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I’ve seen this… and I laughed then too. ~grins~


April 11, 2004


April 11, 2004

Hahaha. 🙂

April 11, 2004

heheheh that is one of my favorites 🙂

Oh my God…my mom had that very same strip on the fridge of my childhood many, many years ago…It eventually yellowed away to nothing and I forgot all about it..until now…*scampers off to dig up all her old Bloom County comic books*

RYN: Heh heh, nothing but sitting here at my computer in my little red kimono because it’s too rainy to play outside today…

April 11, 2004

HA! I definitely don’t want one.

April 11, 2004

ryn: noooo no. lol i like the “removable” kind

April 11, 2004

*laughing!!!* And yes, I want my own… Attached to someone special of course. ;o)~ *hugs* Happy Easter…

April 11, 2004

I am sure you absolutely get off being one of very few men in OD. All the glory, laud and honor. 🙂 I see the flirtations goings on in the notes. You dawg. 🙂

RYN (the last two): heh heh heh…the above noter was right, you ARE a dawg! And at the moment, I do wish I had a penis of my own. Just not one that’s attached to me, or to anything else, for that matter. *wanders off to find something remotely penis-shaped in the house*

April 11, 2004


April 11, 2004

LMFAO AMEN! Yeup, I read the entry of wanting a penis for a day. I have oft told friends if I had a penis I’d NEVER leave my room! But all in all, good agains bad, innie against outtie, we all know who has the REAL power of the universe. The vaginas! 😀 Thanks for making me smile. Thanks for writing again!

April 11, 2004

LoL ~ How true! ~ Stephanie

no… I think I’ll just borrow the Boy’s should I feel an… you know… urge.

Hee hee, cute. I don’t want a penis. Well, I do, but it’s preferably attatched to Joaquin Phoenix.

damn…that’s funny!

April 12, 2004

That’s a clasic, and gave me a really good laugh today. Thanks. And thank you for your notes. I know you are right on so many levels. And things have progressed past last week’s actions. I just had to write them first. I know it will still take a little time, but I also know I’ll end up no worse for the wear. (Perhaps better even) Thank you so much.

April 12, 2004

*LOL* RYN: Of course I deserve it. 🙂

April 12, 2004


April 12, 2004

rich, that’s just plain rich. hahaha. I hope you don’t mind if I post that myself.

LMAO — I love Opus!

LMAO! I am going to add you to my favs just for posting something like this. 😉

April 19, 2004

cute 🙂

April 25, 2004

I want one…no lie. 🙂

April 28, 2004

