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MINE TOO!!! HI-5!!!

June 24, 2004

Mine too, mine too!

June 24, 2004

I am back too and able to note again yay i was in major withdrawal! Missed being able to note! I did read ya while I was on hiatus though!

Oh, does that mean we get no entries today?

Mine is still out of commission. *whimper*

June 24, 2004

Yeah!! I came to copy/paste the poem from last entry and found you were one of the choosen few. Lucky You!! And you can back them up to a text file thru the maintnance area… Glad you are back *hugs*

June 24, 2004

= )

June 24, 2004

i know, i couldn’t read a lot of people’s diaries.

June 24, 2004

Mine’s not 🙁

June 24, 2004

I save my recent entries every 4-6 months.

June 24, 2004

… a sigh of relief is in order, I am not the only one with problems. How did ya get it fixed oh wise one? 🙂

Welcome back.

What is this, C.S. ?????

I got your IM. aww, where’d you go? Thanks to you, I have to change certain parts of my clothing when I get home. Yeah, I’m blaming you. Hear that? I choose to read your diary, knowing it’ll get me going, but then blame you for it. Oh, and my boys are gone tonight, so when I get home from being out later, I’m re-reading some of the entries. Maybe be able to read the new ones then! I look

forward to it more than I look forward to going on my date. Your entries and my imagination would be so much better than any reality I could get tonight, even if I wanted to try. lol…

Ryn: I won’t be home until later tonight. Why wouldn’t you talk to me last night? LOL… Yes, you could say that kind of wanting…lol.

Ryn: Aww, Nunz…and here I thought you were perfect. LOL, just teasing. Glad you admit you’re not completely free of it. I doubt you ever will be, you’re human. Maybe you will, but ???

Ryn: Yes please!!!! bye bye. Have a good night!

June 24, 2004

Yay me too! I haven’t downloaded since meeting Adam, so it was funny that OD was down, I had no record of him and he dumped me all at the same time.

Finding out is a kinky little hottie to boot! I had no trouble envisioning her in one of those outfits. Like the nurse!!! She has got great potential… if she doesn’t burn out first. I’ve seen too many babes hook up with the wrong guy and get totally ruined for everyone else.

No email, no update. : (

Ryn: Well, Nunz, you aren’t available…what’s a girl to do?

Ryn: I have blue-green eyes. Did she?

delete above note. Did not make it private. Or hell, leave it, it’s not like anyone would be shocked that I’m giving that info. I flirt w/you shamelessly anyway. F*ck it. : )

Damn. De was 5’6″ and bet. 115-125 lbs? She was a bit on the scrawny side then? Or do you just not get into any curves? LOL… Now don’t go and get offended. I am only giving my opinion, which doesn’t count for much. It’s not as if I was w/her….LOL

My birthday is March 15. When was hers? Or do you even know? Ok, done noting until I get some.

Ryn: I am almost 5’3″ and built muscular. Weigh 135 lbs. Wear 38C bra and size 6-8 panties. Very proportional if I do say so myself, lol. No need for gifts, but thank you anyway! LOL…awaiting answers…

A thin line. What was this note? arrrrrrggghhhhhh! Please tell me? please? please? Oh, and thank you for the compliment! ; )

Nevermind, he probably just found you through me. Probably wanted to comment on how intelligent you are.

Babydoll, where ARE you today? It’s dragging here. LOL, I’m being needy. ha ha. Teach me to be better!

I’m at work right now. No sex IMing!!! So….if you’d rather wait then I’ll wait for whenever that is. Damn, it’s to the point to where I look at your name on your diary and……nevermind. You’re killing me.

Ryn: Believe me Nunz, I would LOVE to give you the number, but the owner’s daughter is sitting right next to me and can hear every sound I make. If I started giggling and all that, she’d tell her Mommy! : ) I want to though, you don’t know how much… ; )

Ryn: Ok, but really brief. I will be trying to sound professional so just know that now. 812-277-0208 ext. 122 I can’t help it. : )

ext. 122

Ryn: Ok, according to Nina (BTW, thank you Nina) this means that you will: 1. Not be brief enough 2. Will bring-up sex 3. Make me laugh very loud, causing co-workers to come by and make me tell them why. hmm…I leave in about 45 minutes…why don’t you just give me YOUR number?

