quick catch-up

I kept meaning to write this month, but somehow never got round to it. Still, it’s not quite the end of the month yet so I’ve done better than usual. So, news…

Mine and Tom’s anniversary was lovely. We went to Brown’s and the food was absolutely amazing. We had their ‘taster menu’, which is 7 courses for about 40 quid. We were absolutely stuffed afterwards, but it was so so good. And I was very adventurous (for me), trying scallops and cod (don’t do fish). We had cocktails and then Tom stayed the night at mine afterwards. It was a lovely night.

I’ve started my OU course, which I’m loving. I’ve really missed learning and just making notes and things like that feels great after doing nothing for a year. It is all a bit complicated and confusing though, but hopefully it will all make sense by the end and I will actually pass!

Work has been fine. Same old same old I guess. Emma will be gone in about a month and we haven’t sorted out a replacement yet. Steve is now talking about getting a temp from an agency, but if we get someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing it will basically mean that I have twice as much work to do as I would if we didn’t get anyone in. I’d have to be explaining everything to them all the time and I’m not up for that at all.

Tom and I still haven’t found anywhere to live, but we’re now pretty committed to renting somewhere. I’m going to take Thursday off this week so that we can go and look at some places, so hopefully something will happen soon. I can’t wait to be living with him!

Not much else to say really. Ah well, that’ll do!

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