All alone…

Tom’s left me for a week to do some work experience with his uncle’s firm of solicitors. It’s closer to Malvern than here so he’s gone to stay at home. He only left this afternoon and I miss him already. I expected to miss him, but I felt sad as soon as he got on the train lol – what a sap I am.

I don’t think I have a great deal to update about really. Tom’s degree is finished now and he got a pass with commendation so he’s very pleased with that and spending all his time looking for jobs. No luck so far, but hopefully having this week of work experience will help.

My job is a bit rubbish at the moment as I can’t stand my team and the work is making me bored beyond belief. I am starting training on something new this week though so fingers crossed it will be something that actually involves the use of my brain. No danger of that so far though so we shall see. Haven’t had my midyear review yet, but Scott is back off holiday tomorrow so hopefully soon. Can’t find any new jobs to apply to within the bank. I was thinking of looking for a second job as I have no money, but haven’t really followed up on it yet. Might see how the review goes – maybe I’ll get such a large pay rise that I won’t need to bother. Ooh and I did actually get a pay increase the other day – of £44 a year – woop woop! (It was one of those ‘in line with inflation’ bullshit things).

I’m not really sure what to do with myself without Tom here. Usually I would be watching TV, but I’m trying to avoid the bloody Olympics. That may be the only good thing about Tom not being here – no constant sport on the TV.

I’ve got some kind of plague on my leg. I showed it to my friend who’s a pharmacist and he recommended antihistamines as I seem to be having an allergic reaction to something. I have a feeling it’s a new shaving foam which I bought, which is for sensitive skin and specially designed to not cause adverse reactions lol, but I’ve stopped using it and the plague seems to be dying down, so hopefully that was the cause and it will go away soon.

I really have nothing to say so I think I shall leave.

Byeeee xxx

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July 29, 2012

Is that Malvern UK? My aunt lives there xxx

July 29, 2012

While Tom is away watch all the shows and movies that are too Girly for him to watch with you! It will help make the time fly!

August 7, 2012

RYN: Good luck bamboo is just bamboo that’s supposed to bring you good luck with money- nothing special, just something they call it. šŸ™‚