Red Haired Brooke

Last night … I saw her at the other end of the bar of my popular little dinner hang out. She was sitting next to her girlfriend, chatting away as good girlfriends do. She had the chair on the other side of her friend which positioned her so I could see her face … beautiful Gaelic features, white, alabaster skin, long RED hair in ringlets, you know, those tight curls, little or no make-up, steel blue eyes, Levis and a sweater. “Oh my God,” I said to myself.

The chair on the other side of her opened up; next to it sat two male friends of mine. I grabbed my wine and made a move for the empty chair. “Hi guys,” I said to my male friends, immediately turning to the red-haired beauty …

“Ladies, please forgive me for interrupting but I’ve been dreaming of you,” turning to my heart,  “and I just had to come over and meet you,” I said as I reached for her hand, which she yielded, invitingly. I brought the back of it to my lips for a sweet kiss. As I did, her face broke into a smile.

“You see, being ½ Irish and ½ Italian, I’ve been dreaming of a beautiful Irish girl with hair and eyes not as beautiful as yours, to fall in love with. In my dreams her name is either Kelly or Erin, tell me it’s you.”

She laughed heartily (another thing I love about Irish women.) “Well, my name is Brooke, but if it would make you happy, I’ll answer to Kelly.”

“That won’t be necessary,” say I, “I’ve just discovered ‘Brooke’ is REALLY my favorite name for my Irish beauty.”

“Why thank you,” she said with a smile.




Oh, it was a grand time we had. I made Brooke and her friend laugh, I laughed … it was a delicious evening.




It came time for them to go. I stood, hugged them and thanked them for the conversation and playing with me. After the hug, I let my hand linger on Brooke’s hip. She pivots and I watched as she walked toward the door, turning once to see if I was watching her, she smiles and waves goodbye …


No, I didn’t ask for her number, she and I both knew she was too young for me … but the dream was close … for 90 minutes, it was close.
















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You sexy thing! I just see your name in bold and I get turned on!

December 13, 2003

Boy, are YOU a silver-tongued divil! (Yes, that’s the way I meant to spell “devil”.) Perhaps ’tis the gift o’ gab. With a friendly nod…

wow what a nice entry and atleast you had fun with her while she was there, she sounds beautiful!

December 13, 2003

smooooth operator ;o)

December 13, 2003

you either make me want to go hunt down irish beauties, or go straight so you can charm the pants off of me!

I’ve got to tell you…the kissing of the hand thing…that will *always* get the girl ~smiles & chuckles~. ~nodding~ Yes indeedy…you’re quite the wise man 😉 ~Lys


December 15, 2003

I bet you’re the type that is just immensely charming even when you’re not trying to be.

Ugh. My name is Shannon! Get it right! Oh, you are gonna kill me… : )

September 23, 2004

LOL Well you’re smoother than a vat of melted chocolate in butter aren’t you?!

February 8, 2005

How sweet! and sexy and wonderfully, simply erotic. You are a smooth tongued devil aren’t you??