Don’t Quit! – II

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debits are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest , if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with it’s twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Daughters of St. Paul – Boston, MA




Anne Geddes

I hope it helps.

God bless,





                 Anne Geddes



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December 10, 2003

that is quite encouraging.. i do have my days, but i’ve found much faith.

December 10, 2003

Aw, Nunz. I love it. I’m gonna steal it for my journal *yank!* I sometimes seem down and upset, but I’m really not. I have a wonderful life, an awesome family, and the best friends in the world. I have so very much to be grateful for, but sometimes I just need a slap on the ass.

December 10, 2003

Someone gave this to my mother a million years ago and I always remember it stuck to the wall with thumbtacks or sticky tape, no matter where we were, it was always up somewhere. She pulled it out again when my marriage was ending and stuck it to my fridge with magnets, where it still is, next to the ‘How to Quit Smoking’ article she ripped out of a magazine. Sometimes, often times…

December 10, 2003

I get them mixed up. I mean, the only thing I don’t quit is smoking. Anyway, it’s good that you shared this.

Beautiful – thank you for sharing. Yes, I do tend to let out the more depressing of my moments in the journaling. However, most days I am very happy and optimistic – and I will never give up. LOL – “never give up. never surrender!”, just one of my many mottos 😉 RYN: LOL, neither, but a fun idea for future moments!!!!

I want to thank you for this… I think I needed it today. And I think I will put it to use tonight, and tomorrow, and for days to come. To get by, you know. So, thank you.

December 10, 2003

“Success is failure turned inside out” This is a great statement! Think I will print this out and tack it up on the wall too! :o)

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” -Helen Keller Of all the inspirational quotes I’ve read, that has hit the closest, and helped me through the darkest of days. Thank you for posting yours, I hope it helps.

RYN:…you’re welcome. i might make an entry about the backseat musings… lol… anyways i know what you mean about all the dark diary entries. i try to keep mine light but sometimes it’s hard. that’s a great inspirational piece and i’m sure it’ll come in handy for many people at one time or another… 🙂 keep writing

December 10, 2003

RYN: I’ll admit that I didn’t read that entry all the way through, but did read the majority of the points that you had highlighted. The point that I was trying to make was – how could you even consider that you could mean more to her than her own flesh and blood?! – although it probably wasn’t voiced very well. As for “beating you up about your opinion’s”, that was not how my note was intended…

December 10, 2003

…and I apologise if that was how it was read. As for making judgements about you, that was not what I was doing either, I was writing a response based on what you had written and nothing else. I accept that it is your opinion and that I can’t change that and wouldn’t want to change it (as you said the world would be very boring if we all thought alike), I just hope you can accept my opinion…

December 10, 2003

..on what you wrote in your entry as I have accepted yours on the subject of your entry. Best Wishes

thanks for being so kind of you to give encouragement… though i’ve read this so many times before… its still as inspiring.

December 11, 2003

thank you my friend, i shall be printing this out.

Looks like you have enough notes but that was a great piece! Cort

thanx, that really does help

December 11, 2003

I’ve seen this before and it is a wonderful thing to read when your spirits are low.

December 11, 2003

hello, i found u through some one i have been noting (beerluver4ever.) ur note about her poem made me interested. i agree w/ you about ppl seeming to be really sad in here. one of the reasons i write is to vent about the hardships of the day, the awesome moments and to mostly try to help others. i see that you want to help also. i guess i just want to commend u for caring. 🙂 *me (mila)

I have noticed that too. Young kids shouldn’t be faced with some of the problems I’ve seen here. Those are encouraging words, I hope they help.

December 11, 2003


December 11, 2003

I’m not quite sure what to make of your message but I’m taking it as a compliment. What, you couldn’t believe it was my idea to wear it???

December 12, 2003

ryn: Actually, I did say those things for real. I figure as long as I don’t show up and annouce who I am then I’ll be ok. Then again the only harm I threatened was to hit someone, but if the grinch burned someone’s house down, purely coincidental. 🙂

December 12, 2003

ryn: I don’t even know if ego is a strong enough word to capture what was needed for that party! ;o) btw, I have to ask if your “name” is a derivative of your real name. Knew someone many moons ago in my hometown with this nickname. My age (20’s… lol ok, geez…. early 40’s). Wouldn’t that be a co-ink-e-dink?!?!? haha

December 12, 2003

ryn: lol!!! smartass…. ;o)~

December 12, 2003

ryn. umm thank you. but you essentially made the same point 4 times which puts me on edge. i understand about community. and cliques {smile} not sure I owe an obligation to make my diary public fair ground. or that I am wrong for considering options. Your point is well taken however.

December 12, 2003

RYN: Getting a pedicure regularly might be worth working at this crappy job longer lol. Those are heaven!!

December 12, 2003

ryn: :o( no, not Joyce. And this would have been waaay before ’97. Think ’70’s And in a much colder climate! ha Red tie , huh??? Hmmm… power color. lol

December 13, 2003
December 13, 2003

Thank you for your note…and for skimming my latest entries.

Ahhhh, I love this poem. I’d forgotten all about it. Thank you for reminding me. Take care!

January 9, 2004

that was great, encouraging and memorable.

January 19, 2004


January 21, 2004


Thank you. 🙂

May 14, 2004

thanks for the note. i love this poem…

Thank you. Sincerely.

Ryn: Thank you Nunzio, you’re right. I’m not quitting or getting down or anything, just tired the last couple of weeks. I don’t give up, never have, and I will land on my feet, always do. Thank you very much though. I’ve just been venting mostly. : )

November 23, 2004

Thank you

January 11, 2005

I love that poem, thanks for posting it

That is great, It gives me hope when sometimes I feel like I have no left. Beautiful!!

I have always liked “Don’t Quit” but my favorite of all time is “When I’m an Old Lady” Be well,Monica

April 18, 2005

I love that.

May 10, 2005

Thank you.

June 6, 2005

I bet if you enlarge that image you’ll be able to see part of her nipple.

August 14, 2008

You’re a beautiful man. Thank you.

January 6, 2010

Thank you. And God bless you, too. You are a caring man.

September 23, 2011

That is a long way of saying “Thou shalt die clenched up…” 😉