar. Or in my case the five dollars it would be. It’s well worth the protection. I simply wish there was a way to just pay from my account instead of getting a US dollar, then mailing it, hoping it makes it and hoping it is awarded to the right journal account. I guess I’m just not trusting enough. ~wink~

October 15, 2004

My puter is on the pill and I wear a condom. I feel protected.

October 15, 2004

Ok one Kevin didn’t steal anything from anyone. He only hacked into peoples stuff to show that he could. And thank you very much he worked for the government to show them how hackers do it. So you need to really read what you write. It’s stupid people that do the hacker stuff like this. I know people that can hack into OD. They say the security isn’t very good. A simple website can be brought down

October 15, 2004

A beginner hacker could hack into OD. So you think you can stop everyone they is always a way in. You can’t stop everything nowhere in life.

October 16, 2004

The problem with trying to make people pay for a service (especially one that has been free for several years as it is) is that people don’t like to pay for things. If they can get it free, they almost certainly will. If OD were to start charging to make entries, even at a dollar a year, people would go to other services. There are dozens of free diary sites out there: Livejournal, Xanga…

October 16, 2004

… Blogspot, Diaryland,, etc. I could list them ad infinitum. And all of those services are free. Now, I’m not saying it’s not a good idea. I’m not saying it wouldn’t bring in a lot of money for OD. It all just leads back to the old cliche: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

October 16, 2004

Very well put, very eloquent. I believe you are right on there, since those of us who have paid to be here were entrusting our thoughts and memories to this site. Now I don’t blame them for losing our entries, but more must be done to stop this from happening again. Especially for the ones who are paying to stay here, but for everyone over all.

October 16, 2004

You got my buck 🙂

October 16, 2004

Thanks for the welcome back, Nunz. I’d pay a buck. *g*

October 16, 2004

Actually, that’s a pretty darn good idea…

October 16, 2004

Isn’t that a little harsh on hackers? Remember not all hackers are morons who want to distroy what they hack into.

October 16, 2004

RTN: The number of people who are hackers and do not do damage are high, you only have to look around hacker communities to see how they feel about doing damage once into a system. Simply because it is those idiots who do the damage who get into the news or get heard about does not mean that there are not far more who simply do it for the knowledge.

October 16, 2004

There is no skill in breaking into a home, and that is your own personal property not public. Of course, anyone who owns a gun and shoots deserves to be broken into, and anyone who think s in that way is obviously the sort of person to react so over the top to a harmless and educational hobbie – one I am sure without we’d be free from the wonderful technology we have today.

October 16, 2004


October 16, 2004

Great idea…. And AOL has a firwall included with 9.0. Plis XP has a firewall program included…. just have to turn it on. *hugs*

October 16, 2004

Those are fantastic ideas. The only problem I could see is that a lot of people don’t own a credit card, making payment difficult. Money orders can cost up to seven times that much $1) to create, and mail can be slow. This is especially inconvenient for anyone young (<18) who is keeping this a secret. I think we’d lose a TON of members that way.

A lot of kids use the system…and they don’t want their parents to know that they write diaries because they wouldn’t want their parents to find it. Maybe charge a fee for everyone over 18? I realise some people would lie, but if you made them enter their birthdate first or something before you tell them they have to pay if they’re over 18…I don’t know.

What *I* want to know is, are we ever going to find out if this is the same hacker who attacked us the first time?? Cuz my ENTIRE diary was erased. That’s three years of writing, not just three fucking months like this time. Good thing I backed it up, or I’d be bashing heads.

October 16, 2004

Was there another hack since the “last time”? Good ideas…

Wanted to take a minute and thank you for pointing out to me that that note from one of my faves wasn’t meant to be mean. I think I should have know that… Maybe you were right and there was some truth to it and I knew it. In any case… I apologized to this person and rec’d this note back from them… Thought I’d share… and say thank you for your wise words!

My note to her:Hey.. an explanation here… I did remove you for a few days from my faves. I guess I took your p/n the wrong way.. which I’ve since gotten over. Maybe the truth hurt? Who knows… I’m not really angry all the time…but I do come here to vent when I am angry… I am sorry for shutting you out but I guess I needed to think for myself and see myself for who I am. (c)

You are an eyeopener to me with every note you leave.. whether or not I like what they say… I do appreciate your words.. and I’m sorry I shut you out. The offer is on the table for you to come back in. I’ve added you back to my faves w/ a promise to not shut you out again… if you decide you will return. I appreciate you and I’m sorry! Please accept my apologies. (c)

and her response to me:thanks for allowing me back here and I am sorry if your feelings were hurt by what i said. I didn’t mean it maliciously, I was truly concerned thats all. I understand you better than you think, and I care about you. Nice we are connected again….I will try not to seem judgemental in future..hugs So thank YOU Nunz… for showing me the err on my part!

October 16, 2004

I am on your wave of thinking, Nunzie baby.

October 17, 2004

This is an EXCELLENT idea! Almost anyone can afford a dollar – even if it has to be mailed. I AM tired of wondering if my diary is truly secure or not. I think that anyone who left a FREE diary wouldn’t really be much of a loss, as there wouldn’t actually BE a loss of revenue (other than the potential pennies gained from clicks on popups). You should send this idea to the DM.

First of all, the word is crackers not hackers. No self respecting hacker will damage a site like OD. 2nd of all, asking everybody for money is not the solution to any of the security issues; One can get better security in less than half the amount the DM is spending right now. The real problem is some peoples’ (*ahem* DM *cough*)obsession with M$ technology on which OD is based (unfortunately)

…. and I could write an whole thesis on how shitty M$ actually is. So unless that changes, I dont think any amount of money is going to make this site secure enough. PS: You forgot to add the money being made by all the zillion ads and pop-ups.

October 17, 2004

Damn….you got a couple peoples panties in a knot didn’t you!! Guess everyone’s entitled to their opinion…but we don’t all have to agree with it 🙂 I’d still give you my buck!!!

October 17, 2004

btw- Are you our pimp now or what?!?! *smirks* =)

October 17, 2004

ryn- Soooooo, who’s my first conquest Nunz?!?! *wink* =)

October 17, 2004

Some VERY good suggestions.

why thank you – appreciate it 🙂 and they sell Peach and Strawberry here…that’s all. Wish they sold MORE kinds wooooot Peach is so goddamn addictive, yo

Why don’t you make MY life like Red Running Hood’s today? : )

Ryn: Don’t get your hopes up…Lifebegins isn’t going to be holding you down “that way.” THAT is MY JOB!!!

October 18, 2004

yes, I agree.

October 18, 2004

~looking up at S~ She told you didn’t she!! (sticks out tongue and runs away)

October 18, 2004

RYN: Verrrrrry funny….only I’m not laughing!! No 19 year olds for me NO WAY!!! I’m not teaching the basics to ANYONE!! EVER EVER again!!

October 18, 2004

RYN: Thanks Nunz 🙂

November 10, 2004

I was note hopping about and stumbled across this entry. I have to say great entry, and that $1 idea seems like a good one. 🙂

January 25, 2005

Interesting entry. However, this $1 thing you suggested – how do members from non-US countries pay?? Do they just pay $1 in their own currency or bow to exchange rates? Very, very difficult and I think subjecting us all to a major security risk again regarding credit card fraud.