Worst. Diarist. Ever

 I know. I know I’m awful. It’s been months and months since I’ve updated. I don’t know why. I come on the site every day to read everyone else – I even leave notes sometimes, so I don’t know why it’s so difficult to write an entry.

I’ve got a new job since I last wrote. I’m now the Learning and Development Officer for my department. I love it. It’s great. Exactly what I want to be doing.

Unfortunately, we’re migrating a load more of our work to Coventry, so by next year my job will be at risk. Boo. I was pretty gutted when I first found out, but I’ve got a bit used to the idea now. Just need to find a new job now.

I want to stay doing training/coaching, but jobs in that area are pretty hard to come by. Saying that though, a role has just come up that I’ve applied for. Centre Coach in another department. So we’ll see how that goes. I’ve actually applied for this role before, but didn’t get an interview due to lack of experience, so hopefully I have enough experience this time to get a bit further.

I’ve been travelling quite a bit with work. Which is nice. Those days feel so long, but I find that a day away from the office feels quite like a day off, and weeks when I travel go really quickly. I also went on a fab two day course – Coaching for Success. It was really inspiring – I wish I could go on a course like that every day! Or deliver courses like that – maybe they would give me a job?!

Wedding plans haven’t progressed – still just saving up money, which is happening, but very slowly. Life is expensive.

Tom’s got a fixed term contract now where he’s working – the job hasn’t actually started yet, but it has been confirmed, so that’s really good.

I ran Race for Life recently. 4th time doing it, and 1st time I’ve managed to jog all the way, so I was really proud of myself. I’ve also managed to raise just short of £400, which my work will double, so that’s great too.

I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life right now, which I need to do something about because it’s beginning to be depressing. I know I’m not exactly fat, but I am now over a stone heavier than I really want to be, which needs addressing. If only I wasn’t so lazy eh.

I’m off work for 2 weeks soon so looking forward to that, although I have nothing planned whatsoever.

Well, I can’t really think of anything else to say.

This is probably the worst entry ever. It has no kind of structure, and furthermore says almost nothing.

Hope you all enjoyed my update! 

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June 26, 2013

I’M SO GLAD YOU FINALLY UPDATED ! I was getting terribly jealous of looking at your ring every time I noted you. 😉 Congrats on your new job ! That’s exciting and I’m glad you enjoy it. Fingers crossed that by next year you’ll still have it. I hate when companies do that, but I’m sure they’ll love you and realize how great you are and want to keep you forever ! Just sayin’.

June 26, 2013

ryn: totally just realized I spammed your previous entry with a million thank yous. 😛

June 30, 2013

ryn: I agree ! 🙂 I’ve loved the book; been reading it since January, which is so embarrassing because I’m a fast reader, but for ages I’d read a page or two and literally just pass out. How are you doing? x

July 6, 2013

ryn: mine didn’t either, but here’s to attempt number two !