Easter Weekend

I had a lovely long weekend over the bank holiday. I took Thursday off so after work on Wednesday Tom and I drove back home. We stayed there until our return on Sunday afternoon and a thoroughly nice time was had by all. Or by me anyway. So, Wednesday night we went to the hotel for a drink. Thursday, everyone except me and Tom were at work so we both did some essay writing and then had a nice roast lunch with my parents. In the evening we went for an Indian with friends and then to Wetherspoons. Friday, Tom was being grumpy and still essay-writing, but I went on an epic hill walk with everyone else. It was lovely and sunny and fun but exhausting. Tom and Robin joined us at the hotel at the end where we had icecream and drinks. Then we all went home for about an hour and then went back into Malvern to a pub for the night. Saturday we didn’t do a lot in the day, but went to Ffion’s for a BBQ in the afternoon/evening. And then on Sunday we went up for another roast, this time at Tom’s house, and then drove back up here.

So it was a lovely weekend overall. I also went jogging while I was at home. Twice! I’m starting to do the C25K programme actually, and have a really good app on my phone for it so it’s going well so far, although I do need new trainers. I bumped into Jonathon from my old work in Morrisons, which was nice. He told me some interesting things, but I sort of wish it was someone else I’d met because he does bullshit a lot and I have no idea how much of what he told me was true. I played many games of crib with my parents. I did manage to write my essay – or most of it – while I was home. It’s finished now so I’m going to submit it in a moment. And then my Shakespeare course is over. But it’s OK because my next one has just started. I’m doing ‘The Story of Maths’ this time. Everyone either goes ‘ooh that sounds interesting’ or ‘eurgh that sounds awful’ lol, but luckily I think it looks fascinating. Can’t think of much else to say about the weekend, except that Ffion did my head in because she was a grumpy cow the whole time, but apart from that I had a lovely time.

I also have a rather full weekend planned this week. On Friday Matt is coming round in the daytime – hoping for nice weather but it’s looking like rain apparently so we may stay in and cook a roast (wow – all about the roasts in this entry). Plus I need to make my weekend cakes (obviously) – drizzled honey cakes this week. Then in the evening we’re having people round to play poker, which should be very fun. Saturday, probably get up late due to the (potentially all-night) poker, and in the evening going out for a meal with Chris and Kyle as Kyle is shortly moving to London to start a new job. Sunday we are travelling down to Woking to go to my sister’s 50th birthday so that should be fun. We’re staying the night and then travelling back on Monday. So, another fun-filled weekend it should be!

I think there were other interesting things to say, but I forget and as this is the longest entry I’ve written in a while, I think I’ll leave it there for now.


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May 6, 2011
May 17, 2011

Glad to read an update!!!