* Hungry for your taste … (restored)

Edit: 10/03/2004 @ 2:24:27


My, my, my!

Very interesting the number of you ladies who enjoyed this but chose to respond privately.  Are we losing our nerve … hmmm?

(Aww, that’s ok, I’m just glad you enjoy my writing!)






(Originally posted 8/23/2004)



You stand there looking beautiful dressed in your short skirt, high heeled sandals, bare legs, ready to go to dinner with me.






Gently, I push you down on the bed, on your back.






Kneeling before you, I gently open your legs, placing them over my shoulders, your high heels resting on my back.






I slide your short, diaphanous skirt up to rest on your mound, exposing your bare pussy.






I move your beautiful ass to the edge of the bed for easier access to my mouth.







With my thumbs, I pull your lips apart to expose your beautiful cunt and that special spot you love me to slowly lick …










I draw, first one lip, then the other, into my hot, wet mouth with a suck, s-u-c-k-i-n-g sound.




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My tongue searches for and finds, your spot.






I slowly … really, s-l-o-w-l-y, lick you.






and lick you …






and l-i-c-k you …









Hungry for your taste, I increase the pressure and speed of my tongue …







stiffening my tongue, I concentrate on your clit, flicking it rapidly, until … 

















until you squirt … and squirt again, your wonderful, sweet, orgasm into

my thirsty mouth.







After a few minutes, your breathing returns to normal. I help you to your feet and taking you in my arms, I kiss you tenderly, sharing your wonderful secretions with you. 



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Thinking of you!












Have a great day!












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and now I’m thinking of YOU! ~soft smiles~

October 3, 2004

that is just soooooo HOT!

October 3, 2004

I can see why most ladies would choose to PM this one… WOW!

Mmm, nice ;o) In regards to your note earlier, I’m making an entry on it. Hope you enjoy!

October 3, 2004

Did you think we wouldn’t enjoy it?!?!? I guess that just goes to show how boring some of our men are! =)

October 4, 2004

I think the > come from when I write and then copy and paste…I have to do all my erotic stuff in my email account and then post it as I cant save anything on my comp! hope it didnt distract you too much!

How could any woman be thinking of anything but you after reading this? : )

and it should be are we losing OUR nerve? I love it when you make a mistake, it so rarely happens!!! YAY! ha ha

Ryn: at least I’m not as difficult as you!

Ryn: yeah, you ALWAYS have that!!!! : )

October 4, 2004

ryn- Thanks for the compliments baby!! *blushes* Ummmm, not having problems hooking up necessarily. I’m having problems hooking up with anyone worthy of my time. xoxoxoxo =)


thanks for the compliments baby! hee hee. Ugh.

and also – I seriously doubt you’d be able to put up a tent. so the only thing I have to say to you is this: WHATever.

October 4, 2004

*whimpers* Silly woman telling you how much they like it privately – EMBRACE YOUR SEXUALITY!!!

October 5, 2004

Disregard previous link–didn’t work. I thought you’d get a specific picture, but it doesn’t show. I’d like to talk to you–when are you available?

October 5, 2004

What size shoe do you wear?

ha ha, I don’t care what size shoe you wear. I hope your appt. is going well. : )

October 5, 2004

Aloha… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just drifting by ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (but… I’ll be back)… A hui hou…

October 5, 2004

RYN: Talk–how about now? 3pm eastern “define love differently and remove that restriction”? What? Coming from YOU????

October 7, 2004

um…wow i missed reading you somehow you disappeared off my faves not sure why hmmm love your note too will do by the way 😉

October 8, 2004

RYN: LOL you’re funny. I think you’re tainted by the fact that you know it was me 😉

October 8, 2004

OMG I love this. Too much actually. =)

Holy Sh1t……..that was awesome……..woah, Gotta take a deep breath…..lol…..keep writing…. You can’t fix me I’m

November 17, 2004

this wasn’t safe for me to read at work. now i need a bathroom break!

December 22, 2004

mmmm, i found your diary quite a while ago but some of your entries got deleted 🙁 i loved that entry, it was so hot… made me want to be eaten so much!

February 12, 2005

When testing a new friendship for the relationship possibility, I’ve wondered, when it’s appropriate to say…”So how do you feel about providing oral satisfaction for your lover?” Or something like that. bmh

Uh. Erm…

September 4, 2006

oh my! am i glad i decided to flip thru your diary again *grin*