NoJoMo 14

Today has been great!
Got to sleep in. 
Watched 3 hours of recorded tv I needed to catch up on.
Sat on the couch under a fuzzy blanket.

Finally sorted out the shelves for my wardrobe, which means my clothes are no longer all on the floor! Hoorah!

Had kids food for supper. Chicken dippers, chips, peas and BBQ sauce. mmmmm!

And, went skating!
I haven’t been to derby in exactly 1 month. 
It felt wonderful to be back, and the session Shadow coached tonight was so much fun.
Oh oh, and I have new wheels!
They arrived in the post and they have a skeleton wearing a sombrero on them! ha!

Just spent an hour on the phone with Niks organising our trip to London. 
Initially we decided we were going to go to Blackpool (England’s shit answer to Vegas) and then decided it was too far for us to drive.
Next we chose Manchester, but discovered hotels are very expensive there and there’s also not a whole lot to do.
So London was chosen instead.
We’re staying in Piccadilly Circus…. in a pod bed! Very fancy huh.


Now I need a bath to soak my poor aching muscles.

Then maybe when Ben comes home from work, there will be sex!


I’m loving today’s writing prompt:

1. Are you comfortable being (physically) naked alone? With others?

I like to be naked. 
Mostly when I’m by myself, when I’ve just got out the shower, I’ll sort of wonder around for a few minutes doing a few things so I can properly air dry. 
Of course I have no issues being naked in front of Ben.
And I like to sleep naked in the summer. Its just too cold in the winter.
In front of other people.. well, I can get changed in front of my friends, and we used to have regular skinny dipping parties in the lake when I worked at camp.

Pay day tomorrow! Yay!!

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November 14, 2012

love the new wheels! hope you guys have a great time in london!

November 15, 2012

Despite my having a 4-drawer dresser and a decent sized closet with a lot of empty hangers, my clothes always seem to end up on the floor. I’m a pretty tidy/organized person in all other aspects of life, but I just can’t seem to get it together when it comes to organizing clothes. Or washing dishes… I’m terrible at that, too. 😛

November 15, 2012

Skating? Ooh. As in ice-skating or regular skating? That is so awesome you are coming here to London! =D Pod bed? Omg, I never actually heard of that. Looks weird! But Piccadilly Circus? Very convenient location to stay.

November 15, 2012

your wheels are so pretty ! in france we don’t have those beautiful accessories… 🙁