Week Off

I think I mentioned that I’ve had this week off work, so thought I’d write a quick entry about what I’ve been upto, not that it’s been all that thrillingly exciting, but it’s nice to have something to write about. I got back from Coventry on Friday and came back to spend the evening with Tom. We didn’t really do anything, just spent the night in together, but it was lovely to see him after being away for the week. On the Saturday we met up with Matt and Ellie in town and went for lunch at The Wig and Pen, which is a restaurant we’ve only discovered recently, but which does fantastic food. Since the first time we went there, almost every meal out seems to end up being there, but definitely haven’t got tired of it just yet. We all came back to our flat afterwards and played a very long and drawn-out game of Trivial Pursuit, which Ellie ultimately won. Then in the evening, some people came round to play poker, which was fun, but fairly tame for us as it ended at about 2am rather than the usual 6am due to lack of numbers. Sunday and Monday we didn’t do a fat lot, just spent a lot of time relaxing, then on Tuesday I went and got my hair cut, which was long overdue. It doesn’t look too different, but it does look a lot better than it did. Also did a little bit of shopping while I was in town, went looking for shoes and trousers and came back having spent £70 on dresses and tops, but I got some nice stuff. Good job it’s payday tomorrow! Yesterday Tom and I spent the night in a hotel in Sheffield. I bought Tom a hotel voucher for his birthday last year so that we could go on holiday sometime without him having to worry about affording it, but we never got round to going anywhere in the summer so were going to go away this week. But in the end, we couldn’t afford to really go anywhere for more than a few nights, and Tom was worried about needing to spend time on his dissertation, so we decided to blow it on one night in the nicest hotel we could find here. And very nice it was too. We got the tram into town and checked into the hotel. Our room was lovely – it was massive and very posh and we got complimentary bathrobes and slippers and all sorts of things like that. We went to Café Rouge for lunch, which was OK, but not that brilliant. Then spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing in our room, as the weather was terrible. It was rubbish actually – it tipped it down the entire time lol. We had dinner in the hotel restaurant, which was posh and expensive as you would expect, but worth it as the food was lovely. Then went and had a quick drink in their ‘champagne bar’ and then went up to bed. We also got breakfast included in the morning, which was good, and a complimentary newspaper. So we had breakfast and then packed and came home again. It was overall really nice. Not the most exciting of holidays, but we had a good time! Tomorrow I’m going to get my nails done, which I’m looking forward to. It will be the first time I’ve ever got my nails done and not had fake nails or anything – it’s actually going to be MY nails. I’m so paranoid about breaking them before the appointment though lol. And that will be Friday so my week off will be over. Tom’s parents are coming up Saturday as Tom and his dad are going to a football match, and I might be going shopping with his mum. And we might be playing poker again tomorrow night, but that’s about all we’ve got planned for the rest of the week.

So there you have it – it hasn’t been the most exciting or event-filled week off, but it’s been nice and relaxing, and I’ve enjoyed it.

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May 14, 2012

Getting away is always nice! I hope you guys enjoyed your time away!