No longer alone

So, Tom’s back from his week’s work experience. He had a really good time. It sounded very good and useful – he got moved around a lot of different departments and met clients and went to court for hearings and lots of interesting things, so I think he’s really pleased to have done it. I’m really pleased to have him back though, it was so good to see him again when he got back on the Saturday. I am, however, finding it very difficult to adjust to all the mess he makes! I think the flat was the tidiest it’s ever been while he was away, and I was really productive and got lots done. I will try and keep up the productivity anyway, even if I can’t keep up the spotlessness.

Work is going a bit better. I’ve started training on sorting, which is more interesting, and the teams have swapped around a bit and now I have a new trainee, so I’m really enjoying that, although it is making it hit home how boring the work we do is. I had my mid-year review, which was very nice, and I was given a 2 for ‘outstanding’ and told that my behaviour falls within ‘role model’ standard, so obviously very pleased with that! Just need to keep it up for the next 6 months now, so I actually get a good final rating (that’s the bit that actually affects my pay and bonus). I think I’ve found a job I’m interested in as well, although not sure if the grade might be too high for me. I’m going to give it a go though, so I’m applying to that tomorrow. At the very least it will give me interview experience.

My plague is clearing up nicely, I’m almost back to normal now. I may even be able to shave my legs again soon lol.

I actually baked last weekend – I made a lemon and passion fruit tart and it was very well received considering how long it is since I’ve made anything like that. I’m going to try and keep it up this time, and next on the list is a pear and pecan strudel. I’m quite looking forward to it as I’ve never made anything like that before.

Well, that’s about all my ‘exciting’ news, and it’s nearly time for Hollyoaks, so I’m off xxx

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August 10, 2012
August 19, 2012