Proper Entry Innit

Happy New Year everyone.

Had a nice Christmas and New Year. Went back to Malvern the weekend before Christmas and stayed with Tom’s family. Caught up with friends a little bit, and played lots of Christmas-type games, and it was all very nice. We were there for Christmas day, and had all the extended family round and lots of lovely food, and it was all very nice. Then we borrowed Tom’s mum’s car and drove up to my parents for Boxing Day, which was also very nice. Again, lots of food, and games, but no extended family this time – just me, mum, dad, and Tom. Then we drove back home as Tom had to work on the 27th. So he went back to work for 2 days, and then at the weekend we drove back down to Malvern to return the car. Saw friends again, and then Chris kindly gave us a lift back up to Sheffield. New Years Eve, we went to Chris’s flat, which I thought was going to be a bit rubbish as none of our friends from home could be bothered to come, but it was actually really fun. We met some of Chris’s workmates who were really nice, played games (theme here?), and had a thoroughly nice time.

So all-in-all the Christmas period was really good. Got lots of lovely presents. Tom got me and him tickets to the snooker at the crucible in April, so I’m really looking forward to that. We’ve been saying we should go for (literally) years, so it should be really good. Apparently Tom’s favourite present was a rubber duck dressed as a judge that I bought him, although I suspect he’s just saying that.

Back at work now, which is…fine. Same old really. Tom has a job now (YAY), temping for the home office, which seems to be going very well. He finished his course (did I mention this? no idea) and passed with a merit. It’s his graduation on Friday actually – I’m looking forward to that as we never went to see each other graduate the first time around. Should be nice. I’m shadowing Natalie at work for the next 2 weeks as she’s got a new job and she wants me to take over the training once she goes. Obviously that would be awesome, but I have really no idea whether it will happen or not. Went to see another job today, which is basically what I do already, but a grade higher and in a different business area of the bank. It looks really interesting, but Natalie thinks I would be wasted and should try to stretch myself more than that. I don’t know – anything beats the job I’m doing at the moment. But then it depends if I will get to take over the training or not once Nat’s gone. I think I will apply anyway and then wait and see what happens. I know the team leader for the other job and he loves me and really wants me to work there, so I should at least get an interview, which I guess will be good experience if nothing else.

Not sure what else to update on really. I forget what I’ve written about before. Not that anything that exciting ever happens to me anyway! I think I will leave it there and assume I am now up to date, and try and keep up a bit more from now on. Not that that usually works out, but I can try!

Laters xxx

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