The Answer To Your Pain? – 3 of 3

”How can you be spiritual and write the kind of erotica you do?”

I’m under-developed?   













I use the spiritual thing to make chicks think I’m sensitive? 
















I’m a bad dog?  (<– this is a link)











I’m still healing?  




I guess I don’t know but I still have more to write …

any requests?





If you have interest, go to The Course in Miracles site, plunk around, and see if it’s for you. 

Best wishes and God bless!


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Let me know if you’d like to continue the discussion. 

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April 25, 2004

WOW we are many in revealing our relious or spiritual beliefs all over OD aren’t we? I have yet to get so braen with mine, but I’m a recovering Christianholic from trying it after being chased from the gilded halls with the eyes of hypocrites. Jesus was, for me, but he was something else for “them”.

April 25, 2004

religious… brazen, dangit i hate typos

April 25, 2004

I do not see the first few images. But heck yes, you can be spiritual and erotic. Give me a break!

April 25, 2004

many interesting points to think about.

April 25, 2004

that bottom picture (many didn’t show up Nunzio <pout) speaks volumes doesn't it? =)

April 25, 2004

…I like these entrys. Thank you Nunzio. This is a calm place..and sometimes very erotic. Wouldn’t it be great if all the world’s agitation was demonstrated by erotica? Make love not war. *smile*

April 25, 2004

I agree with Tigressa…. Of course we can be spiritual/God loving – living and still be sexual! Something most men in my life have had a hard time dealing with. Hmmmm…. Maybe they were alter boys for too long. lol *hugs*

found you on random.. read lots.. and wow is what i have to say… for some of your entries.. you end with… just the opinion of one man… well.. buddy… this man is worth more than most men out there.. COMBINED!!!! your ideas and thoughts are clear.. well thought out and i happen to agree with most of them.. not all.. however.. i respect you for who you are (what i know so far) take care

Didn’t realize that being spiritual and erotic was a bad thing… thank you for the last three entries. Oh, and yes, you are right, you could be using the spirituality to get to the chicks, : ).

April 26, 2004

*pout* Only the bottom two pictures work on the third page. Crap! RYN~ And why do you assume that? LOL Also, why does that thought put such smiles in your head? LOL

Ryn: Yeah, I’ll try the silence now. Talked to him yesterday and he knows I am still here and wanting him. We’ll see. Thank you for the note.

I hate myself for having to have had the talk. I hate myself because I feel so much for him. I am done dating for awhile.

I would have to agree with you when you say that religion is like any other profitable organization. They scare you with the “punishment” of God if you don’t do what THEY (men) say is right. Thank you for writing your view on this, I found it to be very interesting Nunzio.

Found you on random, adding you to my favs.

Ryn: Considering what I’ve read on this diary, lol, hmm…I think I’m a pretty mild child, ha ha.

May 5, 2004

How are erotica and spirituality mutually exclusive? *blinks* Christianity as a corporation only began marrying and restricting sexuality (pregnancy) as a way to keep souls “and pocketbooks” in the church. Gotta keep the money flowing somehow!

October 21, 2006

ACIM is interesting indeed. I have only fended off reading it for a couple of years. Now, I am kinda feeling like I owe it to myself to read. Liking what you posted here.