Weekend update

So, as usual, not a lot to say… The biggest change in my life at the moment is that I’m on a diet. I saw a deal on groupon for justslim so I’ve bought membership for 3 months. I’ve been doing it for a week now and it’s going ok. I feel like I’m actually eating more stuff now than before. But more good stuff I guess, I actually have quite a good varied diet now which is nice. You have 3 meals and 3 snacks a day so your metabolism speeds up, which sounds theoretically good so hopefully it will work. I’ve started eating breakfast again, which is nice, but means I now have to get up before 6 on a work day, which I think I’m just starting to get used to. Apart from that, I feel like I’ve been spending all my time cooking, eating and washing up. It’s pretty exhausting lol, but the food is actually really nice. Hopefully I’ll get used to the routine soon and be able to work in more exercise etc. So far I have lost about a pound since I started, which is good I guess considering I don’t really ‘need’ to lose weight. It does feel quite slow, but I guess that’s what healthy sustainable weight loss is like. Not sure whether I have the patience for it or not, but I shall persevere for now and see how it goes.

Work is the same. I did get a good mid-year review, but I don’t know whether I already wrote about that – I feel like I’ve been talking about the review for months lol. I’ve seen a job at work I’m going to apply for – it’s a coaching role, which is what I want to get into. It’s 2 grades above me so I wasn’t sure whether I’d have any chance, but I asked a few people at work and the general consensus seems to be that I should go for it. So fingers crossed for that – I need to get off my team and out of my current position!

Nothing else of interest is really going on. Tom’s still looking for a job, without really any luck, which I think is starting to get him down a bit. Hopefully soon. Fingers crossed for that too. I’ve been doing more baking recently, which has been nice, but Tom ate all my eggs this week so I need to go to the shop before I can bake this weekend, so that’s a bit of a pain. I may be leaving the cheesecake til tomorrow I think. Umm, and that’s about it. Wow, I really need to get out more. Oh well… laters xxx

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October 10, 2012

Thank you. Good to be back 🙂 Good luck with the diet, it definitely sounds good minus the washing up lol x

October 13, 2012

RYN: I think I’ve posted two bump pictures so far, I’ll definitely keep them up Lee Mee xXx

November 12, 2012

Awww. Thank you 😀 x

November 20, 2012

Well…..this entry was ages ago.. where have you gone???!!?? xxx