Here you go….playing again!

Actually, you probably wouldn’t have brought up sex, but you still would’ve me “aroused.”

You talk so fast, then again, you were in a hurry. I know you are gone now, just saw you go offline. Your voice…it’s so…sooooo…sooooooo…deep. I love it. I remember that from the other day. Thanks for calling. Have fun!!! ; )

June 25, 2004


June 26, 2004

Yes, sir, thank you, please Yahoo me.

June 27, 2004

Yes, the thought of getting in hre mouth makes me horny too. Lets put it this way…I would pay $100 to be able to get into her mouth and panties tonight 🙂

Ok, Nunz…when are WE going out? LOL…

I am remembering who the tease is here now. I get the file earlier, but no Nunzio at bedtime.

June 27, 2004

Grats to being alive again, this OD crap is hitting a couple pages pretty hard it seems

June 28, 2004

ryn~you should be able to see the dress now. sorry

June 28, 2004

RYN: I see you got a little excited there on that entry..lol.

I just read your notes to the above noter. I’ve got a cigarette and I’m going outside to smoke it now, and to think about you. You are so dirty.

promises, promises. How could I think of ANYTHING else now? I’m wearing tight pants today though, so I left the panties at home.

Why you gotta tease me like this? but…will you do it some more?

June 28, 2004

TOO FUNNY!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! It ‘strokes’ my ego, you know?

Ryn: I just responded. : P

June 28, 2004

RYN: bites…lol

June 28, 2004

Ryn: Thank you, lol

June 30, 2004

RYN: It will come back to him. If you are talking about the Christian God….then I have no idea…supposedly not keeping the sabbath is a hell worthy offense. As for me and my gods….it will come back to him three fold what he did to that little girl. Not in the next life or the life after that, but this one. He should rot.

And you, the epitome of “Sex”. *waves to the harem* 😉

July 1, 2004

<3 Michelle*

July 3, 2004

I’m not planning on saying anything. We’ll see if he even f**king calls.

July 3, 2004

What’s your logic on this one? What exactly am I waiting for? LOL

July 3, 2004

RYN~ -LOL yes, it is helpful. I know you’re right, but my instincts were just not good when I read that email. He wouldn’t just buy a girl drinks who he had no interest in.

I missed you last night! : (

July 3, 2004

That’s all well and good, but the fact is he doesn’t know this girl. I think he met her in a bar, somehow got her email (whether she gave it to him or he asked for it, I don’t know). What upsets me is he emailed her, knowing full well that he would be pissed if I did the same thing.

July 6, 2004

RYN~ Too true. I would never tell him that, though! When ya gonna update, hmmmmmmm?

July 6, 2004

ryn: I sent the 2nd email. (perhaps your junk mail filter doesn’t let them through?)

Ryn: Seriously? You’re kidding me, aren’t you? Oh, and stop being a tease. I don’t want to hear it, you told me NO last night, remember? ; )

Actually, the more I read your notes, the more turned-on I get. I keep imagining you giving me this “tipped back uterus” you are telling me about.

Ryn: Tell me MORE!!!!

Ryn: you already know.

Ryn: I’m ready…

I saw your note on K’s diary. I will dress like a UPS woman if you want. I’ll wear whatever shoes you tell me to wear. Now…where did you go?

July 6, 2004

*smiles* just me and the camera’s timer. and some luck.

July 6, 2004

Nunz, I replied the third time. If you still don’t get it, I’ll post the email in the diary. Short version:thank you for suggestins, it IS malpractice, but true for all teachers across the country who don’t have a choice and must all pay the 1.25% which only insures their PRINCIPAL. Read my latest entry–comments?

Ok, fine. He just took me by surprise last night w/all the questions/assumptions he was asking and making about me seeing other people. I will let it lie. He had too much to drink, so I’ll just let it go. I’d rather him just get settled for now. Maurice will be back on Saturday and I’m not ready for all of this right now anyway. Thank you.

There it is… *smiles* just me and the camera’s timer. and some luck. [anne, awakening] You are much worse than I ever thought about being.

July 7, 2004

RYN~ WHAT?!?! Great advice?! I think you may just be rubbing off on me sweet Nunz! 🙂