Don’t Quit!

It disturbs me to see the amount of fear, anger, and hopelessness in some of the kid’s diaries I read on Open Diary. In fact, it’s not limited to kids; there seems to be much pain here. Maybe it’s the nature of journaling, maybe it’s the luck of my draw when I click on a name randomly. None the less, whatever the cause, whatever the amount of pain, I felt compelled to share a piece that helped me through my own, “Dark Night of the Soul,” when I was down and had lost my way, my power, my love …


And so here, dedicated to, and for the eyes of, all the kids, adults, young and old, on OD and everywhere, who have suffered a loss, a divorce, a death, a breakup, a depression, a slight, the loss of a job, the waning of a love … to those aspiring to a seemingly unreachable goal … to those who believe they are no longer loved or lovable … to ALL who are afraid and have lost their way and their hope …


Please, turn the page. ->



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that made my evening. thank you for that entry.

May 14, 2004

…I…just…thank you…so much-x-

May 15, 2004


October 3, 2005

I have seen your notes on the diaries of a couple of my faves. Can I add you?