For Those Who Care –

10/19/2008 – SO SORRY! Repair of a broken link on an old entry brought this up to the top of the favorites list, AGAIN!  Sorry!



To those who could care less about my answers to these questions, please forgive this self-indulgent exercise. 


I’ll try to return with an entry of more appeal soon.   













Noter:  “Nunz, I think you need to do this three question exercise that Red and Ionuin have posted …  I can only imagine the kinds of things your readers will ask.”






Nunzio:  “HA!  Well, why don’t we start with you and see if anyone else follows?  Go ahead, what’s on YOUR mind?”






The questions came, many private, some public.  (I was surprised to have questions from some people I didn’t even know read me.)  I’ve reposted all the questions anonymously.





1. You have a week to live – what do you do in that time?


Try to correct all the errors I’ve ever made.



2. Do you play an instrument?  If not, is there one you would like to play?



No I don’t.  I tried the sax as a kid (cause I thought it made me look cool) but I really thought I’d like to try the piano … until I met the Violin.  I was about 7 years old the first time I heard one and I could not believe the emotion it evoked in me.  To my ears, it is such a hauntingly beautiful sound.  To this day, it takes about 90 seconds before the tears come.



3. Favorite band or mus




I like the old guy, Mick Jagger, and Bruce Springsteen.  Andrea Bocelli is a recent favorite.



4. Favorite food?



Being ½ Italian it’s pretty much anything of that fare.



5. Your best feature (physical or non-physical)?



I’ve been told enough to believe it … Probably my mind and my sense of humor.  (I used to be “pretty” but that was years ago.)



6. What first attracts you to a woman?



“Attracts, attracts?”  If you mean like tits, ass, legs, or whatever, that’s not it for me. 

Well, wait a minute … I do look at an attractive woman like the rest of the world but that holds my attention for about 9 seconds …

ok, ok … 20 minutes!  Allright … lemeealone!

What draws me in is her sense of humor (defined as whether or not she thinks my shit is funny) … and her brightness; can she do the banter with me?  What is really attractive to me is her, “Absence of need.”  That is, she is drawn to me because of something other than fulfilling a need for her.  She doesn’t “need me” emotionally or financially.  I think one of the ugliest components of the human condition is that we frequently make “love” decisions based on filling a perceived “need.”  No matter how romantically you phrase it, “need” destroys relationships!



7. Do you have a theme song?  (If not, make one up. :P)



“Oops, I Did It Again!”  Cause I keep fucking up … err, making errors!






8. Say you were elected President of the U.S. of A.  What is your first act in office?  (Break in the good ol chair? ;))


Well, “I got a blow-job in the world’s most powerful chair” or, “We fucked on Thomas Jefferson’s desk,” does have some excellent story value to it. 



But seriously folks, I’d do my best to make equality an ABSOLUTE in this country and not a concept.  Black, White, Woman, Man, Gay, Straight, equal pay for equal jobs and THAT’s the way it’s going to be and don’t try an bullshit me, your new President!







9. I notice in some of your notes, you encourage people to not use “pejorative terms” when talking to themselves or others.  What’s that about?

Self-talk is incredibly powerful.  The more you speak negatively to yourself, or others, the more you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Unfortunately, some people who believe they "really" are “bad” or “broken,” cannot see this connection.  They’re not at fault for this; they just haven’t reached the point in their development where they can forgive themselves … and that’s just fine.  We’re all right where we’re supposed to be!




<span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: 'Book

man Old Style'”>10. Describe yourself physically?



5’ 10” and 205 lbs.  Brown eyes, brown hair, err, salt and pepper is probably more accurate. 

Kinda handsome   





11. What would you do to me if I was there with you?  (I am female, lol)



Well, knowing its you, FORCE you to experience …





12. What would I do to you? > >


Follow my instructions, silly!



13. How old are you?






14. Where do you live?



Southern California















































































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April 18, 2004

LMAO… the Accomodator, you watch Conan? OMG! So glad you can appreciate the eccentricities of me. I SO feel guilty that Adam always pays. I am so not one of “those” females that “manipulates”. Amada and I have spent hours, but we just never fake ANYTHING! :*

April 19, 2004

I would LAUGH my ass off if a guy came at me with that thing attached to his head! It is like a pornographic dental headgear. I likw the thought about “need” in a relationship. That struck a chord in me.

April 19, 2004

Even though I’ve never seen you, I’d have to agree your best feature is your mind! An intelligent man is an incredible turn on for me 😉 lol. Great entry, as usual.

April 19, 2004

OMG… I’m laughing… I missed asking the questions, but am having a ball reading your answers. And, since you are handsome… and I am shallow (lol) where in So Cali are you??? *wink, wink*

ROFL! The Accomadater is hilarious! Who came up with that? hehehe What you said about “need” in a relationship is completely right. You should be able to stand on your own and being with someone should compliment you, not fulfill a need.

LMAO, the accomodater! Very funny… no, that’s not my thing, I can tell already…lol.

I don’t like the Accomodater!!! No thank you! Not my thing… There you go. Now, you can stop calling me chickensh_t. I meant what would you do to me? With emphasis on the word YOU. LOL

Wait, I change my answer, yes please! Funny, the more I think about it….ok, I want!!!

Ryn: Private note? You little chickenshi*t. ; ) Shannon

April 19, 2004

I agree with you… the violin is hauntingly beautiful. *smiles* … and lmao at Tigressa and her pornographic dental headgear comment. Too funny

April 23, 2004

RYN Hmm… (Methinks she protesteth too much) You may be right. I didn’t think that was why I was starting this process, but the more I look back on it it seems like a last ditch attempt at salvage or sabotage. I loved the lack of need part of this as well, That is a really attractive quality. But oh my land! I had to laugh at the accomidator. That thing is frightening.

April 23, 2004

Your answers are wonderful, funny and give us a good peek into you… Thanks for playing! *L* (I should ask questions, too!)

Holy crap, I want one of those “accomodators!” What a novel idea!

May 17, 2004

Sax and violins, eh? Reading on…

October 22, 2006

Hope you keep the salt and pepper. Nothing better than a man secure enough to KNOW how sexy it is, a) to let nature do as it pleases, and b) salt and pepper…mmmhmmm…nuf said! 😉

October 19, 2008

Dude, not a prob, really. Funny though I was thinking about you lately and; voila, here you are.

October 19, 2008

I loved this entry! Every answer was delicious! I’m definitely looking you up the next time I’m in SoCal. So true what you wrote about the violin. It really produces the saddest (and some of the most beautiful) music in the world.

October 19, 2008

well, THIS is interesting!

October 19, 2008

LOL you can remedy this by actually DOING an entry darlin

October 19, 2008

Wow… is it wild to see my name up there.. *L* We have been aquaintances for SOME time!

October 20, 2008

ha ha ha I’ll bring the lube 😉

October 20, 2008

Awwww man! I missed out on the question entry?!? Loved your answers though, you’re so damn cute! I wanna pinch those cheeks of yours! Both sets. 🙂

October 20, 2008

The one question I wanted to know you did not answer…..age… I don’t care how old you are or are not… I just want to be assured you never let an old person get in your head.