[x] Saturday survey

 Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer?

I definitely used to – not really anymore though as I want to attempt to preserve my skin.

Have any summer homework?
My university course has now ended, so no. Unless I fail exams, in which case I will have to re-take in July, which would be awful.

Are you a fairly self-motivated person?
I’m highly self motivated.

What’s your favorite book series?
I’m really not sure.

What’s your favorite thing to do if you’re out on a lake?
Get a boat, listen to music, have a picnic, drink Pimms…

Do you take offense when people use the words "gay" or "retarded"?

How often do you get around to cleaning your room?
Fairly often, I like things to be clean.

What type of food do you know how to cook?
Quite a few different types. Whether I actually cook though is another matter.

Do you make your passwords so tricky to remember that you forget them?
I have a few different passwords so sometimes it gets confusing.

What’s a subject you’re sick of people debating about?
I’m sure there’s plenty of things, but nothing is coming to mind right now.

Are you one to take naps?
No, I can’t sleep during the day. Unless I’m absolutely exhausted/ill.

What’s something you wish they would build in your neighborhood?
Where to start… more restaurants, shops, bars, anything interesting.

What hair product do you use the most?
Argan oil, I’m obsessed with it.

Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist?

Sunny D or orange juice?
I’ve actually been avoiding orange juice completely since I found out how sugary it is.

What’s your favorite food to get at a carnival?
Candy floss, toffee apples, hot dogs…

Do you actually use e-mail?
Pretty much constantly.

Can you snap out of a bad mood fast?
I tend to always be in a good mood, so if I’m in a bad mood it will be pretty serious and something which I won’t be able to snap out of instantly.

Currently holding any grudges?
I wouldn’t say so.

What do you order to drink when you go out to eat?
It really depends. Usually something alcoholic, a mixed drink of some description or wine.

How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed?
I’ll tell them.

What’s your favorite energy drink?
<font size

=”2″>The only one I drink is Red Bull. The only time I would drink it would be on nights out, mixed with vodka. But I haven’t had that in a long time.

Have you ever ingested caffeine in the name of getting homework done?
No, I’m not a very ‘caffeine’ person? I don’t drink typically caffeinated things on an even weekly basis.

Do you have good study habits?
Probably not.

Are you good at coming up with gift ideas for others?

Do you have a pair of jeans with holes in them?
I have a vintage pair with slight holes.

Where’s your favorite purse from?

What about your sunglasses?
I have no idea, I need new ones.

How is your ego?
It has probably been better.

Do you keep lint rollers around the house?
I don’t own one, I should.

What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level?
Plenty of things, I don’t care about ‘age levels’.

Is your curfew flexible, if you have one?

Regardless, when is the latest you have come home from a night out?
I’ve been to 48 hour parties/raves…

Do you have a weak stomach?

Where do you like sitting best on a roller coaster?
I’m really not a fan of them.

Are you usually the person comforting, or the person being comforted?
I’m definitely the comforter; always have been.

Do you actually use the camera on your phone?
Rarely; I should use it more, it’s very good.

Is there anything you don’t mind buying secondhand?
Plenty of things.

Tennis shoes or flats?

Are you a good planner or do you settle for spontaneity?
I’m a good planner but also spontaneous; they’re not mutually exclusive.

The weirdest thing you’ve done today is:
Spent about an hour using brown parcel tape to de-hair my carpet. Lovely!

Do you play an instrument?

Favorite key on your keyboard:
The enter key is always satisfying.

What is the color of most your socks?

Do you eat Halls even when your throat doesn’t hurt?
No but I used to eat cherry Tunes.

Do you like Tacos?

What show has the worse actors?
No idea.

Hershey’s Minis or M&M’s?
I don’t know what the former is but I like peanut M&Ms.

The stupidest song ever in your opinion is:
Where to start?

Something you would NEVER wear:

How many times have you opened the fridge today?
I’m guessing 4.

When’s the last time you looked up a word in the dictionary?
I’m not sure.

Have you ever put salt in the cake batter thinking it was sugar?

How often do you use a tissue?

Are you a Twilight reader?

Your favorite word:

Last thing you ordered online:
Jeans. Actually no, train tickets.

Do you know any Mormons?

Do you use proper grammar or T@LK L!K3 D!$?
The former.

Approximately how many people don’t like you?
Most people currently in my life like me, however there are definitely many people from the past who do not.

Do you have a best friend?

Do you doodle on your arms?
Typically not.

Do you get along with your mom?

Has anyone ever told you to fuck off?
Of course.

Is the saying "Sisters before Misters" true?
Haha. Generally I guess.

Do you think your mother raised you right?
Mostly, she had good intentions.

Have you ever been suspended?

Are you "smart"?
I’m fairly intelligent.

Do you like to wear earrings, or are they just a pain?
<font face="Verdana”>I wear them.

Do you wiggle your toes when they’re cold?
Probably I’ve never noticed.

Would you ever have a lime green wedding dress?
Absolutely not, if I ever decide to get married, my dress will be ivory.

Do you like shopping alone?

Does your best girl friend have any talents that you don’t?

Have you ever written a song?

Does anybody send you money in the mail for your birthday?

Do you own any shirts that have a year on it?
I don’t think so.

What do you think about mullets?
Not a fan.

Would you rather date an actor or an athlete?
Maybe an actor.

Who is your shortest friend?
Difficult question… maybe Sarah.

Do you have any scratches on your cell phone?

What grade would you never want to repeat?
Middle school generally.

When was the last time you blushed?
I feel I did earlier, which was strange.

Who is one person you met and automatically didn’t like?
Haha this happens from time to time.

Do you know anybody who has a birthday in November?

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June 2, 2013

Grabbing this.