You want to do WHAT, without protection?

“Smokers will not be hired”

San Mateo County, CA Sheriff’s Department plans to not hire smokers citing the rising cost to taxpayers of worker disability claims.




“Minimum liability insurance required to operate vehicles”

Most states require minimum liability insurance to apply for and retain a driver’s license. The law was imposed to stop the rising cost to taxpayers of uninsured motorists accident damage and to allow the damaged party to have a resource to pay for the repair.




“Ex girlfriend sues deceased boyfriend’s family for HIV exposure and wins”

A woman successfully sued the family of her deceased ex-boyfriend for not disclosing to her that he had AIDS. The jury found in her favor because the deceased exposed the woman to undue risk with the full knowledge of the deceased’s mother and father. The jury stated, “The deceased and his family had a requirement to disclose to the girlfriend that he was HIV positive. Both the deceased and the parents were culpable since they knowingly, willingly, and intentionally withheld that information.”




All of these stories have a common thread; it is illegal to expose others to risk or damage without disclosure or protection. An individual should not suffer loss, or the potential for loss, caused by the improper or unwise acts of another.




To knowingly expose another individual to risk or loss is considered irresponsible behavior by the courts that have said the offender will be held liable.




How long will it take the courts to address the issue of the operation of a computer, connected to the Internet, without the shield of anti-virus and firewall protection as irresponsible behavior? 




According to Norton, there are over 66,148 known computer viruses today, with 17 new ones coming on line every day. There are no solid numbers on the amount of damage caused by viruses during a year but some have guessed it’s in excess of 55 billion dollars worldwide.




The most popular way to propagate a virus is to send it through an unprotected computer that’s connected to the Internet. Other than possible slowing, the user of the unprotected computer will not even know it’s happening.




That means, every one of us who operates an unprotected computer, contributes to the worldwide damage as well as possible damage to our own equipment and data. Using the computer REQUIRES responsible behavior! It’s NOT like plugging in our toaster. Take action NOW, before it’s too late!




And that’s one man’s opinion.




(Norton Internet Security (firewall AND virus protection) $16.99 with free shipping, on eBay. )







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March 15, 2004

yay your back.

So true.

RYN: OMG, you just described me (leads with her beauty woman). Now, I really am depressed! LOL.

March 15, 2004

Well hello stanger! *looks up at Red* Loved what you said in her entry… There’s more to you than meets the eye sir. And as for this entry? I agree…. And you have given me an idea for recourse in my situation too! (thanks!) Too long to go in to, but those that know and do nothing???? This course/area of the law may work where others don’t. Enjoy your day…. :o)

March 15, 2004

*L* Poor Red won’t know what to do with the two of us, Nunz..

March 15, 2004

that is a GREAT point! love,

I am protected and updated on a daily basis. NEVER operate your machinery without appropriate protection I always say. You never know what kind of nasties you’ll pick up. ~smiles~ Welcome Back.

March 15, 2004

ryn: Hugs ya so I can’t be acused of dereliction of duty… ;o) Thank you…

Nunz, you are annoying the piss outta me. If you’re not careful, I’m gonna fly down there and slap you upside that pighead of yours. Jeez. Calling me names. *buries face in hands and weeps* Now you’d better give me extra nice, tender kisses, and not just on my #**.

wow… i would like to join in on the conversations, but I can’t, because I don’t know any of you. oh well! I will continue to read your diary, very interesting! Much love! *Harmony*

March 15, 2004

Red: RYN: “Names? Calling you names?” I can’t think what that would be but I’m sorry if I did. Seems most of my communication is that you are lovable and not “broken.” Err, even though it’s a misunderstanding, could you still follow through on the “gonna fly down there and slap you upside that pighead of yours?” You know, me being into violent sex and pain an all; it’s a nice gesture. 😉 *wink*

LOL — now that’s a double entrendre if I’ve ever heard one

i am glad i do not have to put up with windows viruses go macintosh >:)

March 15, 2004

RYN: Oh please? Just once? The big vampire bite, you know? Just one?

I am always protected…(or try to be anyways..) Got both Norton Anti Virus and internet security too.

April 2, 2004

:-* ty so much