
23 – Say Happy Birthday to everyone I am ‘friends’ with on Facebook for one year.

I’ve never really been one of those people who spend all their time on facebook. I only really look on it when someone’s sent me a message or I’ve been tagged in something. I don’t really have that many friends on it – I don’t tend to really ever add anyone on it. I do, however, accept pretty much any friend requests. I can only think of one person who I have refused to become friends with and that was a girl from uni who I really didn’t like and I never really understood why she added me. But when it comes to being friends with people who I don’t really know or I’m not even entirely sure who they are – I’m all up for that. As a result, I have a lot of ‘friends’ that I never ever speak to. So I thought that this would be a good way for me to have some contact with these people, even if it is only for one day a year. It was quite interesting doing it, the amount of people that I had literally never spoken to on facebook before. There were also a fair few people who I said Happy Birthday to and then thought ‘who on earth is that?’ and then removed them from my friends lol. So it was also quite a good exercise in cutting down my friend list.

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